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Received during "The House of Many Mansions"A Stranger
Received during "Pre-Earthly Planning for the Work"Miss Gurney
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Received during "Call to Come up Higher"Mr Schriener
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Received during "Children of the Light"Ethel Morgan
Received during "The Barrenness of the Land and the Capacity for Growth"Mr Hetherington
Received during "The Barrenness of the Land and the Capacity for Growth"Rev. Arthur Chambers
Received during "The Physical Will"Captain R.F. Scott
Received during "The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon Man"General Booth
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Received during "No Sparrow Falls to the Ground Without the Knowledge of its Creator"Mrs Alder - "Trust in God"
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Received during "Partial Faith"Archdeacon Wilberforce - Earth Life a Reflection of Spirit Life
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Received during "Spirits and the Spiritualising of Self"Ethel Morgan - The Music of the Spheres
Received during "Suffering and the Great Controlling Power"May Crane - Symbols of Spiritual Beauty
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Received during "God's Love Towards Humanity as a Whole"General Booth - The Gospel of Unlimited Love
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Received during "Divine Justice"Mrs Grant - Died in a Workhouse Infirmary
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Received during "Earth and Spirit Values"Mother St. Agnus - The Power of Love
Received during "Physical Life"Mrs Harvey - An Indian Lady
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Received during "Development"David Livingstone - The Responsibility of Knowing Christ
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