An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 17th January, 1926.
"Divine Spirit of Love, we bless Thy Name and we thank Thee that ever Thou thinkest of us and for us, and that as we pass through our various experiences, everything that is needful comes to hand...
"O understanding Mind of Love, give us the faith to look beyond brief today and to see the glory of those many tomorrows to come, when the remaining barriers between Thy children on earth and those in the Spirit will be broken down, the hedges of misunderstanding rooted up and the wonderful free country of revelation will lie open to them - to all those who have sought so diligently, those who, with faith, yet, without that greater faith which they long may be their own, have still trudged forward seeking to obey Thy Will, endeavouring to follow the dictates of the spirit within...
"Father, we have so much to thank Thee for, so much for which gratitude - aye, and again gratitude - arises in that mind which sees and comprehends. Grant that it may be possible, even as Thy children desire, that the sense of gratitude and the reason for gratitude may filter through to their physical understanding and that the unity between the mind of the body and the mind of the spirit may be complete...
"O help us to be stronger, to be wiser, and to reach those heights of holy thought which all Thy children long shall be their own... Listening to the purity of the Spirit, so that longing arises in the heart to be able to catch some fragment of the beauty it represents... Father, Thou understandest all this, and Thou hast told us that what the children of the earth desire while still bound by physical restrictions and limitations, shall be their own when they step into freedom - yes, that purity, that holiness which seems, during the earth stages, to be so elusive, to represent but an ideal which still lies afar off...
"Bless us tonight with illumination, and grant that faith may be present in tangible form and that Thy work may be carried through with steadfastness... Amen...
"...My little children, we have much to do tonight, and so I ask you for your entire attention; I ask you to give out of yourselves, to keep at bay as much as possible the thoughts which so naturally flit through the physical mind, and in so doing to be certain that you are strengthening that part of yourself which matters more than all the rest - you are giving strength to the soul which longs to express itself in spiritual terms...
"You see, dear children, God's ways are not as the ways of the world; God works on straight lines, on lines of such exquisite mercy, of such enveloping Love; but it is a little difficult, I know, to get away from those impressions which have been forced on the mind of the body since your early years. Right back, long before you entered upon the physical stage, the mind of man had been influenced by a variety of causes - powers and forces - of which he was entirely ignorant.
"It is the custom when things go wrong, or when strife seizes humanity in its strangle-grip, to account for such events in a physical way, but rarely is this anything but the surface of the truth. Wars happen on what, to you, seems a tremendous scale; discord is rife in social life; disharmony enters the home - and those who suffer, those who are unwilling partakers, say to themselves: 'If only that one had not done this, if only that remark had not been made'... if only, if only, if only. And in their own minds, they place what has happened entirely on those little occurrences, those chance words, seeking not the real explanation...
"I want, tonight, to make it quite clear that the roots of discord and strife go down very deep indeed. Ah, my children, those roots go back through the centuries, and again I say much time must elapse before man is sufficiently freed from self to show that beauty of growth, of blossom, and of attainment, which God meant and which God is working to bring to pass. The power of evil is of so varied a kind that it is difficult to represent its scope to you, but I told you before that those who turn from the Light to the darkness, when free from the body, are still bound to the thoughts, to the impulses connected with the body...
"Tonight, dear children, I want to lead you on a step, and to speak about: 'The Protection of Obedience'.
"On the one hand, you get unlimited free-will with its consequences; and on the other, you get unlimited protection if you obey the voice of the spirit within... At once you see where the advantage lies; but the majority, so blinded by earth values, fail to see any personal benefit at all in obedience to God... This, then, we will discuss together, and as I go along I will try and - in the limited time at my disposal - answer the thoughts which arise so naturally in regard to a subject like this...
"Passing on from the scope of the evil, from the ingrained tendency of those who are, as you would say, evil - that tendency to make others equally evil; passing on from all that - the tragedy of it, the wide-spreading influence, the devastating effect upon the development of the individual and the freeing of that which is Divine within - I ask you to take the other aspect, that of the protection which obedience brings.
"Children, right back in what to you seems the far distant past, God, using the medium of one of His faithful servants, gave certain injunctions which you call the Commandments. They were framed to fit the need of the time, for - you must remember - humanity at that stage was comparatively undeveloped so far as the physical and spiritual minds were concerned. In this case I bracket the two together, but it is hardly necessary for me to remind you that an untutored physical mind in no way expresses that the mind of the spirit is equally bound.
"But in those early days, when strange gods and still stranger theories and doctrines held the attention of the majority, it is correct to say that in the main these children of the earth were in an elementary stage mentally and spiritually - I am referring to those whom you call the Children of Israel.
"So, using the only form which would make an impression on their minds - that of command - in order to protect His little ones - so open to influence, so prone to listen to the suggestions of the shadows - God said: 'Thou shalt not', and again: 'Thou shalt not'... And the injunctions so given did their work in a way I have no words to convey. By the very imperative character of the command, they saved, again and again, these children of humanity from themselves and, as of course you know, from those terrible processes of retrievement when the body was no more...
"Children, these injunctions stand today, but what I want you to consider is this - and I speak to those who are spiritually awakened, to my children wherever they may be, to those who wish to do God's will, those who wish to protect and preserve the wonderful gift of Divinity within:
"Children, the Commandments relate, in the main, to what you would deem crude sins; they apply to those who, as yet, have not obtained any mastery over themselves. It is, as some of you think, rather an absurdity to say to a man or a woman who has been trained to walk in the straight and narrow path, or even to one whose spiritual education has been limited to what you call Ethics - it seems almost absurd to tell such as these that they must not steal, they must do no murder. The answer comes at once: 'I never had any intention of committing those sins of the flesh because my self-respect would forbid it'...
"You see, dear children, primitive instincts - whatever form they may take - are supposed to be worked out or to be controlled by civilisation and its companion, education. But could you look into the hearts and minds of mankind you would find that civilisation has had no such effect on vast numbers...
"But tonight, I am speaking directly to those who have, in a measure, emancipated themselves from primitive impulses, to those who recognise that they owe a duty to their manhood or their womanhood, and, again, to those who recognise God as their Father.
"Children, when thoughtful men and women recognise the Divine which is within, when the longing arises in heart and mind to keep the faith with God and with themselves, then temptation assumes a far subtler form than is embraced by those injunctions which you call the Commandments.
"And so, tonight, quite naturally I lead you on to the second interpretation of right living and right thinking - I remind you of the words of the Holy Master when He withdrew from the valley and climbed, in a measure, physical heights, in order to more fitly explain those spiritual heights to which all could attain. You will remember that Christ altered the whole tone of the injunctions given to the children of the earth. Instead of saying: 'Thou shalt not', He conveyed the wonderful truth of our spiritual affinity with God by using the Commandments to reflect what an enormous stride there is between the first and the second; and in that there is a hope expressed which it is impossible to describe. Unconsciously, for the most part, humanity had travelled a little farther on the road of spiritual knowledge; yet remember this: That as in the first case, so it was in the second - God or Christ, Christ or God, spoke for the future, held up an ideal - and in the very act proclaimed to all the world His faith in the freeing of man from his lesser self...
"There are some who will say to me in thought: 'But even after this long span of time, how few follow the teaching of Christ!' And again I answer: Look at the Master and follow His example - have faith and hope in what the future will produce...
"Children, cannot you see it was a big point gained that it was possible for Christ to speak in those same tones to the masses who listened and would listen? Cannot you see that the mere fact that the note of command was absent, showed that, in a measure, the children of the earth were growing up, were becoming more responsible and more responsive as well?...
"And then, dear children, lest you should think I have got a little far away from the subject of our conversation, I remind you that in both cases obedience brought and brings its protection, and that disobedience brings its long reckoning in the days which are to come. Those who sin against the body sometimes reap dire results of that weakness during the physical stage; those who sin against the Spirit - ah, these too are not only beset by many enemies while on earth, but when they are released from the protection of the body they are brought face to face with forces that sometimes are of a character which would cause dismay to the one most bent on following inclination...
"Children, I remind you once more that I use that word 'sin' because it only conveys to your mind the meaning I wish to portray, but remember always that weakness and frailty or that spiritual ignorance which takes the form of deliberate wilfulness - all these things are regarded by us as something which has got to be reconstructed, something which has got to be grappled with and never relinquished until God's purpose is worked out...
"That protection of obedience - oh, my children, if humanity only could realise what it is throwing away. I speak in regard to physical, moral and spiritual things: If man could but grasp it - he is surrounded now and for ever by laws of the Spirit, which are framed entirely for his deliverance from those out to destroy... Ah, and again I say: If man could but see the protection which right thinking and right living brings as a natural result so indeed he would forsake for ever the downward path which leads inevitably into distress and anguish as well.
"But, my children, fearing I may make you sad, I want to turn your attention to the bright side, I want to speak this evening in no uncertain tones about the plans of God for those who love Him, those who endeavour to serve Him, those who indeed would be more like Him if they could only find the strength within.
"Many such as these, on looking round on the facts of their lives, on going back over the past and in imagination anticipating the future, are not certain in regard to a very important point, and that is whether happiness during the physical stage is meant to be their own possession. Nay, rather it seems like this: So long they have endeavoured to find complete consolation in Christ, that they fear that anything of the earth may be a weapon used by the forces of darkness to rob them of that advantage which they have gained...
"I understand so well these thoughts. They arise from loyalty to the nobler self; they spring entirely from that apprehension that in an unwary moment they may be taken off their guard, and as a result God will punish them, 'and rightly so'...
"Children, once more I remind you of what I told you long since in regard to consulting God over the details of your daily life. So often it happens, that decisions have to be made and you wonder whether this is wise, whether that is right, and the mind of the body feeling so caged and being able to see so little of what lies in front - that mind grows weary, and the longing comes for direct guidance, for the word which shall say once and for all: 'Yes', or 'No'.
"Children, all those who love God have been through that, and because it is the Father's will that this worry should be taken from you, I was told to explain that, again, controlled by a spiritual law, you cannot make mistakes if you go in faith to Christ and ask for guidance. When you pray - oh, remember this - remember that because you are in need, because it is your earnest desire to do the right thing - whether it means sorrow instead of joy - the mere fact that you wish to be guided by God ensures, without any possibility of anything going wrong, that God will direct you into not only the right path but into that path which His Love has laid down that you should travel on...
"I speak to my children present, and I ask them to be certain that these words come from Truth Itself. If you ask and then doubt that you have acted aright, so then that is doubting Divine Love. It is impossible to overemphasise this. Through the ages, man has tortured himself over these misgivings, but I say the course is clear: 'Ask and ye shall receive' - act in faith and be certain that God has blessed you with understanding His will - His will in regard to your physical lives...
"And then, dear children, as to the next stage in regard to obedience and the protection which it brings. Recalling to your minds again those whom you name the Children of Israel, think you like this: When, at last, after their weary wanderings, after the bleakness and barrenness of the desert, they finally entered into the land which had been promised to them, was their attitude the attitude of so many since?
"We, looking into the hearts and minds of the children of God, we see this so often: The land of sweet content lies in front of all those who have endeavoured to do God's will, and very often this condition of peace and happiness is given into their own possession while physical life remains - indeed, it is a preparation, as I told you before, for that fuller, more glorious life in the Spirit after the little earth stage is run...
"Children, it is not wise - it is destructive to God's plans - if, when that promised land is nearly reached, the pilgrims doubt whether, after all, it was meant for them. And there are some - aye, there have been many - who, even on the threshold, have turned back into the wilderness, into that condition where the sadnesses of life hold undisputed sway.
"You will remember that those early travellers were tortured by no such fears. They, as little children, had taken God at His word - God had promised them that land for their own, and when they saw it their hearts leaped with gladness and they rejoiced. No thought of hidden dangers or menaces which would spoil the beauty of the possession troubled them at all. They knew they had enemies to face but these enemies were in the open, which makes all the difference, and because of their faith, even those enemies withdrew.
"In this there is a parable applicable to all, and I want my children, however far away they may be, to ponder on it and to try and emulate that simple faith which sent a vast concourse forward into the unknown, into that which was indeed the Promised Land...
"Oh, my children, God is not mocked, and though the evil may be strong, before that Strength so they must depart. Listen and take comfort, and, above all, trust your Heavenly Father who knows what is best for you; believe that it is His will that not only should the sorrow-side of physical life be presented to you but also the holy joy, that consciousness of His Father-love and over-seeing care - that that is part of the plan, and it is His will that it should come to pass...
"Yes, sorrow does its work, and, again, the joy which has been earned by sorrow is the linking up between God and yourselves, the finishing touch to the pattern which has been worked in with so much labour over the years; for God is a God of joy, a God of Love, and He delights to give His children that which represents light and hope and happiness...
"Obedience to God, following the quiet Voice of the Spirit within, asking for guidance, and then being certain that the guidance is there... Oh, remember the promise of Love Itself. Brightness and beauty in all its myriad forms, is the right, is the heritage, of those who have endeavoured to walk with God and to obey Him in the measure that they understand...
"And now, my children, I will leave you for a little while. My child is a little cold but we shall work through with your help, and those ordained by the Master of us all, they wait to speak..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...My dear children, I am not going to keep you longer this evening but I wish to underline that aspect of truth which has been given to you tonight. It should explain much in your lives, it should give you the key to the sorrowful path that you have trod; you should be able, viewing things with spiritual sight, to say and to mean: 'I alone am responsible for what has taken place!'.
"This indeed is God's truth. There are those around you, imbued with power from the Father, who could have lifted from you every burden that you have had to carry, but taking our direction from God, so we knew it was treachery to love to stand between you and the spirit's desire...
"My children, have I not told you that of necessity sorrow must be turned to joy, struggle to achievement, fighting to that spiritual victory which means not only a battle fought on your own account - but what is more important still - the power to influence others to be strong when a similar temptation lies before them...
"Oh, my children, cannot you see how much there is to learn, and as you learn that each fresh aspect but reveals more and still more of God's Love? So then, my children, bringing you back to the subject with which I started, I ask you to be certain that because you have put personal desire and inclination on one side, because you have separated yourselves from the world in its worldly sense, so God has opened to you that vast realm of Spirit, and there on every side you shall find that which shall bring peace to your mind, comfort to your heart, and light on your path for evermore...
"God bless you with understanding - and more than that – with faith to pass on that understanding to others... Fear nothing, be courageous over your seen and unseen enemies, and remember that temptation can be turned into a blessing, for those who escape temptation have not started to climb the hill to God...
"Faith and trust and understanding - those seeds planted in the mind of the body, have been thrown off from the Mother-tree in the mind of the Spirit, but they have taken root - thank God, they have taken root...
"Goodnight, my children, and think ever more lovingly of your companions in the Spirit, who are linked to you by a million ties, and who will never leave you through all those stages which lie in front... Goodnight, my little ones..."
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