An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 18th July, 1926.
"Father of all Love, Thou who understandest the human heart and mind, be with us tonight and grant that illumination may come.
"O Christ hear our prayers; prepare our hearts and give unto us that which each one seeks - the power to penetrate into those things which are of Thee... As we turn to our task, let the consciousness of Thy Love cover us even as a garment, so that the enemies who battle without and those thoughts which strive within, may be as naught, because in Thy Love we not only find protection but strength and courage to go on.
"O God, turn us from thinkers into fighters. Create within, a desire so strong to serve that nothing will hold us back. Give unto us the light which is revelation, and teach us how to pass on that revelation to others; for we know that only in pursuing this path can we follow Christ, can we link ourselves with Thee, O Thou Saviour of mankind. Help us tonight to do Thy work in Thy way; to lay aside desires for this and desires for that, and to enter into the silence, that silence which is preparation for the Holiness which lies in front...
"Father, leaning on Thee and on Thy promises, we continue our work in faith, in trust, certain that Thou art with us and that Thou wilt not withhold the power... Father, we thank Thee...
"...My children, tonight we meet once more for God's holy purpose, and I want you, little ones of my heart, to lay aside all preconceived notions of this and of that, and as little children, confident that they are guided, to come with me in thought, remembering always that though I speak to you direct, yet it is God's will that my teaching - that which I cull from the Perfect Mind - should be passed on to many others, not only those upon the earth plane, but to those who are striving, and those, who, as yet have not found the strength to strive, who are in those conditions which abound in so comprehensive a way that you - fettered by physical restrictions of thought - could not understand...
"Oh, my children, as I stand in your presence, the thought which holds my mind is the generosity of God to me and to you. Yes, you have provided, out of your store, that which you could find, that which you thought would be acceptable to the Most High - but even as you presented it with love, so the conviction came as to how little you had to offer and how much was to be bestowed. And I too - a little farther along the journey of life maybe, a little more experienced in those things which never pass away - I too, am staggered by the generosity of the Father, by His patience, By His stupendous Love...
"Oh, my children, never forget that you - because the will is there to be used for this sacred work - that you are under the direct blessing which comes to all who seek to serve, who have laid aside the things of the world, their many influences and the multitude of distractions which they present. The blessing is showered upon you in ways so numerous that I cannot attempt to enter into them tonight, but that blessing is like a tree whose branches are spread in all directions, aye, and the leaves of that tree, caught by the wind of faith, go farther still, over the land, over the waters, away beyond your ken...
"This is the blessing which God holds out to all, but how few want it, how few contribute even their little in order to fasten it to them. They value it not; the toys of the world, its possessions take first place, and the blessing, because it is not represented in material gain, is overlooked. They have forgotten from whence they came...
"But tonight it is God's will that I speak upon a subject which oft has been treated before, yet the wisdom which lies within it scarce has been disturbed. The surface of Truth suffices for the needs of the majority, and the toil, the effort necessary for the digging out, ah, that is not forthcoming, and so the treasure lies hidden for a while; yet it is not the Father's will that the treasure should ne'er be discovered, for the treasure is there for the children of the earth to make their own.
"Tonight then, I speak upon: 'Belief and Sight', and I want you to go back in memory to the Sacred Record, and to learn once more the lessons within it, as laid out by the lives of those men and women of olden time who were tested by God, yes, because the spirit within was sure, because the spirit within was strong...
"Think you of the one you call Abraham, and place yourself in his position: Ask yourself how you would have stood that test which came to him, away back in those ancient days before man had the gift of Christ and the illumination which He brought.
"Yet, as I have told you before, Christ in God worked amongst man - the humanity of the Lord God of all was the same then as today, and will be the same for ever. Yet to His servant this test came. Unduly severe, some would think, but the spirit within had seen God and understood, and while the mind of the body struggled with its half-awakened consciousness, yet shepherded by the Spirit, it swerved not from the difficult path.
"Children, think you how you would answer, how you would face that problem of serving God and holding on to Love, if you were asked to offer up your child, your beloved child, the one who was more to you than life itself, the one who was the joy of your days, the one whose childish actions solaced your mind at night. Think how you would answer if the test came, not only to offer up your child, but even to sever the life with your own hands.
"These things took place in olden times before men understood what physical life led to, before the revelation came as to the Great Hereafter, as to the purpose and the plan...
"And then I take you on to that greatest character of all, the one you call Job. And though it has taken much preparation, aye, and much toil of Spirit, casting aside the years which lie between you, by the grace of God, the one you name Job is in your presence tonight, drawn by the love of the child I use...
"Yes, there are many, who, in reading that narrative, have wondered on the ways of God. There are those who love Christ and who obey the Father, who have sought to reconcile in their mind the handing over, so it seems, of the faithful servant into the enemy's camp, and though the thought has been forbidden, again it has come back: 'I could not have done that'. Yes, there are those who have given up their will to the Divine will, who have sent their doubts marching fast; they do not understand but they say: 'God's ways are best - it is one of those mysteries which we were not meant to unravel at this stage'...
"But to such as these I speak: I bid them think again, aye, I bid them go back on the very words of the narrative itself, and therein they will find no mystery, but God at work. That story, dear children, symbolises so much more than man can understand because he has bound himself; yet, in the life of the one you name Job, so in miniature, the involutionary and evolutionary stages of man are set forth for those to read who have penetrated beyond the threshold of things material into that which you name Revelation - that which indeed is as a glint of the golden sun which radiates in those realms, conditions, spheres, and planes, which are beyond your comprehension now.
"So typical of daily life, so typical of the physical mind, there were many to condemn, there were few to comprehend, and Job stood out, in spite of his rebellion, as the one who understood his God the best.
"Aye, there were the so-called friends, the false comforters, who, though the distress which bound Job was sore, laid not balm upon his wounds but rather whipped that which was agony itself. Blind - blind to the ways of God, they arraigned that man, their friend, as someone who had sinned - unconsciously though it might be - as one who had called down upon himself the just punishment of an outraged God. Yet even while they spoke, the spirit within the tortured body cried out: 'No, God is not like that'.
"Oh, read you those passages again, and you will find that in spite of a broken heart, in spite of that spiritual anguish, through it all Job knew that this was not the reason, that there was something beyond, that there was a lost key which could open the door to explanation...
"And then, dear children, came the one who tried, as a friend should try, to enlarge the Spirit-consciousness within, to find an outlet in that way which has won man again and again - by calling on his faith, by reasoning with him, by trying to bring a sense of proportion between his sufferings, manifold as they might be, and the power, the creative power of God and the multitude under His care.
"Yet, dear children, that was only one step towards the Truth - the Truth as it was then, the Truth as it is today, the Truth as it remains for ever...
"Then sleep fell upon Job. His heart and mind had been somewhat soothed, not by the words so much as by the real compassion which was animating his friend; yes, in the mitigation of that fierce agony which tortured the mind and found a reflection in the body, so Job fell asleep, and, so it seemed to him, the Voice of God spoke direct...
"Children, those travels of Job mean so much to the world, so much to humanity at large. The Voice of God spoke to him through the sight of the spiritual mind, and because of the price paid in suffering, so the remembrance of the vision remained. He travelled far and wide; he saw the mighty Hand of God at work; he witnessed His care, His many provisions for those innumerable creations under His charge; and as he saw, so the Truth came to him, and so once more the Father and His child were united - united, never more to find separation again...
"But the point I would underline is this: That even in the throes of his agony, in those worst periods of his blindness, the spirit within, inspiring the mind of the body, enabled him to say: 'I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that one day, though this body may be as dust, yet in my body I shall see God'.
"Oh, most magnificent triumph of faith - and what a contrast to his listeners, to his counsellors, who, out of their reasoning, portrayed the Father of mankind as a monster without even the feelings of the lowest parent on earth - yea, destitute of those instincts which makes the animal fight for its young...
"In his agony, in his doubts and misgivings, Job showed himself stronger than all the rest. Life as life was nothing to him; he craved to be brought to God direct; he knew that God was not as portrayed by those around; he was conscious that if only he could meet the Father, then he would understand that God would not withhold the explanation that he craved...
"And then, dear children, passing from blindness into sight, in that wonderful trance when the physical was forgotten, when the treacheries of his so-called friends could no more be heard, then he had his heart's desire, and God spoke to him, not in words - for that is not the way of God - but He showed him the purpose and the plan, showed him that the spirit within was strong, was pure; that Job himself had taken on this test for Love's sake, realising that only through tribulation could he emerge into the revelation of those things which last for ever...
"My children, so wonderful are the ways of God, so limited are the ways of man; so gigantic is the Father's Heart, so shut in are those restricted feelings within the heart of man, who out of his ignorance, judges God by his own standards and is unconscious of the treachery of the act...
"I say that never man was more severely tested than Job; and though the children of the earth, in reviewing his life, have sought to censure him for his lack of faith, the God of all refrained and cast no criticism upon him. The God of all knew that His child loved Him; he understood the torture of his spiritual blindness and the impossibility of readjusting what was the Giver of all good things. God condemned not, but He showed that Job was greater than his critics, more faithful, purer, with a clearer conception of what it meant to be a son of God - of that wonderful link between the Father and His child.
"That is the past, and now I bring you to the present, yet each bears upon the other; and those who, in ancient days, fought their troubles and in the end prevailed, these, right down the ages, have sent their strength to others who have faltered beneath their cross - aye, and fallen - yet, by their aid, have arisen and carried it a further span...
"Children, in the world today - and all days - there are those who exclaim: 'If I saw for myself, I could believe, but faith crumbles in taking the word of another'. 'Yes', they say, 'but this is due caution, this is true judgment'.
"Belief and Sight: Tonight, my little ones, I lift you up from the lowlands, and I place you on the highlands of spiritual thought. I say to you that though you may gain courage and confidence from sights, in comparison, sight is like the twilight compared to the light which faith represents.
"The twilight may lead on to the full day, or again, it may lead on to the dark night, but the day is day, and faith shown in spite of obstacles, in spite of the doubts of others, in spite of the treacheries of your own mind - that faith is not only a tool for the present, but it represents power unimaginable by you when the body is no more...
"So then, I speak to all: I remind them that though God gives sight to many, yet when the sight has been bought by the suffering inflicted by the working on by faith alone, that sight is revelation. That sight which has been gifted to some is good, if it is used in the highest sense; but the thing which constructs the foundation on which you climb to God is erected during the blind stages, when, as children, you put your little materials together in faith, answering to the call of obedience, and ever withstanding the misgivings of your own hearts...
"I cannot emphasise too strongly that the way to God is steep if it is direct. There are countless ways to God, but they take the traveller hither and thither, through many strange lands where Truth is unknown; they take the pilgrim round and round the track of desire, yet, when that is circumvented, still the hill lies in front, and time and effort has been squandered.
"So to those who love the Master, I send out once more His call. I tell them that sight lies in front, but only when faith has been tested, only when the will has remained firm. And when that time comes, belief, ah, that is no more, for over those many theories built up in the human mind, something lovely, something of God, has been thrown - and that is faith.
"And when faith comes, belief in this and belief in that seems of little importance; they have emerged out of the passive into the active, and they are on the road towards sight, towards revelation. Through the door of trouble they pass, and once within, their sorrows fall from them, and in their glorious robes of understanding they are ready to pursue the Wisdom which lies in front...
"My children, tonight we have left the plane of belief for ever and for ever. You - my little ones present - over the years have worked on by faith alone, and, listening to my voice, so you have sought not from others the prop of their sight to give you that confidence in yourselves and in your mission, which some felt they so badly required. And because of this, tonight I unveil that little portion of Truth which has been gifted to you by Christ Himself; and I say that though that precious sight has been withheld, there has been built up that which shall take you into God's Holy Land unencumbered by the things of the earth...
"And then to my child, Margaret (Mrs. Hoare) I would speak - and this but illustrates how, in blindness, sight was not withheld...
"Child, go back on the past when your troubles held you fast. In those days, for your consolation, so the one I use was shown that which represented a little picture which portrayed the conditions of your life. But tonight I tell you that that was no picture, it was Christ Himself who was seen... There, in the naked room, alone in your grief, so you thought, you lingered, stripped of all that which the world had to give. Blind, yes, but sight was given to another to comfort the pangs of your heart; and lo, as the enemy beat upon the door without, so the Christ was seen within - quiet, gentle, yet overseeing everything - between you and your enemies was the Lord God of all.
"The child I use saw Christ, yet thought it was but a 'picture' to solace you in your sorrow... And the Holy Master... No radiant garments, no sceptre in His Hand, no symbol of power or of office on His sacred person, nay, even His garments seemed to take a duller hue to harmonise with the grief which was within. Oh, remember this, my child, that when the world had taken from you everything that it had to give, in your vibrations you had that which it was beyond its power to bestow. You had the greatest, the grandest gift of all - the Christ Presence, which stood between you and the enemies that were around.
"In this, dear child, read much; it is symbolical of the present and of the future too. As you go to take your little rest, say to yourself: 'Possessions of the world I have none, but the greatest treasure of all was given to me while I was blind - while I was blind'...
"So we pass out of tribulation into revelation, out of not knowing into full explanation, and changing our thoughts, reversing our attitude towards life, we look back and we call not these incidents 'troubles', but we recognise them, at last, as the treasure they represent...
"I prophesy once more, and it is in regard to the child I use: Much sight shall be vouchsafed to her - but for others. The instruments of the Most High, in regard to themselves, remain blind and bound, for only by this can they remain suitable for use, worthy vessels to pass on that which the Father has to bestow...
"And now to the stranger present I would speak (Mrs. Thuillier) regarding this same Truth:
"Child, there have been many forces in your life, there have been enemies, aye, physical and spiritual, but anon so the friends of Christ have triumphed, and so you joined hands with those whose mission is work for God.
"This is your responsibility in the days to come: In the days to come, there will be those who will be set against you, and the tests of the past have but built up strength for the tests of the future. But when you say to yourself: 'Can I fight through?' - even as you say it, answer: 'With Christ I am all strength, all courage'.
"When you pass hence, your life shall be represented thus: The high road, where the busy throng presses; and the quiet wood, where the violets grow, ah, sweet in their fragrance and purity. And now and again, one passing, attracted by that quiet retreat, shall leave his companions and enter in; and lo, when he takes up the journey of his life again, the sweetness and the purity of the violet shall go with him...
"That is your part, and a part which has been blessed by God; but remember that the forces of physical life are numerous, for the thoughts of humanity have lent them strength... Now and again this comes to some: 'Oh, for a wider scope; oh, to do the big things for which my spirit longs!' But the Spirit is peace, the Spirit is rest for others - and if the temptation comes to change the character of your spiritual life, resist it with all your might and main...
"There are flowers upon this little earth, and there are those who represent the flowers of the Spirit. Blessed are they who leave on the minds of others sweetness and purity, for these things are of God.
"Many gather around you, free from the body. They bring to you gifts in varying degree, but tonight they have asked me to pass on the gift of warning, aye, the most precious, the most useful gift that can be found - the warning of temptation, the warning of tests; to draw aside the curtain of the future, and to tell you that your part is the highest and the best, the sweetest and the purest: The childlike faith and the certainty of God's Love...
"Hold this picture fast in your mind, and, by the Spirit of God within you, attract those of the world into the silence of the wood, and lay upon their fevered minds the cool balm of the memory of that which you have given out...
"Children, I will leave you now, but again and again I must return to that subject of: 'Belief and Sight', for so little has been understood concerning it, so little has been explained to those bound by their ignorance of things as they are.
"But remember that the thought tonight is this: That faith without sight is the highest of all (John. 20:29). Yet, because God is your loving Father, to those who have found within themselves the will to pursue the path without sight, then shall be gifted to them not the sight of the physical world, or of those conditions so little removed from the material, but revelation itself...
"And now I go. Hold fast to the peace within this room, for we build for the future and today passes away..."
(Others then spoke...)
"...Good evening, friends. It's your old friend Livingstone, and I've come tonight to say just a few words, and I know in advance that you'll listen to me patiently... It's curiously familiar here, and yet my life was so strangely different, there would scarcely be a point of contact, so you would think, but physical conditions, well, they have very little power when spirit meets spirit and finds understanding...
"Tonight, I want to talk to you about the responsibility of knowing Christ. You see my life in lonely places - lonely because deliberately I cut myself off from my own kind - my life taught me much regarding other peoples; and the thing that struck me most was their criticism, their intuitive criticism. The English man or the English woman, out in those so-called foreign parts, is under the eye of the multitude, for the word is passed on from one to the other; and the little things we do and the little things we don't do, well, they are put under a microscope, and very often we don't show up in a light which is flattering, and sometimes we depict to others the weakness and the frailty of a race that goes out to teach others...
"That's my point. We represent not only the English race, but we represent Christ. And those children of Nature are not deceived; they watch us, they not only listen with their ears, but that critical faculty within is weighing us up, and how often are we found wanting.
"And that applies at home as well. You see, Mrs. Moyes, I was a simple man, I thought, yes, but instinctively I retreated from all those labyrinths of thought which attract so many and which attracted a number of my friends. Somehow, it seemed to me that we were not meant to make God complicated or His ways difficult to understand. And I taught the children under me - children in understanding, yet old, old men and women in that intuitive way which staggered me again and again - I taught them on simple lines; I laid down no creed or doctrines that could be avoided; I showed them the Christ on earth, not only as God but as a loving man...
"It was difficult, you know, and yet their consciousness of spirits - good spirits and bad spirits - simplified it in one sense. I tried to bring them the consciousness of the Christ Presence. They could believe that, but where they failed - and all my ingenuity could not overcome it - they couldn't grasp the Love side. The punishment - they expected that. The little misfortunes which so constantly overtook them, ah, that was avenging some past misdeed; they'd burnt the rice or they'd forgotten to obey some little direction I had given them, and it was my God punishing them for their carelessness - my God enraged that I'd been, as it were, slighted by my servants.
"Yes, it was the Love side that made the difficulty, and I struggled again and again with those who loved me best. I talked to them like this - I put myself before them: Did they trust me? Oh yes, they would follow me into danger, and death was nothing to them... Would they starve for me? Times beyond number they went without, in order to give me some little extra comfort...
"Well, you see the point. It's very difficult to be an example to those who love you and whose love takes the form of sacrifice. So I had to twist it round like this: I had to teach them the a. b. c. of the Christ-spirit. I said to them: You say, and I believe you, that life comes second to your love for me. Do you know that the Lord Jesus felt the same towards you, that He laid aside all His possessions, His home, everything, and counted His life so lightly that He died for you?... And they used to watch me, and then it was: 'For you Master' - not for them...
"The humility and the love of some of these Nature's children is overwhelming, and while we set out and we pray God that we may be an example to them, the Father knows how often they are an example to us. I taught them, but how much they taught me, how much selflessness, how much humility, how they brought home my own unfitness to be loved by Christ, and for Our Lord and Saviour to have died for me...
"I hope I haven't tired you, but it's like thinking aloud here...
"I was lonely - lonely because there was so much I had to keep to myself. I told you about the angel - those I thought were 'angels' - but I was oppressed by the sense of my own unworthiness. Their presence inspired me, but I felt I was not worthy either to speak or for them to respond; and when I come here, as it were, the latch of the door of my mind is lifted, and I step out and talk to you of little things. Not of great thoughts - I had none. Not of mighty ambitions - 'ambition' was a word which held no meaning for me; but I talk to you of simple things, of how God led me out, away from my own kind, to teach others, and, by His grace, allowed them to teach me lessons I shall never forget...
"They find it hard to understand the Love of God. Some of you here find it hard as well, yet when I tell my little story, you are quite certain that God loves them, and that the Saviour died for them as He died for you. Therefore, I hand that back to you, and I tell you that I'm quite certain that God loves you and that the Christ Presence is with you; and because it is hard to understand, why, the God who created us - who knows our limitations, who knows our frailties and our weaknesses and our misgivings - the God who created us all, understands and gives and gives and gives. And later on, when you step into sight, you will look back and see what that lack of consciousness has worked in; you will see the purpose of it and the plan, and, in time, you will go to others and grapple with their minds and try and comfort them, as I am trying to comfort you tonight...
"Please God, my words may not be forgotten. Like little children we all are in understanding, but because we are little children, then not only do we need the Father's Hand to guide and protect, but the Father gathers close to those little children who have taken the rough road for the sake of the love within, that love within which finds its response - yes, our love may be only as an echo - in so great a measure in the Father-Heart...
"And the little children arrive Home, somewhat travel-stained, it is true, but once there, because it is Home, new garments are provided, the wounds are cleansed, the weariness drops from us, and we find welcome and love on either side; for the Father waits for His children with all those good things which only the Great Mind could think out...
"I'm afraid I rather lost myself there. It is strange but as I was speaking, I saw in the distance that which represented the God we adore. As it were, in front of me, a channel opened and the Father stood before me with out-stretched Hands, and I realised that I was the child He was looking for...
"And this little vision of mine was given for a purpose: At one stage in the life of all - either upon the earth or in those conditions I am trying so hard to understand - the time comes when we raise our eyes, and it seems to us that God our Father is calling us to Him with His eyes, and as we look, Love descends upon us and we are never the same again...
"You can understand what you have done for me tonight. For the first time, the consciousness of the personal Love of God for me has penetrated through my whole being. I've seen God's Love in a million aspects; I've seen the Christ at work, but it is difficult to realise that personal gift of the Father calling to His son, and the son not kneeling before the Father, but out of the love within, being strong enough to return look for look... I thank God with all my heart, and I thank these young people present for their gift to me tonight... I understand so little, and yet out of that little understanding comes the greatest gift of all...
"You must forgive me - I'm rather overcome... I shall come again, many times, and I want you to receive me just in the same way as you have tonight - as a fellow-worker, one who, by God's grace, has been linked to you by those missionary ties which are the strongest of all... Goodnight, ladies, and thank you again and again. Don't forget that one day you will see face to face... Goodnight..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, we have exhausted not the power but the physical strength of the child I use, but tonight, before I close, I want to underline one thing, and this relates to that Belief and Sight which holds within its folds so much meaning, so much wisdom which is of God. Looking back over the months which have sped, much has been done to build up the body of the child I use, and I say that, in time to come, much more shall be done, for it is the Father's will. This time last year the weakness was considerably greater, yet after almost unceasing work, we can say that we are stronger now than when we entered upon that campaign...
"I speak to all - to all those who are assailed by the weakness of the body: I tell them to put their faith to the test, to remember the word of God: 'In weakness is My strength made perfect' - and the enemies of the body, numerous though they may be, must give when the work comes first...
"Therefore, in this alone so sight has followed after faith - that faith which has arisen out of belief; and this is but the beginning. The future is God's. The past has been that training stage; the present still presents tests; the future is the wide open country of revelation and the consciousness of God's Love... We finish stronger than we began. By the power of the Holy Spirit much has been worked in, and the body, because it is of the world, and because the Spirit dominates the world and shall dominate the world, so the physical has obeyed the behest of the Spirit, and God's will is done, not only in Heaven but on earth...
"God our Father ministers to those who seek to do His work in spite of that which binds. I include in this, the one you call Mr. Sheppard (The Rev. R. H. L. Sheppard), and I entreat him to place his confidence not only in the Love of God but in the power of the Holy Spirit, for much lies in front, much lies in front...
"And now, my children, drawing this evening to a close, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and I commend you to His care. Love is gathered here tonight; peace, like a garment lays upon you all, and tomorrow and in the tomorrows to come, as your faith so shall it be with you. But remember that belief is not faith - although faith can use belief... 'As your faith so shall it be with you', and faith is active, faith is the defiance of the doubts which assail...
"God has gathered you in. Rest you in peace, and remember that to the prepared the vision comes - to the prepared the vision comes...
"And now, my children, I will say Goodnight. Sweetness and beauty and peace - hold this fast and bid all intruders depart, for to the prepared the vision comes... Goodnight, my children."
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