An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 9th January, 1926.
"O God, our most tender Father, we ask Thee tonight to accept our grateful thanks that Thou hast provided this close direct communion with Thee and with those who are gathered into the realms which are Spirit...
"O most holy Father, pour down upon us tonight illumination; grant that the world in its hampering sense may be as naught and that we as Spirit may contact with Spirit, with nothing in between...
"Christ teach us, lead us, guide us, and grant that each day we may go forward with courage and with that inward resource which is a sign of strength and of confidence in Thee. Help us to release ourselves, to throw off the bondage of physical thinking, and to be as Thou would have us be... We ask this and that the power may be given tonight to do Thy work, and we know that as we ask even so Thou hast given, because Thou art our Father and Mother God... Amen...
"...My little children, Love is in this room tonight in a way you little understand - that mighty Love of the Saviour, of your tender Protector, and coming out to meet and greet it the love which is in your own hearts for each other...
"Oh, my children, be not deceived by the world's point of view. You meet as strangers, so it would seem, but I say that the bonds between you are old indeed, and together we have penetrated into those realms of Light while sleep claimed the body. My children, I want this to be your view now and always. Those who surround your physical lives may be familiar to the eyes of the body, but far, far more familiar are those seen by the spirit - those who are your companions when the body and its many restrictions are forgotten.
"You see, dear children, you are so dependent upon the outward and the visible. The love which is in your hearts has to be interpreted either in action or in words. Without the garment of flesh, all this is dispensed with; you see and you feel that deep tie, that spiritual bond which links you one with the other, and in the sunshine of the certainty of love so the joy wells up within you, and so in your rejoicing, God - the Giver of all good things - is exalted once more...
"My children, love on the physical plane is so faint an expression of Love as it was meant to be; yet, here and now, you can train yourselves, you can free yourselves from the earth aspect, and can prepare your heart and mind for the greater Love which is all around.
"Stem it not, and again I say - beware of earth values. These have no substance in those realms which are Spirit, these indeed are seen for what they are - as instruments of the evil ones used to make barriers between the children of the Most High, and - alas and alas - because those children are bound by the limited view, so love is cast aside, and so love is kept imprisoned within...
"My children, tonight there is a subject I would discuss with you which I think will find an echo in your own hearts. I would speak on that wide term which you call: 'Human Nature'... and ere we part, by God's grace we shall have got a little nearer to the meaning which the Father intended that that should represent...
"Children, in the world today, that which fails to come up to standard, that which is indeed treachery to the greater, nobler self within - that, by many is called human nature - but what a travesty, what a most terrible desecration of the word.
"My children, I know all your lives, I speak not only to those present but to my children however far away they may be - I say that I look into their hearts and minds and I see not that which calls forth my criticism and reproach, but I see the soul struggling to get free from its bondage, I see the spirit not only stirring from its sleep but indeed fighting, fighting for its own. To all these I send words of cheer...
"Oh, my children, how few there are who love God who have not felt the whip of sorrow; how few are there who have not laboured under dark clouds which have been cast across their horizon by the bondage of others, in the sense that those who are in their lives are bound to self. Yes, and there have been many who, pondering on this, have allowed the brightness of God's Love to be dimmed by misgiving. They say to themselves: 'If God's Love is around me, why does He allow me to suffer so?' - and I answer, instructed by the Holy Master, that indeed it is a sign of the Father's love for you that He has brought you through with so little damage to the soul... Yes, that is the spiritual aspect.
"You see, dear children, in the world today, humanity is composed of that medley of kind and character which, because of its alienation from Light and from Truth, has the power to cause disharmony on every side. But forget not this: However great the disharmony, here and there one arises strong in his faith and trust in God, and lo, peace falls upon the listeners - peace, because it is of God - stronger than strife, stronger than hatred, stronger than the strongest forces of evil itself...
"As you know, dear children, the life of each one is worked out according to pattern, according to plan. Those imbued with the Spirit of God, they look round and see what they can do during the short time that the weapon of the physical body is their own; and because the spirit knows and understands so it says: 'I will dispense with this, I will carry that' - and thus it is, dear children, that the pathway of life on the earth plane is beset by much that grieves the physical mind, indeed is charged with sorrow for some...
"But oh, cannot you see God's guiding Hand, cannot you see that because you wish to serve Him, so also you are serving doubly the greater self within? Cannot you grasp that by taking the hard, steep road now, you are indeed drawing to your side that capacity to work for Him - in His way - when the body is no more?...
"And then, dear children, I would direct your attention to that which makes up, in each one, what you call human nature. You see, dear children, that when the Master came and walked the shadowy way, He discarded not love, He separated Himself not from the things of the earth, but as He went hither and thither showed His children how each one, each item, each aspect, could contribute to the raising up and the accumulation of strength to that which was Spirit within... Christ taught not isolation or separation from the essentials of physical life; nay, He took the common things and blessed them and spiritualised them and gave them back as an example for all time...
"So then, bearing this in mind, look round amongst your friends today, and see also that here and there, there has been one with sufficient discernment who regards his tools and his gifts as possessions entrusted to him, which he will use not only in the days to come, but also which will be part of his equipment when this brief life is o'er...
"My children, there is so much I want to gather in tonight, but I must leave many points for you to follow in your own minds; yet listen to me while I try to convey to you something of that which is in the Father's Mind...
"Children, those weaknesses, that spiritual ignorance which it seems to some is prevalent on all sides - what does this represent? Not human nature - it represents an imperfect freedom of that human nature, which can be and must be made Divine. 'Yes', you say: 'But how about this one and how about that - are they never to be corrected, are they to follow their own inclination until the end?' And I answer: No, ten thousand times no. But, dear children, progress among the majority is slow. You cannot force on that freedom from self; only by prayer, only by effort, can the first chains be unfastened...
"I speak with a double purpose tonight. There are those of my children who have been hard beset by subtle enemies who have had the power to influence those linked to their intimate daily life, and to these I speak with understanding of all the past has cost. I tell them this: Because they accepted the responsibility, so God knows how to compensate, how to comfort, how to raise; and I say again that those who have bound themselves to the wheel of self, they indeed have much to learn; yet I bar at once that term human nature, for Christ has called us all to follow Him - and to demonstrate, in the measure that we can, that human nature as God meant it to be, is and was the most beautiful thing amongst His many creations...
"Children, at times you feel perhaps that I criticise your thoughts, that I am pained because you are unable to be stronger, to be wiser and to be more like the ideal... Well, tonight I will put it plainly: I say that in the realms which are Spirit, love and love only is the weapon, is the tool, is the power which is used; and those so prone to judge others, those who, as it were, are spiritual fault-finders, well, these have to go back and learn the rule of love...
"It is like this: My children have many sorrows, some which they designate as holy sorrows, others which cause them fiercer grief than all the rest - that regret because they fail to rise to what they wish to be...
"Well, I take you back to the little child, and once more I use this illustration because it only provides the meaning I wish to convey: The child finds her mother in tears. She questions not, she does not wait to know whether those tears are justified or whether they are rightful punishment, but her love rushes out and that most Divine sympathy - sympathy unclouded by the world's view - and as the little arms go round her Mother's neck she sobs in turn, because she feels that things are wrong.
"You see, dear children, how far removed that is from the attitude adopted by the majority? Those who are sad, those who are enveloped in the clouds of physical life, these suffer not only over their thoughts, but still more so over the attitude of mind which others present to them...
"Ah, this one is sad, that one is out of heart - what is the cause? Is it just retribution? Is it conscience? Is it the necessary punishment to bring them into a better frame of mind? Oh, my children, how different from God's view. Such as those who withhold their sympathy until they are certain that that sympathy has been earned, that that sympathy is a rightful gift - these have much to learn, and I say to them: Look at the child; see how the impulse comes untrammelled by anything of the earth, and how waiting not, questioning not, the little arms give comfort and healing to the one she loves so well...
"That is Christ - not only the Christ way, but that is Christ. Christ, the tender compassionate Saviour, using the little child to express Himself. Once more I remind all those who are so immersed in the knowledge of the world and the attitude presented by the world - I remind them that it was said: 'A little child shall lead them into all Truth'...
"Children, in regard to yourselves, in regard to your lives, this is the ideal I want you to hold in your minds: To go through your characters - not to brood so much on your weaknesses, on your betrayals of the greater self, but rather to reason thus: To think of Christ, of His attitude towards the 'sinners', towards the spiritually ignorant, and, again, to remember what a glorious thing He showed that human nature could be...
"Children, all must learn, all have to go through the same stages, either in the body or out of the body, and those who can find within their heart compassion and understanding for the so-called sinner, these are blessed of the Father, these have entered that wonderful circle of Love which He represents.
"Yes, human nature has many aspects, but human nature can be so bright, so near the Divine that there is no difference at all. Yet, lest you should think I am urging you on beyond your strength, beyond that which can be rightly expected of anyone, so tonight I remind you that we who are free, once we found the enemy too strong, once darkness held us, and though the Light of God's wonderful Love shone upon us, we failed to see it.
"Therefore in your daily life be forgiving; yes, forgiving of others and withhold not that forgiveness from yourselves. The Father knows the struggles, knows the many, many obstacles to be overcome, and His way is hope. He speaks to every heart - not in chiding, not in blame, but He says: 'Together we will work through to better things'...
"Yes, and though life may present much from which the physical mind shrinks, though the past has its secrets and its agonies as well, these things are used by God for His work, in His service of raising man from that which is material into that which is spiritual and pure and holy and strong - strong in its love of God...
"My children, tonight ignoring my usual custom, I wish to send a message direct to my child Annie (nursing Mr. Moyes) because a test lies in front, and because much hangs on her ability to hold close to Christ...
"The spirit within has instructed her that this responsibility was taken on and must be shouldered to the end; yet this, in itself, should express pure gain because those who are in her life in the body and still more so in the Spirit, will rally round her, will make the weak places strong, and - gifted with power from God - will bring her through with that quietness of heart and mind which is a sign of a lesson well learnt...
"I say to her, and I say to her children: Have faith in God. And again I say to her remember this: That those who have stood shoulder to shoulder in the past over the many years, these will not fail - they cannot fail because the habit is too strong. And I remind her once more, that those linked to her have, from the physical standpoint, been robbed of their inheritance - that rightful inheritance which every child should have.
"I say that within her power there is a mighty opportunity, and though it may cost something - yes, it must cost something - it will work out and work in that which nothing else can do... It is that giving of herself to others in love and understanding, and as I speak my love and understanding for her goes out and meets her waiting thought... I speak in tones charged with meaning, and I ask her to grasp her opportunity now, so that in the by and by, it may be said that what another took away she gave back in double measure...
"And to her children here I add one word: That which you have missed during the physical stages, not only has been made good in the Spirit, but indeed God has prepared for you love and understanding in both worlds - the physical and the spiritual - take and make it your own...
"My children - those others who listen to my voice - I know you will forgive this slight digression, but the need is great and the clouds seem rather threatening...
"Ere I leave you, I bring you back to the personal again, and I tell you that human nature should be expressed by that word Love, and Love alone; and again I say that Love - as you understand it - should stand for human nature in its turn. Remember from whom you came, remember that your real life is not on this little earth with its toys, with its distractions, with its multitude of temptations. Your real setting is in the Spirit, is in peace, is in that holy calm which radiates from God Himself... Children of the King, heirs of everlasting life, gifted with power to rise above trials, above troubles, above environment - aye, and above all traditional thought - and to demonstrate that you are Spirit in touch with the Great Spirit who over-rules us all...
"Oh, my children, would that I could find words to convey to you the love and protection which surrounds your lives. Would that it was in my power to portray something of the Mind of Love, of His attitude towards His children, of His longing to see them free from that which binds... Yet remember this: That though you are blind, though your ears catch not the sweet cadence of Love as it is, so because of that in your lives and around your lives, the protection is doubly sure...
"Yes, and in turn do your part. Let not your minds worry over the lack of this and the lack of that in your own characters, but set to work to help others, to strengthen others, and lo, ere the day of your life on earth is ended, so you shall find within yourselves those resources which you thought so sorely missing.
"Yes, one soul helped nearer to God means that you yourself have taken that stride as well; one broken heart healed, one shattered life reconstructed, so those broken ideals of your own are put together on a foundation which will never give...
"That is the Christ way, that is the way those in the Spirit work, and that only; seeking not to whip themselves out of their weaknesses, out of their treacheries to the nobler self - but rather turning in this direction and that to give a helping hand to those who are weaker still... And when the glorious dawn of the new life is their own, so they shall see that on the stepping stones of helping others they have climbed to the Throne of God...
"Human nature - so glorious a possibility, so wonderful a tool. Human nature can not only reflect the Divine but can be purified into the Divine itself; and Christ is there to help you, to encourage you, to raise you up when you stumble, and to bid you try again.
"This is the gospel of Love which I send out over the world, Hope, help, peace and freedom - that is the way to God...
"And now, my children, I will leave you for a little while, but give up your wills. Desire neither this one nor that, but be certain that the Father understands His children through and through and gives to them that which is best, holding perhaps a little back in order that in the sweet by and by the gift of patience may be added to the gift of love... And now I go..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...My children, when we started this evening, I told you that Love was in this room. Could the eyes of the spirit see the beauty and the glory of God's Love, so that word sorrow would for ever pass out of your mind... Yet, I ask you in the Name of the Father, to take this on trust, to be certain that every step is overlooked by Wisdom itself; to throw off the suggestions of the destructive forces who, again and again, seek to cause dismay; to put on the whole armour of Christ and to go forward without fear, without hesitation, and without misgiving. You have within you all that strength which is of God; it but waits for you to call upon it, it is there in unending supply - God's gift to His own - nay, that which is of God Himself...
"My children, let the tomorrows be illumined by assurance - ah yes, and let the yesterdays be forgotten. We are banded together and that which the Father has laid upon us - that work for Him, that helping of others - so by His strength we shall carry it through...
"My child (Dorrie) you have done well tonight. Let not your heart be sad, for you are bound for a far land; yet, in the little tomorrow, so the brightness of that far land shall shine upon you... Keep the faith with yourself, keep the faith with the child I use. That tie between you, though the physical is strong, is ten thousand times more of the Spirit, and this has been dawning upon you as you go along...
"Margaret, there is much which will need explanation, yet even as I say that, so I add that the Spirit is illuminating the physical mind, and the Presence of Christ will not only console you but will bring to your heart and mind all that which it so truly desires...
"And now, my children, I bless you - by the Father's grace - I bless you with Love, with Light, with Peace and with inward Joy, and I remind you that: 'As your faith so shall it be unto you'; that Christ has given of Himself tonight in order to bind you more closely to the things of the Spirit, in order to give you some understanding of what is in His heart and mind... His little children - The Beloved blesses you ere we part.
"And now I go. Goodnight, my little ones..."
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