An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 10th July, 1926.
"Father of all Love, we meet in faith, and in faith we ask Thee to send down the power as Thou hast ever done in the past.
"O Christ, teach us as the children we are; help us to open the doors of the physical mind so that the Glory which shines from Thee can penetrate, and peace may remain for ever...
"O God, we ask that we may be worthy to be used for this great work, and we thank Thee that Thou hast put into our hands the ability, and into our hearts and minds the desire to serve. Protect us from our weaker selves, protect us from all those thoughts which bind, and grant that swerving not we may keep in that path which Thou hast ordained; and as we travel, so consciousness may come not only of our loved ones in the Spirit, but indeed of Thy dear Presence - that Presence which heals all wounds, which makes all mysteries seem so plain... Oh, give us the courage to rise and work for Thee.
"Father, bless us as we are gathered together and grant that Thy little children may take away the blessing with them... Amen...
"...My children all, tonight we meet together for God's holy purpose, and I entreat you to lay aside everything which appertains to the earth, and to step with me into those conditions which are Spirit through and through. You know it not - and yet, at times, the consciousness comes that this life of yours reflects something of the great Life beyond - but I say you know not that even in your blindness you are showing you are Spirit indeed.
"My children, 'service' is a word in which so much meaning is contained, that during the earth stages it is not possible to penetrate beyond the surface, but - and this is what man forgets - the preparation now, the desire, the pure heart, the tender thoughts, aye, that is making it possible that when restrictions are no more, you may work for God in the way the spirit within desires, and that will represent a happiness no words can express.
"But tonight, dear children, it has been laid down that I speak to you upon a subject which often arises in your conversation with those you love; and yet, you will understand when I say that even so, you speak only of the little which is possible during the earth stage.
"I refer to that which you call: 'Development'.
"And, after I have reviewed with you the world aspect, and the aspect which you yourselves have gained by effort and concentration, then, my little ones, gathering you closely to me in love, in that wonderful sympathy which holds us together, I take you away from that which is familiar, and introduce you to a fragment of all that wonder which lies ahead.
"Yes, that word 'Development' has been strangely misinterpreted by the children of the earth. They apply it to the mind and they apply it to the physical body, and yet, when they are free, they will see that in greater part that which they called 'Development' was retrogression - ah, retrogression because they had forgotten God.
"Yet, think you not that I would cast criticism on those who develop the physical body, and on those many others who concentrate on the expansion of their mental powers; yet, instructed by my Holy Master, I must speak that which has been proved again and again - that the children of the earth, knowing not those things which last for ever, bestow their energies, bestow their vitality, on that which represents the life of one little day...
"Children, oft before I have spoken to you upon the training of the mind of the body, and I have made it plain that in the measure that the mind of the body is developed in harmony with the development of the soul within, so the spirit rejoices in its gifts. But, the children of the earth, so wise, it seems to them, in their generation, put that cultivation of the mind of the body where the things of the Spirit should be established for aye.
"And so, though effort and concentration build up much, yet many, when they are free, find to their horror, that those things which held their attention, which absorbed their interests, are even as obstacles in the path between them and true wisdom, because the heart of a child - the faith, the purity of thought - is absent...
"And then we come to those who love their Master, who have said to themselves: 'My life is not my own, it belongs to God; therefore I must do His work'. And, dear children, though some may blunder through spiritual ignorance, and others are influenced by stronger minds, yet, in the measure that God was in their hearts, in the measure that they strove to present the Truth, so the blessing is stored for them and the Truth is made their own when the body is no more...
"And then, my children, think you of this - and I speak not only to those present, I speak not only to those who read my words, I am sending my message out over the spaces, and those afar off shall feel the influence of my love; for there are many, who, during the earth stage, misread that word 'Development'; they knew not that the feeling, the emotion, the desire within, was there for a purpose but the purpose has been misunderstood...
"My little ones, in going through your minds, in overlooking your characters, think not: 'I wish that had been absent, oh, how I mourn the lack of this!' But rather, review your tools in the way laid down by Christ, the implements - call them what you will - those which are rusted, those which never have been used, those which have been used in a wrong way or a way which is the second best, and say to yourself: 'The Truth has come. I realise that it is not by the laying aside, not by the tearing out of this and that from my mind, that Development in the spiritual sense takes place'.
"Nay, rather with calmness and with faith, consider your failings thus: That which represents weakness now, can be turned into strength; that folly, ah, into wisdom. And the thoughts which reflect the world and not those realms of purity into which all must enter one day, oh, remember that these thoughts, these influences, these temptations - they are tests, and the greatest tests and the hardest tests come to the one who wants to be true to the greater self within...
"Oh, my children, that theory of elimination, of repression, of crushing - most dangerous is this, for lo, a time comes when perhaps the weakness of the body has impinged upon the will, when perhaps you were off your guard, and then the enemy strikes and your heart is nearly broken.
"Rather say to yourself: 'This in my mind, this in my character is the second-best. O God, help me to bring it up to that high standard which Thou hast laid down for all'. And then regret not, oh, mourn not the failures to come, sit you not down in penitence and depression, but say: 'I have failed again, but next time, by God's grace, I shall attain'...
"Ah, my children, on the little steps of effort, on the white, white steps of prayer you rise; and so the time comes when on looking back over the story of the past, you marvel that this tempted you, that that failing was yours, that that weakness was difficult to overcome.
"That is the Christ way of Development; and remember that Christ as Man suffered temptation in a measure impossible to be borne by any other. Pure He was, but that purity was purchased at a tremendous price.
"Nay, think you not that because He was God He was favoured, He was protected. Because He was God, He limited Himself as no other has ever had the courage to limit themselves. As boy, as man, He faced His temptations, and He turned not from those forces of evil which focussed on Him in so gigantic a measure; when they approached it was always: 'What hast thou to do with me?' And then the overcoming by faith, by prayer - yes, God prayed, prayed as man prays for strength - and the example is laid out before us for all time...
"Oh, think you not that when we fail, Christ turns from us. Is it not in our failures that we want love the most, that the helping hand is essential, that the strength we lack must be culled from another? That is Christ, and that is how the Father desires to guard His children. Troubles you may have - and I have told you they are treasures; sadness may assail the mind and misgivings the heart, but it is upward, it is onward - so long as the desire within remains to climb...
"My children, in regard to the development of those gifts associated with the Spirit, be ever on your guard that they reflect true Spirit, pure Spirit; that they reflect those gifts which the Master strove for and obtained by effort during the earth stage.
"Mark well that there are those who have faltered by the way, who have been distracted from the highest and the best, by that which attracts the mind, by that which brings the applause of the idle crowd, of those who know not the purpose and the plan...
"Yes, these are in your vibrations and you know it, and as you watch, so you ask that you - the little children of the true Light, the Light which is work and service for God - that you may hold your gifts in the way which All-Love has laid down: To help, to comfort, and to relieve - and in so helping and comforting, to reveal a little more of the Fatherhood of God...
"My children, this question of the development of the gifts associated with the Spirit is one which has wrung our hearts, for we who are free, who see the long road in front, we are appalled by that which is built up by those who seek not the highest, who are distracted from the best. Ever still more - and I know my little ones here have chosen that path which expresses the highest in its true sense - but ever more consistently, persistently pray that your gifts may be purified and purified, because of the great Hereafter, because of the glorious Beyond...
"And this brings me to that phase of Development, which, one day, will be seen by you in something of its wonderful character. Yes, tonight I put into your hands the fringe of the great tapestry which Development represents, and I tell you that when you are free, those gifts - that capacity for understanding something of the mind of God - that will take you across the threshold of things material into that which is spiritual; but beyond the threshold lies continents, as it were, of development, of understanding, of unfoldment.
"And here it is, dear children, that I speak of those whom you name the holy ones of God, those who have spoken to you, ah, and the many more who have worked side by side with you and others, seeking to prepare the mind for the next step and the next. True it is that in order to use a body of flesh, much has to be done, much has to be endured, but, my little ones, to us this is joy because of the blessing which it brings, that threefold blessing - the blessing which has been distributed as they have passed from one state to another, and from one condition to another; aye, from Light to twilight, from twilight into darkness, emerging out of the darkness into not the light of your little world, but into the Light of God which streams down upon all those who have taken the steep path, who have laid aside desire for this and that, who have placed themselves and their gifts before the Master to be used as He wills, and not as those of the earth would control.
"So you see, dear children, that these holy ones of God come into your presence to show you what lies in front, and, by example, to spur you on, to take you out of that Summerland of thought - which is temptation in itself - and to set your feet along the road of service which brings the only peace that can remain...
"But, dear children, I want to make this plain. Amongst those in the physical world today, you find divisions of thought, those who are divided by thought, aye, by 'conditions'. In one small room it is possible to gather a crowd, each so different in thought and in spiritual, mental and physical development, that though they are together, they feel, each one, that they are divided by conditions. The sympathy is absent, the understanding is not there, and they are lonely, each in their own centre, each in their own vibrations - brother or friend... ...
"This little illustration explains, in the language of the physical world, how conditions divide in those realms which you call 'spheres' or 'planes'; but I entreat you, in thinking of these things, to remember that names and words are merely symbols, very often clumsy symbols of that which we try to interpret to the mind of the body...
"My little ones, you have been taught that Christ, the Lord God of all, the Creator, the great, great Thinker, is so closely bound to you that your thoughts and your feelings find a response in Him. Therefore, when those, unskilled in the knowledge of the laws of the Spirit, lay down that it is impossible for this one and impossible for that one to return, oh, heed them not, for Christ has not only shown the way, but in His sacred Person demonstrated the gift, the truth which cannot be gainsayed.
"But, my children - and this is where your responsibility comes in - those who have worked for God over the ages, aye, who have been missionaries either upon the earth plane or in one of those states which you call the 'Beyond', these holy ones can only come to you if the preparation is there, they can only use the instrument if the instrument desires the very best.
"This form of development takes you not only as far as the highest earth vibration, but by perseverance, by that reverence for the things which are of God, you can penetrate while the body binds into that which is Purity itself, and bring back not only the remembrance, but fasten to your side those who have striven through the ages, those who long to use you, long to demonstrate in person the story of God's Love throughout their long life...
"Oh, my children, in this development of character, of spirituality in its highest sense - which is expansion and not repression - this cannot be underlined too emphatically in regard to those who would be, indeed, the instruments of the Most High. I speak to you all tonight, because each one is brought into contact with those many others who know not, who regard not their responsibility in this light; and when you pass hence, because, while on earth, the will was there, so you shall commune direct with those you love the best. Experience may still divide, but love has bridged the gap, and those who have wisdom within will come to you and give you of that wisdom, which you, in turn, pass on to those a little weaker, a little frailer than yourselves...
"My children, I find it well-nigh impossible to part the curtain of the future so that you may gaze within and understand, but the release of the spirit - that development of Spirit-consciousness now - will build up for you, in brief tomorrow, a protection no words can express, and in the days to come, it opens out to you that wisdom which no mind of the body - however skilled, however trained - could ever grasp.
"This then is to what I direct your thoughts, and what I wish to impress on all - whether those who are gifted with that which represents 'abnormal' gifts, or whether those representatives of the Most High, who teach the Word of God from the sacred Book and try to interpret that which they read therein. To them - to all I say:
"Open the gates of your mind and let the Light which shines from God find a place, for that only can release that consciousness of the greater, the finer, the wider, and the wiser, which one day must be your own. For you are sons and daughters of the Most High, you have been gifted with those possessions which are of God Himself, and though it takes aeons of time, one day you will return to that perfection from which you started out, one day you will not only take from God, but then, as His child by experience, you will give Him the only gift which it is in our power - the joy which comes from the completion of the mighty plan, that satisfaction of the Father-Heart for which He has waited over time unthinkable. You, little children, by taking the long journey, by your efforts, by your thoughts, by that most sacred service, have given to the Father that which He longs for most.
"And now, my children, I will leave you, I have underlined that tonight is a night of work. Those who speak have been sent by the Master to do His work. Greet them as your own, and say within yourselves: 'This is for me - this is for me'. And now I go..."
(Others then spoke...)
(Founder of Daily Express and St. Dunstan's Home for blind soldiers)
"...I must ask you to excuse me. It's Arthur Pearson, and being blind when on earth, it seems so strange to come back and see not only the brightness of the physical world, but the glory of God in the physical world.
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I've been sent tonight because you are all workers, you are all inspired by the Christ who is understood so little during physical life; and I want to ask you a question and I want you to answer it, if you will, privately to yourselves. If you had the choice would you rather be blind physically or spiritually?...
"I'll tell you my own experience, but I shan't stay long. You see, I was a newspaper man, and those who understand newspaper life, they know that the world comes very close. It came very close to me; I had competitors, there was a host of vampires at my door. Sometimes I used to ask myself: Have I a friend? And in imagination the laughter came: Have I a friend? Oh, there are many, there are thousands in my position - successful men, or men who want to be successful and are on the fringe... Harmsworth and I fought like dogs, but now we are like brothers, thank God.
"And then my trouble came. Oh, I call it a trouble because it was not only called a trouble but a tragedy - my tragedy came and I lost my sight. And then slowly, not at once - the bitterness was there - but slowly the eyes of the spirit began to open after its long sleep, and I saw... what did I see? I saw the hollowness of life, my life - the hypocrisy, the utter materialism - and somehow the dawning consciousness came that I had been saved from myself...
"And then when the boys came to grief, and when the whole world was racked in agony, when the women's hearts were broken, so my heart - out of their very grief - gained a new hope, a new courage, and I thought to myself: My chance, my chance at last!...
"But I don't want to talk about that, I forgot. What I want to underline is this: That the moment you step out of physical imprisonment, you'll look round and you'll know that the freedom of the spirit is not only the thing which matters most now, but nothing else ever mattered at all. You'll know that it would be better to lose a limb, better to lose your eyes - yes, better to lose that sight of the body which means so much to man - than to stifle the spirit...
"I'm sorry I forgot again. You know, when we are free and the Truth lies all around, the urge is to come back and teach and teach, and sometimes we forget, and instead we preach and we preach. I'm the last one to preach to anyone, but I'd give all the treasure I've got to save another, yes, to save another...
"This blindness, this physical blindness, well, for the few short years on earth we fumble our way along, or we are led, or we hang on to loose cords - you know, we feel - this one leads here and that one leads to another place. We are dependent on those nerves in our fingers not to bash ourselves about. That's the earth life to us. We hear, yes, but the rest of humanity seem as though they belong to the world of sight, and we are blind.
"But can't you see what I'm trying to get home? Physically, our sight is gone; these nerves (in the fingers), they are our sight, our eyes. Well, when we come into the brightness of the Everlasting Day, that sensitiveness to vibrations, to the note in a voice... You know - when you are talking to a person, you can read their face, their eyes tell you whether they like you or not, the expression shows whether you are welcome or in the way; but we listen - listen! And when I shook a person's hand, I knew whether that man was good, bad or indifferent, and then the inflection of the voice. You can't deceive the blind, and that faculty, that extra development, why, it seems to me it's given me powers uncountable.
"And so it is that those who depend entirely on the faculties of the physical body, well, when they step out of that, they are bankrupt, and they start to learn from the first stage up.
"I want everyone who ever thought of me and my poor blind boys, to think of me once more: To take my message, broken up as it is, and to read in it that it is a personal call to them to see, to feel with that which is their real self; to place the physical faculties where they belong - to thank God for them, but not allow them to block out the glory of the Spirit...
"There is just one thing more and that's in regard to Williams (The Rev. V. E. Williams). I want Miss Moyes to tell Williams that I shall never let him go; that I spend hours with him in his study and I am saying to him: 'Will you teach the blind to see?' 'Will you teach the blind to see?' And while I am saying that, my whole being is praying that he himself may see the greater Truth and proclaim it to all...
"That's all, I'm going now. Thank you, little girl (note-taker) for what you have done. You've done more for me than you can grasp. I talk rather quickly, I know, but my heart is almost breaking... Yes, it's the remembrance of that man, that Pearson, and the goodness of God... I'm sure you'll understand. Goodnight, all of you..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, tonight perhaps has not turned out as some anticipated, yet as children only in name but as disciples in spirit, I ask you to say within yourselves: 'Not only are God's ways best but they are according to my spirit's desire'.
"This night we have worked as the Master laid down; this night in the hearts and minds of all, there has been planted holy thought, and your responsibility is this: To pass on that holy thought to others; to draw to yourselves the power of the Holy Spirit and challenge your enemies in the Name of Christ. Say to temptation: 'I fear you not'. Say to your troubles: 'My heart does not quail' - for as workers, as soldiers of the Most High, you are called to demonstrate your faith in God.
"And oh, believe me that faith must be justified, that trust cannot go astray. That you, the little children of the Most High, are surrounded by His Love, and are drawing strength from His strength, not only for pursuing your own path but to attract others - to gather in those whose thoughts stray far from purity and truth; to stretch out the hand of help - aye, but that hand must be firm, firm and determined in its purpose - to stretch out the hand of help to those who cannot help themselves, for the spirit within is imprisoned indeed, and the spirit within mourns over its chains, over that long tomorrow before it can get the freedom it desires...
"This is the way of Development - this is the way to Christ. Grasp your cross but not as a cross - grasp it as your treasure; and Christ - who is symbolised by the Cross - will, even as He promised in the days of old, lift your burdens from you (Matt. 11:28) and give you the peace which this world cannot take away (John 14:27).
"And now, my children, I bless you in God's Name. I leave you in His tender care, and I entreat you, out of the love I bear for you, to arise and fight and overcome...
"God's will has been done on earth this night... Amen...
"Goodnight, my little ones..."
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