An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 19th June, 1926.
"O Christ, the Beloved of mankind, we come to Thee tonight with childlike hearts, and we ask Thee to unveil that portion of Truth which it is Thy will that Thy children should make their own possession. Grant that as each one listens, so also the release of the spirit within may take place. Grant that the consciousness may come that this little earth life is but a preparation for the Life which is real, for the life which is everlasting, and that the day's trials and testings are not as blows but even as steps into understanding...
"O God, cleanse our hearts and minds so that faith may dwell therein, untroubled by all those many thoughts which are cast upon it by the world. Grant that faith may so establish itself in our lives that we can lay yesterday, today and tomorrow at Thy Feet, certain, positive that what is, is best - and more than that, is Love Itself.
"Christ, Thou knowest how hard it is to reach this high level, yet because the desire is there, Thou will help, and Thou will make it possible that the glorious Light which shines from Thee may blot out the past, may heal the present and illumine the future.
"In the spirit of service we commence this quiet time of communion, and we ask Thee to bless us, to bless us in that way which each one can understand - the blessing which is consciousness of love and harmony all around...
"Oh Father, teach us as the children we are... Amen...
"...My little children, tonight as usual, I come into your presence not only with joy but with faith in each one of you here, aye, and faith in all those who read my words, whether they believe or whether they are still inquirers. When you pass hence, it will seem to you thus: As children you continued your tasks upon the earth plane, yet as spirits, as sons and daughters of the Most High, you learnt your lessons, and you tried to pass on the benefit of your experience to those who knew a little less. That is construction, that is building not only for the future, but building up each day as you go, something which God can use, something which Christ asks from each one.
"And here I would say just a word regarding the many opinions held by this one and that. My children - from time to time - are challenged on one point or another, and they repeat that which I have sought to instil within the mind of the body.
"That, dear children, is your part, but beware lest you overstep that which is the Christ part, beware lest in your consideration of this subject or of that question, you allow the personal element to creep in so that it makes barriers between you, between the children of the one Father, barriers to that 'spirit of family' which it is so important should grow and expand...
"Oh, think you - and I speak to all - this is how it will appear to you when free from the body. Then, you will meet those whom on earth you differed from so greatly regarding God and His purpose, and together you will stand - no longer alienated by your thoughts, but bound together by spiritual understanding. And, dear children, in that happy time, it will not be this one who will claim he was right, it will not be that one. The thought which will pierce your very heart will be this: 'Did I allow my opinions, when on earth, to make barriers between me and my brother, my sister; and if so, did I not betray the Christ within?' That, dear children, will be the only thing which will matter when you are free.
"During the physical stages, of necessity, there are varied temperaments, the result of training, of environment, and of selected characteristics - selected by the spirit within. And because of that, naturally, one takes this point of view - and the other sees an aspect which appears almost in opposition; and the enemies of the Most High, playing on the nerves and all that which comprises the physical, use it not only to strike you and your friend, but to strike Love itself.
"The only thing which matters when we are free is: 'Did my opinions come between me and Love - love for Christ, love for my neighbour?' - and in the measure that barriers were set up, so sadness will come. The point of argument will have passed away; you see and you know, and you find no excuse for yourself for having forgotten the injunction of the Holy Master Himself...
"I speak to all, aye, and perhaps more especially to those representatives of their God - those who have called themselves this and have called themselves that - and by the very distinctions which they have set up have repudiated the teaching of the One they profess to follow. When the Light comes, when the body is no more, they must suffer - for they could have known but they refused to listen to the small voice of conscience...
"My children, have you ever considered within yourselves what it means to be called a 'Christian', to claim a name so associated with love, with suffering, and with the misunderstanding of others? Have you ever considered that by attaching to yourselves that portion of Christ, you are indeed announcing that you follow not darkness but you are allied to the Light of the World, to the Redeemer of mankind?
"In this room tonight, there are many who, during the physical stage, were certain that their form of religion was right, and that form alone. There are countless millions who have thrown off the shackles of physical thought, who have joined hands with those they hated on earth - hated because their definition of God differed from their own.
"Oh, think you to yourselves: 'What have I undertaken when I called myself a Christian? What does this symbolise? And what are the facts as illustrated in my own life?'
"My children, those of you who have been taught by me, have long ere this realised the importance - the absolute necessity - of disentangling yourselves from the menace of: 'This is right and that is wrong'. And 'menace' it is, in a way you will never grasp until you are free - a menace to yourselves, a menace to those in your vibrations, and, indeed, a menace to the constructive work of God.
"But, my little ones, lest you think in these words there is a hint of scolding, I disperse that thought at once. I have gathered together in this little room those of all Faiths. I have taught the child I use to throw off for ever the old conceptions - the old idea that Christ can only be truly worshipped in one way alone. Christ is the Saviour of mankind, and whether sections of humanity believe in Him or not, it does not alter the fact that Christ is the Redeemer of mankind, and that God is the Father of all; and the Father-spirit is the family-spirit, and the family-spirit is the Christ-spirit.
"So, my children, remembering how great an honour has been laid upon you, and that you not only call yourselves Christians but try to demonstrate that you want to follow what Christ taught, I would lead you on to a subject so closely allied to this that you will see, and you will feel, that you have not only been called, but you have been chosen by God to do that little portion of the great Work which has been reserved for you, that which has been held in trust for you over the long ages which have passed...
"My little ones, there is within your minds that love for me which is an offering direct to Christ, for what do I teach you and of whom do I speak? I have told you ever in regard to the vessels of the Most High, that sometimes they are fit for use and sometimes they have to be put aside until they are suitable, until they have been refined so that Purity can use them for the furtherance of His plans.
"I, as a servant of my Holy Master, am as nothing, yet to the Father I am His child. Oh, think you like that within yourselves. Your thoughts, your failures, they loom so large to you, but to the Father you are His child, the one He yearns over and the one He will bind to Himself in that close unity which the spirit within wills should be...
"My children, in calling ourselves Christians, we have the two sides: The one, perhaps, which reflects sadness; but the other, so radiant with Love that even as we glance at that which pains us, so the joy covers the sad side, and all is as God intends. But during the earth stage, so many cling to the sad side - they are unwilling that Love should blot it out.
"Take the world over, take the children of all climes, of all creeds, with their varied environment, with their chances and opportunities, with their disadvantages and disabilities. Think of these and then think of Christ; think of those whom, to you, seem so bound, so ignorant of this, so limited over that. They are the children of the Most High, and what you see is but one stage; the Father sees the completion, sees the end of the long journey, sees the purification, sees the victory over weakness, and strength established for ever...
"That is the Christ view and that should be your view; and one day that must be the view of every one, however rigid, however bound they may be, however many barriers they have made between themselves and those others who know not God, or, who knowing, spurn Him from their presence...
"Following Christ - many have understood it thus: The laying aside of this and the giving up of that, the devoting of hours to prayer, and the concentration of the energies on forwarding that which they call their Church...
"Children, all this is good, all this is constructive, but in the measure that their devotion, that their concentration on one channel closed their minds to the myriad of channels between man and God, so in that measure they have denied the Christ within.
"When they pass hence, when they go back over the past, they will see that the lack of brotherhood, that the absence of understanding, that this has erected between them and their comrades - hedges of thought; between them and spiritual aspiration, that which it will take years to trample down.
"I speak to those, whoever they may be, who have said within themselves: 'This course is the right course, that course is the wrong course'. I speak to them in the Name of Love, and I ask them to consider within themselves that the only course which is the Christ-course is love, is that fraternity, is that instilling of the family spirit, the family spirit without which the Great Father cannot be understood, even in that limited way which is held out to all.
"My children, you love your Church with all your hearts; you have been brought up to find comfort, to find relief within the edifices which are erected to the glory of God; but long ere this, you have seen that with many the 'Church' as a body, as a symbol - call it what you will - that it stands in front of the Beloved, that it blurs the beauty of Divine Love; as it were, it draws a veil between the sheep and the Shepherd who will seek until He has found. And, dear children, although there may be some who will deny it, this attitude of mind creeps over the vast majority who have allied themselves to this form or that form of so-called Religion.
"Religion - what does the word mean? What does it imply? Oh, my children, get far away from words which over the years, by usage, by the influence of this thought and the other, have almost entirely lost their true interpretation. In the utterances of the Saviour, in those sentences chronicled by the faithful in olden times, you have that religion which should not only satisfy you but should satisfy the teasing, doubting, quarrelsome mind of man as a whole.
"I hesitated over that word, for though the quarrels come, yet as you perceive yourselves, those quarrels are engineered by the enemies of Christ, by a chance word or by the omission of the right word at a moment when it was deemed necessary by the other. Trifles light as air, but they have wrecked friendships, they have severed the tie between those who are called upon by their Father to love each other.
"Oh, think you to yourselves how strange it will seem to such as these when they pass hence, and see, working together in harmony - with perfect understanding - those who held such different beliefs, those whose 'religions' were antitheses one to the other. Yet, because of that omission during the earth stage, so they hasten to retrieve, so they link themselves as brothers, as sisters, and find to their amazement - because they have seen God's Love at work - that those differences, which like a precipice gaped between them, no longer exist; the bridge of understanding has been thrown across, and in thought they scourge themselves over the past.
"Oh, my children, think of Christ; aye, think of the Holy Master; think of His patience, think how He reasoned with those whose one thought was to entrap Him, and think of His silence when so much could have been said in condemnation. And this example is before us all - we want no other. Those in the Spirit, through His grace, come into your lives and tell you just that little which you can take in - in regard to Love; but even as you listen, so your minds pass beyond them and focus on the Source.
"Yes, as little children in understanding humanity, as a whole, is called by the Great Father to join hands one with the other, whatever their creed, whatever their so-called Faith, and to demonstrate their faith in God by following His behest: 'Little children, love one another' - and again: 'Little children, in loving your neighbour, so indeed you love Me'... That is the Christ-statement and from that, argue as they may, justify themselves as they try to - from that there is no escape.
"And then I take you from the earth side, and I show you God's side; I show you how comprehensive is Love at work; I show you, for your comfort, how you, little children of my heart, have demonstrated that desire to proclaim yourselves one of the great family of the Most High.
"Those who have passed out of physical life have come back to you and have spoken from their hearts; those who chose such different roads to God, found, when understanding came, that though this way seemed to the north and that way to the south, they met at the Saviour's Feet.
"And because of this great privilege - the privilege of seeing, dimly it may be - but because you have laid aside those chains of the mind, so, dear children, you have provided a channel which God can use to demonstrate that glorious family life which is everywhere in those realms which are Spirit, and which is - from time to time - taken by the lovers of Christ into those conditions where Light scarce can enter in... Brother to brother, the weakest linked with the strongest, the purest bound to the vilest, for God is the Father of us all.
"Oh, my children, when you are free, you will see what has been wrought by this laying aside of your instinctive reservations in regard to all that which comes under the name of: 'Religion', whether it be western or eastern in its conceptions. This freedom, this charity of thought, is not only put to use in a way you cannot understand at this stage, but tomorrow and in the sweet by and by, it will have opened to you conditions of light and revelation which will bring that peace which the sorrows of others, the earth memories, or the remembrance of your own failures and mistakes will never take away...
"And that brings me to the next step: I say that the sorrows of others no longer will be able to cut into that Divine peace, for then, looking at things from within outward, so you will see the meaning of grief, the weaving in of those strands of power which pain - yes, physical pain - can do, in a measure inconceivable to the mind of the body. You will witness yourselves that the laying aside is but the taking up, that the relinquishing of your loved ones is making the link between you inseverable for ever.
"And so, my children, as you wend your way towards the earth, so gladly then, so charged with that love which Christ pours out for all, you will hold on to this one and that - perhaps one who is going through the same experience as you went through, and is held by that view which the minds of man have presented, and which, alas, she has made her own.
"And because you suffered a space, so then charged with love and power, bought by your own experience, you shall find it within your province to break down that gate of misunderstanding so that the light which shines from God may enter in. And while you suffer with them and for them, the consciousness of God's plan, the consciousness that it is but for a little while, will give you and enable you to hold that peace - for faith is peace and peace is faith...
"And then, my little ones, I would speak of this: 'Following Christ' - 'How can I follow Christ? How can I get His tools? How can I obtain, in a measure, His Love? And without these things, how can I follow Christ in the real sense of the word?'...
"Little children, each hour of the day, and far more so during the hours of night, so you are gathering to yourselves that which is necessary, that which is essential, if you would not only call yourselves Christians but demonstrate the Christ-spirit within.
"And when you say a chance word which cheers another, when you think a compassionate thought regarding the plight of another – ah, from these little things, so you are gathering round you ready for use at this stage and ready for use again when you are free from that which binds, those same tools which Christ showed in completion, in perfection, during the days when - as ourselves - He walked and lived amongst us...
"This, dear children, is a subject upon which there is so much to be said, and about which all that ought to be said can never be; but as you go on, as you emerge from the physical into the spiritual, as you get free from the earth view and take up the Christ view, so, little by little, the consciousness will come what it means, what underlies that wonderful calling, that wonderful privilege of demonstrating your Master - albeit in miniature - demonstrating your Master to those in need, aye, and to those who know Him not...
"We are Christians, and because we are Christians we claim not only those others who worship Him in a different way from our own, but, in the Name of God, we claim as our brothers and sisters those who knew not His Name, those who have repudiated their inheritance, those who have turned from their Father and want Him not.
"This is the Christ-spirit, this is the true meaning of Christianity, and this - when man stands before his God - this in itself will mean happiness or that which represents a broken heart.
"My children, wherever you go, speak of Christ; concern yourselves not with this church or with that creed and doctrine, with rules or observances. The true spirit of worship, the only way we can show that we love our God, is to pass on the message which He, as Man, brought to earth. Christians, and yet, not of Christ - oh, my children, the agony of that thought - Christians, and yet, not of Christ, for His first command has been overlooked...
"This then, dear children, as I have taught you ever, must be your attitude towards all, whether they agree with you or whether they find it impossible to see the aspect of Faith as presented to you: Little children of the one Father, little children bound together by aeons of experience, little children, hand in hand, approaching their God, and by holding fast to each other, drawing down upon themselves His blessing...
"Oh, spread it far and wide that God is the God of all, whether in this realm - whether in those countless realms beyond your imagination, whether in one planet or in another - the One God, the One Christ, the One Holy Spirit, bound together as a gift to all, and finding expression in that word 'Father' - Father, in which is included, as you know, that which is associated with the name of Mother...
"My children, you have been shown in the past that all those fine and delicate feelings connected with motherhood, come from the One who created us all; therefore I say 'Father' as all comprehensive, because from God alone the power of mother-love is drawn...
"My little ones, tonight, because we are so in sympathy, because Love is in our midst, I have chosen this subject - yes, a subject which cannot be dwelt upon in words, yet I have endeavoured to portray something of the mighty meaning underlying that high honour which is your own, but I must leave it to the spirit within - the spirit which remembers, which knows Christ - knows Christ.
"And the spirit, drawing power from the great Source, shall bring to the mind of the body some conception not only of what Christianity represents, but of the boundless Love lying beneath the thought, the wonderful premise, the unbroken hope, the certainty that, in time to come, each and everyone will gather round their God - not as servants, not as betrayers, not as culprits or prisoners, not as those alienated by the misunderstandings and the failures of the past - but gather round their God as children calling on the Love of the Father as a right.
"And the Father in their midst, overseeing all, understanding all, teaching them just that extra portion which they can bear of what Fatherhood means, of the glorious plans which He has thought out for them; and, above all, of their right as His children not only to take Love, but from the store of love which is within, to go amongst those who understand neither sonship nor fatherhood, and teach them, in turn...
"That, dear children, is not only the working out of the mighty plan, but to us who have seen - who have come under the warmth and the glory of Christ's Love, who have listened to Him, who have felt His healing touch - that missionary work represents to us a joy, a completion of happiness which no words can express. For having taken so much, instinctively we long to give; having seen Love, so then we try to pass on that image to others; having penetrated into Truth, we know that the only peace which lasts is understanding Truth.
"And yet, I bring you back once more to the vision of the Father in your midst, in the midst of countless numbers, yet neither one nearer to Him than the other, neither one able to feel His touch more than another. Christ, God, the Eternal Father, gathering His beloved under the protection of His Love, and holding them fast. His children, fought for, suffered for, redeemed from all that yesterday, and held by Him, His most precious possession, because they, out of love - unconscious though that love may have been over the ages - out of love, they started on the long journey of experience so that the time might come when they could stand before Him and claim Him as their Father, not only as His gift but as something they themselves have bought, bought in the only way which a 'gift' can be bought - by giving out of themselves so that they might draw back that which was their own...
"Father and child united, complete in Love, in understanding, and yet still Father and child. And you and I, my little ones, so naturally - when we, as children, find the resources within somewhat depleted - so naturally going to Him, and as a child asking from its father, gain that which we require to put into operation those things which are all part of the plan, part of God's work on earth.
"Oh, think you, my little ones, of Christ. Forget all those other names, forget those edifices, forget everything which is of the earth, and think of Christ: Christ in the fields, Christ in the dark and dreadful streets of that which you call slum-land, Christ in the palaces, Christ in the hovels, Christ in your work, Christ in your play.
"And whether you or others are conscious of Him or not, the Shepherd seeks His flock, and conditions are as nothing to Him. The Father yearns for the child to return Home - his absence has been noted over the years and the longing for that which is His own cannot be stilled, cannot be silenced. The Father yearns for the forgetful son, and in time, that yearning - because it is Love - shall bring back the child, and the Father's heart will be glad...
"Yes, dear children, when you think of much which has been taught in the Name of Love - and when you listen to the Christ-aspect of God, to the Father-aspect of the Most High - you marvel at the comparison.
"Oh, search your hearts - I speak to all - is that which I teach contrary to Love? Is it contrary to the words spoken by the Master Himself, who claimed that He was Love? Search your hearts and lay your theories aside, for the time will come - either during the physical stage or in one of those many conditions through which you must go - when this consciousness of Love, Divine Love, will be made your own, and you will see then that that which I was able to portray in the language of the earth was but a faint reflection of Truth Itself...
"And then, my children, just before I leave you, I ask you not to interpret that which I have said as condemnation of anyone, but to try and realise that because I have been permitted to cull a little love from the great Source, I too yearn over my brothers and sisters, yearn over them because they know not things as they are. And, if in reading my words, they say to themselves that it is an accusation against this one or that, then I pray them think again. If they saw a friend - a loved friend - in danger of making a mistake, of doing that which will cause them sorrow in time to come, would they not think that the one who was conscious of the danger should say to them: 'Friend, take care'.
"Love - and love alone - influences my words. Love - and love alone - bids me send out this warning. For once Christ has been seen, once His tender glance has been met, then those things so out of tune with Love must of necessity exact their punishment... Yet, even while we suffer by our failures and through our misunderstanding, so Christ pours down upon us that Love, that sympathetic comprehension of how it came about; and this, dear children, hurts us more than all the rest.
"Then, as I go, I call back to your minds the Father and His children, and you, individually, not approaching Love with apprehension, but running to your Father, holding on to Him, and asking Him to protect you in spite of your lesser selves. And the Father protects because the Father understands. And joy comes after the night of suffering, yet the memory of suffering places within your hands the gift to lighten the suffering of others. So it is all complete - the Father and His children, and the child holding fast to the Father, certain of protection...
"And now, my little ones, I will leave you, but give out of yourselves, because this night is one when we show that we can rise to something of the Christ-spirit, while the wish within is indeed to express that which the Beloved revealed in perfection... And now I go..."
(Others then spoke...)
Late High Commissioner for South Africa...
"...Good evening, ladies. It's Schriener, and I hope you don't mind my coming on a night which is so purified by thought. I've come for a purpose.
"I was allowed to tell you that because, when on earth, I took the course of least resistance, I'd chosen to fight those forces of evil which I, in common with others, had given so much strength. I've learnt and perhaps I've suffered, but the suffering is my gift.
"Tonight, ladies, I want to talk of something else; I want to tell you my experience when I passed out... It's curious to stand here now because I'm changed; I didn't know it until tonight how changed I was. When we see things as they are, and when we mix with those who are as different from us as day from night, then it's very difficult to believe that progress of any kind has taken place; but tonight I feel a new man, I feel strangely young, upright and light. That heavy body of mine seems to have disappeared, I've forgotten it - thank God, I've forgotten it and its memories...
"But I was going to tell you about when I passed out. It seemed to me that I woke up at once, but it was months after - thank God, not years, months. And when I opened my eyes, I was not conscious of what had happened, I thought I had been in an accident or had been knocked down by roughs, for my clothes were in tatters and I had nothing of value left. It was curious where I found myself. It seemed to me that I was on a shore - I can see it now - with cliffs of rough rock stretching right above me, and innumerable rocks all around and as far as the eye could reach...
"I thought to myself: 'That's it, I've been robbed - it was murder, or attempted murder'. I sat up and looked around; there was the greyest sea I had ever seen, not a sign of life, nothing but rocks and a sort of blight in the air. I felt shattered, as though I had been struck dazed, shattered, but slowly my faculties came back, and as I dragged myself up, I wondered what on earth I was going to do. I shouted, I bellowed, but the echoes came back like laughter. And then I remembered that I should starve if I didn't get help...
"You see all my thoughts were physical; the place seemed material but hideous, just the sort of spot for a dirty deed to be done...
"I started to clamber over the rocks, and I cursed my assailants for taking my boots away and leaving me in such a plight. As I went on, I saw someone in the distance, sitting on a rock, with bowed head. Thank God - there was someone who would tell me where I was and would help me to get away. So I bounded towards him. I forgot my pains, I forgot everything in the thought that I wasn't alone.
"And then, when I got close, I saw that the man was in trouble - I was struck by his look of anguish. I asked what was the matter, and he said: 'I've lost a child on these rocks'. I questioned him about it, but I didn't like to press the point, he looked too bad; and if you had seen that place, it was enough to make anyone look bad.
"Of course I offered to help him, and we started climbing and clambering, peering into this, hunting behind that. I called and I prayed, for the thought of a child lost in that hell's retreat filled me with horror.
"And the stranger - he was very quiet - and sometimes, well, I was a stronger man than he, sometimes I dragged him up. And as time went on I got more concerned over the man himself than at any trouble which had overtaken me. It seemed to me that we went on like that for hours, and the absolute impossibility of finding the child crept over my mind - I thought he must be drowned; but the father said: 'My child is alive, I am sure'...
"And on we went again. Oh, I'll cut out the terrors and the dangers, but I tell you that whatever manhood I ever had, had to come out to support me then. At last, outside a gap, the climax came: The man went on in front, and before I could follow, to my horror I saw from above a huge boulder shaking in its socket before it fell. I screeched like an animal and rushed towards him for he was just beneath, and then it seemed like the explosion of a great mine, and I remembered no more...
"When I woke up, I was lying on a grassy hill as though I had just had a refreshing sleep. My first thought was of the father and his child. There were people about yet I've no recollection of them at all, but I asked: 'Has anyone seen the man who lost his child?' And they told me - and it brought a relief which I can't express - they told me that both were alive, that the child had been found and they had gone on in front, and I was asked to follow.
"Well, ladies, to cut a long story short, like a boy I bounded along. The road was steep but the green grass grew on either side, and somehow the longing within to see the stranger again seemed to act as wings, and weariness was unknown. And here and there I asked those I passed, and the answer was always the same: 'They are on in front; hurry up for they are hoping you will catch them up'...
"Yes, it was always that - hoping I should catch them up! At last, as I turned the side of a hill, I saw the stranger, but the child was absent. And when I approached him, full of excitement, full of a sense of achievement, of something fought for, something done, He greeted me as Christ. And there, standing before Him, I learnt from His lips that I was the child on that awful shore whom He was searching for... He had chosen the one way of bringing me back...
"You see, my friends, we've got a lot to re-learn, a lot to get readjusted, and these personal experiences, why, whether they fit in with any line of thought or not, it doesn't matter; it doesn't alter the fact that they happened.
"Later on, when I questioned why they had said that the man and the child were on in front, they told me that it was even as they said. It was my love for the stranger, my better self which had gone on and left the old self to hurry after. And there, at His Feet, the two were made one, or, rather, the old self was cleansed by the new self, and Christ - well, it can't be talked about, for Christ is Christ...
"I want you, when you think over this experience, to remember this: That if ever a man required redemption it was myself; if ever a man needed to be washed clean it was myself; if ever a man worshipped mammon instead of God, it was myself. Now you understand why it is that I've voluntarily - it's all voluntary here - chosen to work amongst those who are hemmed in by temptation, to come to grips, when I am strong enough, with those enemies who are not only out to damage the individual, but to drag me back to those depths from which I've escaped. And each time faith holds good, and each time love triumphs over hate, it means for me, in mind, in thought, the green hills and that quiet meeting place with Christ... That's my reward, and if you had been there, you would say it was a reward out of all proportion to the deed done...
"And now, my friends, I'll go, I'm glad to have spoken about this because I carry it about with me - the wonderful remembrance, and it's like a cloak of protection between me and my weaker self... Goodnight..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, tears and smiles make up life, and tears and smiles are like the beautiful spring day which brings forth the life, which literally feeds Nature. And so we lift our minds a little higher up, and we say to ourselves that the storms of life and the joys of life are revitalising that which is our true selves...
"So, my children, I leave this thought amongst you: Those who have sorrowed, they have not only the right, but they have the certainty of the sun which shall shine upon them. And if it seems to you that the storms are rather frequent, then be certain it is but a test - that the sun of God's Love is streaming down upon you even though your vision is clouded by your tears. And the time is coming when each one, in their new strength, will be able to open that which veils the future and look with confidence therein, for the future is peace, and the future is certainty of God's protecting care, of God's Divine Justice, of God's unlimited Love...
"So then, tonight, closing these quiet hours with the thought of Christ uppermost in our minds, we will thank Him with grateful hearts that we are His children, that He gives to us so much, and, again, that He, out of Love, allows us to give of our little in return...
"Christ in your midst, Christ in your hearts, Christ in your minds, Christ in your lives - bound to Him, admitted to that sweet companionship - for as the perfect Companion He stands for all time, as the Shepherd who is ever concerned over His flock and as the Shepherd who seeks until the straying one is found...
"In Christ's Name I bless you. And I remind you once again that centred in His Love, protected by His Love, and surrounded by those who find their only joy in serving Love, so you can rest content - for the blessing is not only going to be felt within, but is going to be demonstrated to others, for the Father has spoken... Goodnight, my little ones."
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chronologically-ordered scripts from the Zodiac Circle before the first public appearance
(New Revelation, 1923-1928)
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(ranging from 1923-1957)