An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 9th May, 1926.
"Most loving and understanding Father, we thank Thee with grateful hearts for this little sanctuary, and we ask that tonight each one may be conscious of healing - of a renewal of faith and confidence which nothing can shake...
"O Christ, it is indeed with diffidence that we approach Thee in Thy power, but realising that Thou art our Protector and our Guide, we gather close not only certain that Thou art willing to listen to us but also conscious that we are Thy children, and as children, loved and blessed by their Father, we can claim from Thee that which Thou hast bestowed upon us, bestowed in that early time when we started off on the long journey of experience, of understanding what true wisdom represents...
"O God, attune our hearts and minds not only to peace but to joy. Grant that even on the darkened days, we can raise our minds above the clouds and catch the bright gleams which are shining upon us, reflecting that same sunshine which is everywhere in the World of Spirit... Yes, teach us to be able to penetrate the shadows and to find the true Light which Thou hast provided for all who love Thee and seek to serve their neighbour...
"O Christ, be very close tonight and give us of Thy power, and, still more, give us the gift of realising that Thou art ours and we are Thine, for ever and for ever...
"...My little children, it gives me great pleasure to see you gathered here, for what does it tell me, what does it convey to my father-heart? Why, that my children can put aside the things of the world and respond to that which is their true self - that the call of the Spirit without finds an immediate answer from the spirit within...
"Oh, my children, when you are free, you will go back on these little incidents and indeed they will seem as stars on the pathway of your life. But I must not pause unduly upon personal things, for we are out on a big campaign, and you must learn before you can teach. So tonight, my little ones, I ask you once again to lay aside those natural desires of the heart and to give, yes, to give out from yourselves and to ask for nothing in return...
"Yet, God's ways are as this: Those who can extricate themselves from the lesser self, are binding to them powers and opportunities which no words can convey. The law of compensation - ah, man understands this not because he is unable to grasp even a fragment of the generosity of the Divine Mind...
"My little ones, around you there has been turmoil and disturbance, yet, to the children of the Light, all this can be placed where it rightly belongs. It is as a storm that beats against the little turret of your real selves; but that turret, because it has been built on rock, stands firm. No tempest, no boisterous wind, no arts of the enemy can imperil it, for the protection of the Most High has been thrown across it, and it is invulnerable, untouched by that which is alien to God.
"You see, my children, this must be our course now and always. Changes come, the world is rocked by its passions and by its selfish desires. Those who are comfortably placed so often forget their poorer neighbours, and these poorer neighbours - instead of recognising that their hardships now will provide their tools hereafter - they, blinded by the aspect of the world, hurl back that which is in their power. And so those who would strike Christ - for a little while - triumph over the efforts of His servants. But, dear children, that 'little while' passes, and once more the hosts of God lead on; and, more than that: Those who have suffered, in the degree that they have suffered, have garnered that which shall represent to them Life in the world to come...
"My children, you have been taught by me that when struggles are taking place, then those who wish to be disciples of their Master, they pray not to be excused but they share that which others are forced to undergo. In warfare of whatever kind it may be, the only ones who are really to be pitied are those who can say: 'This touches me not; I have provided for all emergencies'. These deserve your compassion in a way no words can express, for they indeed have taken that part which, literally, has been provided for them by the enemies of the spirit within.
"Then thank God, my children, that you have been allowed to suffer - aye, if it only be in light degree - that you have suffered with the victims, with those who have been powerless to defend themselves.
"My children, having thus drawn in your thoughts, and having placed the events of the present moment where they rightly belong, I would now talk to you for a little while on that which comes under the heading of: 'Faith and Experience'.
"Children, there have been those who have climbed to God with the aid of that wonderful staff called Faith, and there have been many others who, looking on such as these, have wished with all their heart that this most powerful tool were their own as well. In regard to the position of these two - and they typify a vast host not only today but in the long past - I want you to get things in their right perspective.
"You see, dear children, that when you enter a physical body, you bring with you certain advantages and disadvantages, and I use those terms entirely from the physical point of view. Yet, mistake not this: Those who bring faith, as a rule, take on many experiences of a character most severe - and were it not for the gift of faith, they could not work through.
"On the other hand, there are those, also heavily handicapped by the absence of those useful tools of the mind which so mitigate the circumstances of their life, who, out of the strength of the spirit within say: 'I will work through to faith and purchase it as I go along'...
"Children, get these two aspects right. You can imagine that with the staff of faith, life is eased considerably; you can grasp that those whose experiences are adverse who have not yet achieved faith, their position is a precarious one; and I say: All honour to those, who, in spite of that lack of faith, continue the upward path, albeit with a breaking heart.
"And now, dear children, we will dismiss that phase of: 'Faith and Experience' and pass on to what I am anxious to drive home tonight.
"There are many in the body who view things thus: They live according to the law, they obey, they are well disciplined characters. But if you suggested that they should be pioneers, immediately the protest would be so strong that you would realise that it was impossible to change their decision.
"Yet, think you like this - and tonight I speak to many: I ask them to go back over the early records which are in their possession, and within those sacred pages they will find that from the very beginning of the spiritual release of man, there were the few - aye, the few - who were sufficiently freed from the aspect as presented by the world, to strike out a path not only for themselves but for those within their charge.
"The argument so often brought against the pioneer is this: 'The path already beaten out is safe and sure. Others more experienced than myself have tested it, therefore I consider I am right in taking advantage of their experience. Who am I that I should try to show a better way?'
"Children, this argument is a subtle one, and those who use it nearly always are entirely sincere, but they know not the voice which suggests that which is easy rather than that which is difficult and unknown. You see, dear children, that when you think it out, detaching yourselves from the arguments which emanate from the mind of the body, you find it is neither logical nor is it accurate on any point.
"Oh, think you like this: 'Faith and Experience' - where would humanity stand today, if all those great and noble souls in olden times had flinched from exploring new paths - if they had stayed in the valley because of the unknown terrors of the mountain side? Think of our father, Moses - aye, think of him. The argument that the path already beaten out was the only one to be followed - that argument would indeed have changed the whole history of the world...
"My children, try and put yourselves in the place of this one (Moses) - his enormous responsibilities, the enemies beating on every side; how again and again he stood alone - except for God - and prevailed... And the enemies were within the camp as well as without. If that servant of God had argued thus: 'Who am I that I should strike out a fresh path - I will follow where others have gone before' - what would have happened? My children, the spiritual release of humanity would have been thrown back thousands of years...
"Here you get responsibility in its three-fold aspect: To those who have fought in the past; few they might be, but had they not fought, there would have been no Moses to carry the fight on. And then the plight of those ignorant, blinded children, who represented 'the present'. Then the holding back of the countless unborn, those who were to people the earth in the days to come... Yes, to those who wish to climb by the experiences of others, to these I say: Think well.
"Children, it is not necessary for me to go, point by point, over the lives of the pioneers as narrated in the Sacred Book, yet I would draw your attention to those who surrounded the Master we love so well. Can you imagine that any change in creed and in doctrine could be so great as that which the Good Shepherd brought to man? But these, so ill-equipped, as it appeared at the time, they waited not for someone else to test the safety of this and the safety of that; the Master had said: 'Follow Me', and in their limited way they obeyed, and in the Spirit this was accomplished indeed.
"Children, the argument which men and women have brought against further revelation of the Truth has always been the same: 'The old paths are good enough for me - the new path seems beset by unknown dangers, and punishment will follow quickly if I venture along that road'. Yet, bearing in mind the example of the great ones throughout the ages, this is contradicted and proved false in every sense there could be. And, again, I say the position is an illogical one even to the physical mind, for had there been no pioneers, had there been no brave hearts, you and I, dear children, would have been bereft of our Christ...
"Ah, think you like this: Go back on what I have taught you, have I not told you that, once you knew God in something of His Holiness, in something of His Love? And when you are free, you will find that the so-called 'new' path and its experiences was indeed the old path which you had forgotten - forgotten because over the ages the powers of darkness proved too strong.
"Oh, my children, listen and take in and make your own. Had it not been for faith, the dimmest corners of the valley only would be within the capacity of man today; had it not been for faith, noble thoughts and noble actions would be unknown. It was the pioneers, who, waiting not for the experiences of others, responded to the Voice of the Spirit and set forth with trust... And then, my children, those who followed after, because of the faith of the one, required not faith in like measure. Another has shown the way - a hard way, no doubt, a way dangerous to the comfort of the body, but they worked through; and so the followers, gathering up their resolution, conscious that another had gone in front, commenced to climb.
"But forget not this: That the physical span of human life is limited, and as the explorers went on, so age overtook them or perhaps the enemies of the physical were too strong; and, laying aside the garment of flesh, with lighter hearts they continued the climb, unimpeded, and with a vision of something of all that which lay in front.
"And so, dear children, over the ages, this has been the position: Those who have followed after - climbing by the steps made by the pioneers - have reached the point which was the last physical stage of the one who went first. But remember this: They had saved their strength through the experiences of such as these, but when the point was reached when their release came, did they rest and say: 'We have done enough'? Nay, gathering up those few things which the early pilgrims had left behind, with a renewed faith in God, with a stronger determination of purpose, they climbed another span, and then in turn laid down the tools of the physical to take up the wonderful gifts and powers of the Spirit...
"And this has gone on throughout the spiritual history of the ages, each one benefiting by the experiences of those who went in front, but resting not there.
"Oh, my children, cannot you see that when you climb on the steps cut by the effort and by the anguish of others, you are not contributing, you are but taking what another has made possible? Yet this is God's will, but it is not the Father's will for any man or any woman to think they have done enough when the last step of the earlier travellers has been found.
"So, my children, lay this on your heart: The tree of Truth on earth needs nourishment. Had that nourishment been forthcoming today, there would be peace instead of war; had the Christ spirit permeated the hearts and minds of man, neither laws nor restrictions would be wanted, for man would recognise man as brother, and strife would cease.
"Literally, this is what has happened on your little earth: A few have climbed the hill to God on the experiences of others, the majority have remained in the valley beneath; but within the heart and mind of the climbers, the pioneer spirit has been absent. Each one waits for the other to go first, to see what lies behind that rock, to find out what dangers must be encountered to gain the peak which lies above.
"That is what has kept man back. 'Caution' it may be called now, but when they come here - free from the body - they will see that they listened to the evil forces who presented expediency in a way that entrapped them and betrayed...
"Oh, my children, remember the pioneers of God, remember that by faith alone they have made it possible for you today to distinguish between right and wrong. Yes, those who waited not for others to go first; those who shirked not responsibility; those who - putting aside the thousand and one fears of the physical mind - answer to God: 'I come'...
"Children, you see what underlies my words; you see that it is not possible to rest here or there; you are conscious that whatever your experiences in the past, vast, vast experiences lie in the future. Yet, mistake not that word: Those 'experiences' are literally the steps hewn out of the rock so that you may climb - ah yes, and still more so, that others, seeing you far up, may find within themselves the resolution to climb as well...
"Give honour where honour is due. When next time those speak to you of taking advantage of the experiences of others, then say to them: 'Will those who follow after be able to benefit by your experiences as well?' That is the point: How many steps have they cut? Or, having climbed on the steps of others, are they resting and admiring the beauty of the view around?
"These are harsh words, so it would seem to some, but I am fighting for the spirit within, the spirit which knows not fear, the spirit which must go on and on, because its goal is God...
"Oh, my children, let no doubts assail your mind, but remember this and remember it ever again: That there is not one inch of ground that any child or traveller could cover, which has not been overseen by Christ. That is the wonder of the upward climb. You are always certain that another has been in front, aye, the One who is All-Love, All-Understanding, the One who has suffered so much...
"And if the eyes of the body were freed, you would find, dear children, that though it seemed to you you cut those steps with so much labour, in reality the steps had been cut before, but the rock appeared smooth in order to test your determination, in order to test your love for God, in order to test the strength of the faith within...
"Yes, though you may climb with aching hearts and tired limbs, each step you take not only has been protected, not only found for you, but in very truth was prepared for you in the long ago; it was there, waiting for you to find the will to search for it yourselves...
"Christ goes in front, ah yes, that is true, but that was in a time unthinkable by the physical mind; yet, with each traveller Christ climbs again, and so you are never alone, never uncompanioned, never unguided. And if only this consciousness could force a way into the physical mind, the loneliness, the sense of 'which way must I turn?' - all these suggestions of the shadows would have no strength. Christ goes with you yes, but He waits for you, dear children, to be willing to take the next step forward yourselves. That must be done by you, and that act of free-will works out for you and for humanity, a freedom which is inexplainable because it is of God.
"So then, my children, make your choice, and make it with the determination that nothing shall come between you and that choice... Ah, in the spirit you have chosen to climb, and in the spirit you are determined to contribute your part, not resting when you have out-spanned that which has been done by others in the past. The choice has been made, and in the by and by, you shall stand and look down the hill at those others who are struggling up; and when they falter, call to them with cheer; and when they hesitate, pointing out the next step which you had taken yourselves...
"And the climbers, they shall be uncountable, and as they pass from point to point, so, in turn, they shall look back and encourage others, and this goes on long after this little life has been forgotten. And as you climb, so the sweetness and the peace shall possess your being; and as self drops from you, so the freed Self within communes with its own, with the pioneers of long ago, with the messengers of the Most High...
" -'Helping - Calling - Encouraging' - that should be your motto for all the days to come, thanking God that within, you had the resource not to wait for others to go first to test the dangers, but to climb yourself, commending your spirit to God.
"And now, my little ones, I will leave you, but I want you to give out all you can, for the physical strain upon my child during the past few days has been greater than understood, and I am drawing from Power Itself to make up for that which has been given away; All-Power has blessed you, All-Love has closed you in, and All-Love bids me say to His children: Look up and find the joy which is your own... And now I go..."
(Others then spoke...)
(Nurse and humanitarian)
"...I am afraid I've no right here at all, and yet I am confident that when you hear my name you will say: 'I am glad you have come'. - Why? Oh, because you are yourselves... It is Edith Cavell and I have been waiting such a long time to speak.
"You see, in the Spirit there are no barriers of any kind except those we erect ourselves, and when my body was taken from me (shot by Germans) I soon wanted to get to work again, and in my investigations, why, I found held out to me this gift of coming back and of speaking to those who would understand...
"You see, dear friends, you have got things all wrong about me. When we are free, we are sadly embarrassed by the reputation we find we have left behind us, and we say: 'But I must explain', and we come back - oh, how often we come back - and talk to those who hold our memory dear, and we say to them: 'It was like this and it was like that', but they do not hear...
"I'd like to explain for the benefit of others, that it doesn't give us any satisfaction but rather brings a great sadness when those on earth so overrate the little that we did. You see, when we are free, all those things fall back into their right perspective, and we are shamed - oh, terribly shamed - in looking at them and seeing how they are represented by those on earth...
"But, really, I haven't come to talk about that - it was catching up your thoughts as I spoke. I've only got a short message and it runs something like this:
"Dear friends, you will understand me when I say that there are always reserves in a woman's heart and mind, and even those who love us best, well, we cannot let them in - it's a little temple which we keep under lock and key because they might not understand.
"When I was a girl I had my dreams, and at one time ambition came very close; but time passed and under the name of experience I learnt many lessons, yes, and some of them were rather difficult to grasp. Then I got my chance to be a woman in the way that it seemed to me that womanhood could be best expressed - as someone who saves, someone who protects. And if only more women today could make this thought their own, they would save themselves so much when they are free. You see, it all arises out of misunderstanding. The majority don't know, and, as your little friend once said (Lily Bennett), there is no one to tell them.
"The woman's place in life is to be strong not weak; the woman's place in life is to lift up, not drag down; to protect those who have not learnt to protect themselves, and, literally, to succour those who have fallen into the mire... I put it like that because I don't want to exaggerate. Yes, and when those women are free, they will see - and this struck me more than anything else when I came here - they will see how Christ regards women.
"It is curious, isn't it, how few, in reading the New Testament, ever grasp what Christ did for women, how He honoured them, how He trusted them, how He gave to them the greatest truths of all...
"I was one of those who read my Bible in a blind way, so it seems to me now, and when I came here, I was astounded at Christ's attitude towards women - His love and understanding, and the way He has never lost faith in us and never will. And when you see those who don't understand, why, you can help them in indirect ways, you can remind them how it is narrated in the Bible that to our dear Lord women stood for something really great...
"I am told to put it in this way, because before the women of this country a great work lies; and you cannot do a great work unless within you the greatness rises in response. The future, in a way impossible to describe, lies in the hands of the women, because they've got the courage - yes, they have got the courage to go on a step in front, not waiting to find out if all is secure, all is safeguarded first...
"Oh, my dear friends, it seems so strange to talk like this - I, so incompetent to touch a weighty subject of this kind! I laugh at myself, and I want you to laugh at me too, and yet underneath the laughter to think to yourselves: 'Perhaps she is right'. My limited view would not allow me to talk in this way but I have been shown... It is written right across the future, that in the hands of the women lies the power to save the world from its worldliness. It will take time, of course, and the women - especially the girls - have not yet found their feet. They have got the pluck and the will, but both the pluck and the will are being used for other things just now; but the Holy Spirit is stronger than the world, and the Holy Spirit one day will be in command.
"I am afraid I have been very... 'schoolmistressy', I suppose you'd call it. I'm sorry, but when we come like this, we are ourselves and yet we are not ourselves, we are caught up in spirit by those early pioneers to heights we couldn't reach ourselves.
"I've got an extra link this evening; I think it will be recognised, and that is partly why I came, but only partly. I could have come without any tie at all because I am 'one more' who has been drawn in to work in the Christ Way to bring freedom to my brothers and sisters, to save them from the enemy, and to send them safe Home at last... Just a little symbol of my work on earth, but now it is the real thing - the vision glorious which is before me as I speak...
"Goodbye, and I love you all in the way that we can love when we are free..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, this evening I want to close on a note of perfect content. Some of my little ones have had sorrowful thoughts, and, from the world's point of view, they have been justified, but from the Spirit's point of view they must not find a place...
"Ah, my children, cannot you see how God uses these little pangs to bring you gain? Cannot you grasp when others are a little unkind, that it simply means that the kindness of Christ is covered round you?
"So, if you reason thus, you will say to yourselves: 'I gain, I do not lose'. And when you are free of all these little sadnesses - the misunderstandings and the half-formed doubts - when you are free from these, so you will see for yourselves that because you suffered, so that brought into your life the power and the blessing which is of God...
"My children all, go forward in the spirit of certainty that however those out to wreck pursue their foolish course, you are amongst the workers, yes, the builders. Neither by your thoughts, far less your actions, join with those who would destroy - but rather, use your influence, your talents, your love, to gather up even the wreckage which remains, and to reconstruct for those who did not understand...
"Builders are we, and though at times the materials within may seem to run short, what does this represent? But a test of your faith. You are drawing from that Source which has no end; you are borrowing the power of the holy ones of old, aye, and you are using, day by day, that which is provided by their counsel. And when, dear children, the thought comes as to the weariness of the task before you, as to its infinite character, as to the responsibility thus entailed, then think you of the unlimited bricks which have been provided, which only wait for your effort and your time to be put one on the other, and to build a wall through which no evil force can break...
"This is our work, and this work will go on unhindered, uninterrupted by the things of the world, for, my little ones, it is God who is calling you and it is the spirit within which is answering; and while you give out to others, and while you make your simple offerings to the Most High, oh, forget not - and this is God's will - forget not that in each act, you are still more freeing that which is Divine within, striking off the chains; and as the links fall asunder, so in your new freedom you are demonstrating to others that no one need be bound...
"Ah, builders are we, and we build for the far future - yet in the present time, so the bricks put together represent strength and stability and protection for others...
"And in this I include the child who is absent (Mrs. White). In the Name of Christ I tell her that all will be well, and I remind her that she is a disciple of the Holy Master, which should explain all things; but the future is secure.
"And now, little ones, we must part, but if you could see and grasp that which has been wrought tonight, so would your hearts rejoice. Children, take as your banner for the days to come just that thought: That you are creating what you know not, and, because of that, the word 'rejoice', the essence of gladness, and the gift of love, should dominate your lives... Hard though it may seem, I bid you rejoice; difficult though it appears at this stage, I bid you respond to that mighty Love of God which is your right, and which the spirit within is able to recognise in something of its magnitude.
"And now I leave you. Peace within - joy in the heart and assurance in the mind, for the Master goes in front, and the Master has provided that which you, little ones of my heart, could not find within yourselves, and all, all is well...
"Goodnight, My children."
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