An Extract From
Taken from an Address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Thanksgiving Service commemorating the 14th Anniversary of the G.W.C.S. League, held at the Kingsway Hall, June 2nd, 1945.
..."I ask you to think of the kind of civilisation you will find when this short stage is o'er. Never mind about the cultivation of the mind: I am speaking of the education of the soul. There are millions who have but little mental knowledge but their hearts are true, they love little children, they would safeguard the old, they are never too tired to give a word of sympathy, never too tired to minister to the sick. Their bodies may appear unto themselves unlovely from an earthly point of view, but beneath the skin there are many bodies in the making, and you who love beauty and yet have been denied beauty, day by day, hour by hour, you are building up a glorious body which you will inherit when kindly death opens the door of darkness and ushers you into the Light.
"Then we think of 'civilisation' after physical death. And even in the next state, beloved, you will find that much you have learnt - the desire to be orderly, to keep your promise, to be loyal to your friends, to do what you can to help those around - you will find that that which you have learnt through civilisation upon the earth plane will be shown to you in an enhanced form when your mind can bear a greater measure of witnessing the goodness of God.
"And I turn to those who in their imagination have longed for a little home of their own, built up in their minds by watching Nature, by seeing the beautiful things of the physical plane, and I want to reassure you all. There will be that home for you in the measure that you have earned it, and the majority will have earned something far more beautiful than their imagination can supply.
"But there are others who are not concerned with their own home; they seem to have wider ideas, to be more ambitious from a spiritual point of view. Some of them say: 'I want to be free to do the Master's work, to have no entanglements, no encumbrances, to be able to go at a moment's notice where the call comes!' Their holy desires shall be granted, but they are the home-makers of others.
"There are those who forget to do their best with the home on earth which they had acquired, they had forgotten that beauty is only skin deep, and allowed themselves to be depressed because the home was so different from the home they thought when they were young would come their way, and so they neglected to do unto that home even those things which were required.
"Now, beloved, I speak to you because I desire you to teach others. There are many who go amongst the poor, many who see souls who are noble living in a lonely room with only the barest essentials for their need. They come away and say: 'How can she endure it?' But they know not of what they speak. They were a visitor in the flesh, but angels glorious to behold were there as well, and as the humble inmate sought to do her best and thanked God that the little room was all her own, by that attitude of mind, by releasing the gift of thankfulness, such a one, being content with little, has gathered together the equipment to build many homes for the destitute in the sweet life to come.
"I know there are hundreds who would answer: 'I would rather another had it; I am accustomed to go without!' That instinct, beloved, shows how the spirit within is benefiting by the civilisation built up by humble men and women over the generations, by those who were willing to sacrifice, to spend days or years trying to invent, and had it not been for their endurance over the withstanding of weariness and disappointment, you today would be living under the most primitive conditions, and your children would have naught of the opportunities that you have striven so hard to give them.
"Then there is another point which I must bring in, emphasising it again and again, and I speak to the childless, I speak to those who have found no congenial partner in life, I speak to the lonely men and women, and I say unto them: open your hearts to the deep comfort that God has given for each and everyone. There are no childless, there are no orphans, there are no lonely men and women. True, for this short stage they have taken on certain experiences, but have you not noticed that many a woman without a child represents an ideal mother? Why? Because in the stage before the physical she learnt mothercraft and willingly, in spirit, laid aside this privilege to learn something else that might be of benefit to mankind."...
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