An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 16th December, 1923.
"In Thy Hands all are safe - safe, dear Christ, from the perils without and from those dark, destructive forces which would even at the eleventh hour tear this work into shreds and render it valueless, but in Thy Hands all is safe - Thy little children, the work and the future that lies before them; safe because it is Thy will and where Thou commandest nothing is strong enough to intervene.
"It is enough to say that Thou art our Father, and the Father understands the hearts and minds of His little children, and even at this moment is closing the wounds and upon them pouring the balm of love - that love which only can express Thee.
"Listen to us tonight; take from us all that stands in between; let us indeed meet together in the bright spheres, the world forgotten: its trials and the many blows that the shadows can inflict - forgotten because we are as one - those already freed from the bondage of the flesh and those who long with intensity to be free also. Only to them does anything separate them from that freedom and brightness; we and Thou knowest that nothing can come between because they are indeed the children of Light, even though the darkness of the earth tries to shut them in.
"Light calls to light, and when this is unanimous on both sides, the clouds disperse, and the sun of God's love shines down once more, strengthening, healing, cleansing, purifying, uplifting - and so everything works together for good, because it means once more that the enemy is defeated - defeated because Thy children know to Whom they belong - Christ, the giver of all good things, the understanding Father, the Tender Shepherd seeking for His lost sheep, the Mighty Arbiter of the lives and the fates of all.
"We are Thy children and we gather once more to take the blessing so freely offered, so gladly given and so easily bestowed. In our hearts we adore Thee. Saviour, Lord and God - we adore Thee, and the Love that Thou sendest down to us ever and ever again. All is well, all is wonderfully well...
"...My children, it would seem tonight that we meet under rather strained conditions. It is not easy for the physical mind to fit in with the position that we hold, and with the love of God, that so often things should go wrong - that the opposing forces should be so powerful; and yet tonight, dear children, we do not meet in any sense but that of perfect understanding, and before I have finished you will say with me: 'All is well all is wonderfully well'.
"And yet, my children, I would not pass on from the subject without alluding to the toll that such tests take from you all. They seem so unnecessary, and the word 'unjust' rises to the mind in an instant, because you cannot see the why and the wherefore. Looking at things from your point of view, I do not blame you, and indeed I can see exactly how this impression comes - that evil is given the advantage, and that those who wish to serve Christ are fettered and blocked in every direction. That is the natural physical view, and I should be failing my part as Leader if I pushed it aside and said merely: 'Show your faith in God'.
"It is not easy under such circumstances to have that faith which you all desire to make your own. My children, if I say to you that this had to be, then it sounds at once as though I myself am lacking in the tender feelings that even a most ordinary parent would have towards his children... It is not easy to explain. The going is hard, I admit it, and this hardness cannot be done away with until certain tests have been taken and received in the spirit that the God in you insists upon.
"Now, children, that has a very disconcerting sound. Immediately you remember the thoughts of rebellion, and despair comes very close indeed. But you must look at it from a practical point of view. Your thoughts on these lines are destructive to a certain degree - very destructive so far as your personal happiness is concerned, and sometimes they affect others, as depression nearly always does. But the point is this: Where does their power end? Are those thoughts sufficient to bar the way, to make you turn back, or even to prevent your going forward? A negative attitude is no use; it doesn't exist in any sense whatever; nothing is stationary when you are character-building.
"Now how far are you going to allow those thoughts to take the lead? If they influence your actions then they are terribly destructive and actually working against God.
"With you, dear children, it is something like this: You grieve and you sorrow and your physical mind puts up every sort of fight it can think of; but you go on - that is the one thing that matters. Wilful and rebellious as that physical mind may be - and I am not denying that it has good cause with its limited understanding, to feel like that - notwithstanding that tussle, the victory is always on the side of right; and that is why I cannot be sad this evening.
"There has been a good deal of sadness in the day, but that is past and over and done with. While I am in possession sorrow is unknown..."
(Others then spoke...)
Miss Gurney...
..."I want to speak to Margaret... I am afraid she won't be very pleased to have me here because I was associated in her mind with someone who was rather an old nuisance - who meant well, but was eccentric in many ways. Margaret, cast your mind back to literature - to the pamphlets; and an old woman very ugly to look upon... I know now that some of my friends said I had a heart of gold, but it seemed to me in those days that my physical distortions would far out-weigh the 'heart of gold'...
"It is Amelia Gurney - Miss Amelia Gurney, and I used to like your bright face - you were a very willing girl and obliging too... I didn't forget you after you left and when I came here I remembered you too, and when I found out that we could know what was going on with those upon earth, amongst others I sought for you, and I found that you were linked to a great work - just the sort of work that would have made me very happy, and that was how I came to be in it too.
"I want you, my child, to get beyond the body, as you remember it, and to see the spirit within, to whom God has been very good indeed, marvellously so. That which was repulsive has brought me so much gain that I would willingly have been twisted, and as hideous as a monkey, to have the prize that has come my way. Beauty is only skin deep - that is a hackneyed phrase, but could you see me now you would realise that the beauty of the spirit goes through and through, because, in its limited way, it is allowed to represent God.
"I am favoured now in the sense - that my burdens have been turned to powers, and my physical weakness to a mighty strength. This is how God works, and this is for the comfort of those who have suffered while in the flesh. 'Happy' - it is but an imperfect word to express my state; pure joy - joy, freedom, strength and beauty - that is the portion of the old woman that you can call to mind... It is wonderful; a wonderful illustration of the mighty love of God... I hope to come again later on..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued)
..."Well, my children, I am not going to keep you much longer tonight. I will just say in conclusion a few words to remind you that the dark night leads on to the glad day, and the glad day is in God's keeping. Rest in the thought of this, confident of the love of God - of the protecting arms around you, and that, dear children, if only you will try and remember it, will shut out the cold winds of life and keep you snug within.
"Let me say just this - that we on this side are not so beyond your horizon in thought and understanding, that we cannot enter into all those physical feelings which you call 'nerves' and 'nervous strain' - that we cannot enter those in a way that is complete. We are not free from the play upon the nerves, as you think. In reality that sensitiveness is accentuated beyond your comprehension in those released from the covering of the body. I do want you to believe this because unconsciously, when such strain arises, you think: 'They are out of it - they cannot understand'.
"My little children, there is not the slightest pang of disappointment, of apprehension, or of dismay, that is not registered here (indicating the heart). I am not free; what touches you is a blow of intense force at your Leader.
"And then I draw you from the physical and the threshold of the spiritual, to the spiritual itself - God, and realising what I feel it gives me a faint glimmering of the ravages on the Divine Heart.
"Oh, listen and take it in. Do not shut yourselves into the dark cabin of desolation as you do - it is so unnecessary, so hard to bear, and it should not be possible either for my children to so keep us outside. Where you are, there are we, and where the least of God's creatures is, there is God indeed.
"Take the comfort that is offered; stretch out your hands for the solace that lies waiting for your acceptance. Listen to the voice of the Spirit, harden not your hearts. When evil strikes, take it to Christ and leave it to Him to disentangle. If only you would do this I could save you from nearly all the sorrow that wounds and tortures. Let me be your friend in need as well as your friend when the day is bright. It is in the time of distress that friends should draw near, and it is my privilege and my right to lead you out of the valley on to the plain so broad and free, where the sun of God's love cannot be shut out by anything.
"Think of me more, my little ones, think of me more. Christ's blessing be upon you, and His healing touch blot out the remembrance of the sadness borrowed from the past, closing the wounds and sealing them with His Love.
"Christ be with you all now and for ever more. Amen."
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