An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Monday, 21st September, 1925
"Into Thy peace, O Father, we enter, and we ask Thee to divert the mind from the many distractions of physical life; that we may be able to lay aside the events of the days which have passed, counting them as over because Thou hast shown us that never again in the same guise shall we look upon them...
"Saviour, help us in our immediate need, grant that the storms which seem over-fierce at times may pass, leaving a golden glory behind, and that those of Thy little children, gazing at that which is beauty indeed, shall forget the tempest and shall realise that one more storm overcome means one step nearer to understanding Thee...
"And then, O Father, we ask Thee to teach us, to guide us and to give us that inward vision which shall not only make things clear to us, but shall give Thy children the power to help and uplift others...
"In Thy gracious keeping we leave all things, knowing that shadows are but shadows, and that the certainty which Thy Love promises, lies in front...
"...My children, we meet tonight with a little sadness in the air, but I want you to trust - not to me, but to your Saviour Christ - and to believe that this is of the physical alone, while the spirit is centred in the joy which never fades.
"I know you will believe me when I tell you that I can enter into these passing phases - which are connected only and solely with the weaknesses of the body - but I ask you to go a step farther, and to try and realise that though, to you, my experience of the earth life seems long ago, yet to me it is as vivid as yesterday or the day before...
"You see, dear children, you are not talking to a great and mighty one, who is entirely removed in thought from those many enemies which beset the physical path; you are companioned by one who, literally, can enter into that strain upon nerve and strength.
"Yet, dear children, there is this difference in my outlook and yours: I can see beyond today; can see the past as it concerns my children, and, best of all, I can see the future and what that past and present has worked out...
"Here you get the vast difference between our outlook. And does it not strike you as reasonable that not only I, but your Heavenly Father, understands that it is far harder for the one bound and fettered by the mind of the body, than it is for those who are free?
"I put this quite plainly, and I ask you to regard all that has been under the Light of Love, to allow the realisation to filter through into the physical mind, that because you are companioned by those who love you - love you in a way you will never understand until you step out of the limited area of the physical - that because of this companionship, everything is safe and secure.
"And, dear children, I reaffirm once more, that each battle fought now is hand-to-hand. Enemies no longer are in the wood which lines your path; they have gained that boldness which is of desperation; and though we can - and do - protect you from disaster, yet, dear children, because you have chosen to climb the hill to God, so you, as your part, take on that which pains the physical heart and mind so much...
"Yet, tonight, it is not of sadness that I would speak; neither is it of weakness as concerns the physical body, or what you regard as the weakness of the spirit within. Both the body and the spirit shall be found - by and through their adverse experiences - to have gained a strength which nothing can gainsay.
"You have been told before that physical conditions - the many disturbances of the tides and the winds – have, each one, their effect on that highly nervous organism with which some are equipped. That equipment is in the nature of a gift, as you shall see in the by and by; and indeed, dear children, I would underline this: Because those physical conditions are able to destroy that poise of the nervous system which is essential for happiness during the earth life, so the greater happiness of the spirit is mounting up each day as you go along...
"Now, dear children, I want to talk to you for a little while about a subject which has many aspects. We will only take one or two tonight, but I think, even so, we shall learn a little regarding that which is so closely akin to the Divine Mind. Tonight then, dear children, we will discuss, in brief, that which you call: 'Idealism' - and I have many reasons for bringing it in this evening.
"In the first place, I would like to say to two of my children present (Mrs. Moyes and Mrs. Hoare) and also to those - as it seems to them - 'far away', who are concerned in a like manner - I would like to say that idealism which has been shattered by another, is only shattered in one small particular: As it were, the beautiful image which idealism represents, has been slightly chipped during its passage as your companion through the years.
"Idealism, dear children, is far and away beyond the reach of mankind; it is as though enemies of all kinds shot their arrows at the sun, and the sun aloof - splendid in its radiance - shines on; and those who would destroy, return to the darkness from which they came.
"Now, dear children, I know you will say that taking the course of years in this little world through which you have passed, your idealism has suffered grievous blows. I deny it not. Those blows, aimed mostly in spiritual ignorance, reached the heart and mind of the body, it is true, but Idealism itself is of God - indestructible, because it has been and will be for all Eternity.
"My children, think not that I am unsympathetic over the sadness which you have experienced through the destruction - what you deem destruction - of those many ideals which you cherished as treasure indeed. Yet, I ask you tonight, to try and look at things in the Christ way.
"Many a mother has watched her child from the cradle upward, has dreamed dreams of what he might rise to be - and these not always connected with the things of the earth. As time goes on, one after another lies bleeding in the dust, and this in spite of prayers, in spite of sacrifice - that sacrifice of which only a mother is capable - and there are those who, knowing not, question the ways of God, question the power allowed to be exercised by evil forces which - so it seems to them - conquer on every side...
"And, again, there is the wife, there is the husband, who, as the years pass by, see this and that fair thing fair no longer, broken and destroyed. And there have been those among you who have exclaimed that of all blows, this is the worst - that desecration, that slow strangling of love...
"Children, I am forced to speak, sometimes, on these sad subjects, because in the world today there are countless millions who go through the journey of the physical and find no understanding mind, no sympathetic hand to help them on their way. It is of all things to us the greatest tragedy - that lack of understanding between man and man; it is the greatest stigma of all on humanity, that there are not more who can enter into the deep emotions of those who have been struck so fiercely...
"Children, in regard to yourselves, and, more especially, in regard to others, try and make your own and pass on something of the underlying meaning of that word 'idealism'. The world cries: 'Cast it off; to idealise another means disillusionment indeed!' But, while sometimes the slow starvation of love takes place, I want you to try and look beyond the present and to see how God uses those pangs, not only to help yourself, but also to help others who have failed both themselves and you...
"Children, when such as these pass hence, if the Light of Revelation has not come to them during the earth stages, it is a most difficult task to rouse them from their torpor. Yet we have one tool which, more often than not, is effective if used in the right way.
"Curiosity, being so intensely of the physical mind, so part and parcel of the individual himself, that curiosity is taken over with him into conditions which are not dissimilar from those he has left. And it happens, by God's grace, that we can use this curiosity in order to rouse those who are spiritually asleep. We say to them: 'Would you not like to see someone on earth?' And immediately they challenge the possibility of doing this at all.
"That is the first stage. When we have so far convinced them that it is in their power to go back into the old home, they are anxious to test truth for themselves, and back again they go.
"And here, dear children, is the most wonderful part of that great work amongst the spiritually unawakened. Those in the old home, those with the unselfish love, those who suffered and prayed, and who mourned over their downfall - these have an influence it is impossible to exaggerate.
"That influence, during the life of the one who strayed, apparently was of no worth at all, but God's justice is worked out down to the tiniest fragment; and the son or the husband, coming back into the old conditions - yet viewing them from a totally different angle ever presented to him before - sees for himself the treasure which he has thrown away - goes back over the record of the mother's hopes and dreams as her child lay by her side...
"And, children, I am glad to be able to tell you that, often, this has had the power to break down the great wall which such as these have erected between themselves and Christ... The old-time idealism has started its first stage of justification.
"And then, dear children, in regard to those who have known and loved their God - ah, idealism has a power and a strength impossible to be voiced in words. During the earth stages, the mere fact that someone has idealised you, has the effect at once of tightening your armour, of bringing out a spiritual strength which you never dreamt you possessed before. There is not one who has any spiritual consciousness at all, who does not respond to the magnetic power of the idealism of another...
"And then perhaps you say with sadness: 'Think of the many that I have idealised, who, after all, have turned out to be only men and women!' Children, we smile a little over these cases because, after all, to be a man or a woman in the Christ-way is the highest ideal to which anyone could attain.
"But I know what you mean, and so tonight I tell you for your heart's comfort, that all the time you are idealising another, by the mere fact of your thoughts, apart from your love, you are slowly but surely adding to their idealism - that which they will strive to achieve - if not in the physical world, then when the body is laid aside...
"Children, you have no idea of the power which lies in each individual to help others. You limit 'helping' to definite action and to prayer - and if these are absent, so you feel you have done nothing at all for the one concerned... So like the earth view, so like that surface view which so many are content to take without attempting to delve beneath...
"Oh, my little ones, remember this, as you go along in your daily life, remember that you can't think a good thought about anyone, you cannot even mildly admire any quality they may possess, without giving to them spiritual treasure. And that is why it is so necessary that the children of the earth should understand that hard thoughts and hard words are literally undermining the little spiritual treasure the other may possess... That is, of course, if the remarks are true. In most cases there is a grain of truth in them, and because of that, the mischief is far-reaching indeed...
"I know it is impossible - while still bound by the body - to love those who have shown to you, and others, characteristics which are unlovely in every sense there could be; but, on the other hand, you would not consciously take of those minute spiritual resources which they possess - you would turn from such an act with repugnance...
"So tonight, I want you - in going through, in your minds, those who in one way or another have caused you suffering - I want you, if you cannot send them thoughts of love, to send instead that compassion which is akin to love.
"It is a great thing to ask; yet, dear children, when you are free from physical life, it will seem to you like this: There will be the idealism of your stronger self in regard to the weaker, and the gulf between will seem to you so terrible that you will marvel how you ever found it possible to judge another...
"We all go through this experience, from the weakest to the strongest; and those, as you would say, who are farthest advanced, suffer the most by the awful comparison between what they meant to be and what only they were able to rise to...
"Children, it is hardly necessary for me to remind you that when you join us, you will find all that shattered idealism restored and beautified and spiritualised - in a way impossible to describe - and because you suffered by the failures of those on earth, so that idealism is more deeply implanted in the self which belongs to God.
"Pity indeed those who go through life priding themselves on the 'practical commonsense' which rules out ideals as something fit only for the poet and the angel... Yes, the poet and the angel, these alone are considered sufficiently removed from physical life to be capable of believing it, and building up that idealism which the worldly rank so lightly. Pity these, for indeed they are fettered to the earth, and when they go hence, that attachment to the things which are of the lowest, will alienate them from the Reality into which they pass.
"I want you all to take comfort as you go on from day to day - and, more than that, not to confuse divergences of opinion with shattered idealism. This is a common error into which those who have not been taught so often fall. I know it is sweet to meet and to be with others who see eye to eye with you on those subjects which attract your attention most, and sympathy of the mind is one of the greatest gifts that physical life has it in its power to give.
"Yet, it is an entirely false misrepresentation of the shadows, when you, or anyone, allow a divergence of opinion to interfere with your idealism of another. I speak with a great deal of feeling upon this point, because I see the work which those out to destroy have tried to do amongst those who are imbued with a love of Truth and a desire to serve their Master.
"I say to you: 'Beware!' - Those who love God are worthy of idealism, even though the path they may have chosen is a different one from your own.
"It applies to all. This divergence of opinion has caused more damage to God's work of Unity than anything else, because the evil works amongst those who have dedicated their lives to the Father's service. On all sides you see this: That so-called 'religion' has the power to erect barriers which are more effective in dividing and separating friends than the ocean which rolls between two continents...
"To the Mind of Love, this is terrible indeed, it is anti-Christ in every sense there could be, and I have sought to train my children to adopt the bigger view - to be able to speak with sympathy and understanding to each one - whatever their creed or doctrine, whatever path they have selected, in order to try and contact, as Spirit, with God...
"Children, I come back to idealism, which is like a strong and noble tree throwing its branches in all directions, helping and protecting those who stand in need; and I want you, more and more, to do that which, perhaps, is more difficult than anything else - to try and build up amongst yourselves idealism in regard to each other.
"Love is not always discriminating - it takes too much for granted. It is useful and it is helpful for those who are linked to each other, by friendship or by ties of relationship, to go over that which another possesses, and to definitely and consciously build up, not only stronger love, but that idealism which consecrates love in a way only rightly understood when you are free.
"And now, my children, I will leave you. There is the Sun of God's Love shining down upon you all in this little room; the things of the earth have been laid aside and those comforting gifts of the Spirit are in their place. Let the comfort abide, and let it take first place, because in your lives it has first place in literal fact..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, you have seen, haven't you, how God's Love has closed all gaps; how the Spirit at work can heal and restore; can block out and make you forget... And so, my little ones, take this as a prophecy for the bright tomorrows which are to come: The Spirit at work, because it is so directly of God, is unlimited in its power, unlimited in its scope, unlimited in the Love which it expresses and which it sets into action all round.
"So tonight, we part in deep peace and with a harmony which is of other realms than this; and because, dear children, your right Home is in those other realms, comfort yourself with the thought that you are only away from Home just for a little while... Yes, flowers and messages and letters, and, most of all, unbroken thoughts of Love reach you from that Home, and so you can keep in touch; you are not separated, except by physical standards, from where you long to be...
"Later on, dear children, you will not only gain this consciousness yourself, but ever more distinctly will you hear the voices of your loved ones speaking to you, ever more definitely will you catch the fragrance of those blossoms which are not of the earth at all; ever more clearly will you hear that sweet reviving music, which is one phrase of the Love of God...
"And now, my children, we will close. Make room for the Spirit, do not cramp it; and, above all, fix your faith and trust on our Master Christ. He blesses you and companions you; He understands you as only Divine Love can understand, and He has provided for you as only the Father could conceive. Therefore rest you in peace, and give over not only your hearts and minds, but the harassed body and nerves into His most tender care...
"May this be possible in the way which He desires... I pray God that you may learn to take of the Love so freely offered, so generously bestowed...
"And now, Goodnight, my children; most cherished - although you allow this fact to slip out of sight - my most cherished children... Goodnight."
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