An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 29th August, 1926.
"Father of all Love, we ask Thee tonight to lead us one step farther on, out of the mists of misunderstanding into the radiance of Thy truth. Help us to comprehend that which remains for ever; teach us how to forget the slights of the past, the disappointments and the dreary days. Give unto Thy children, O Father, that which each one needs - peace of mind, consciousness of Thy Presence, and the certainty that as the thought arises to contact with Thee, Thou art by their side, ministering to them and making good all that which they feel is so lacking within.
"O Saviour of the world, teach Thy little children how to save themselves; teach Thy little children how to rescue others, and grant that those who are lifted out of the storms of life may indeed pass on that gift to others... Help us to understand. Give us that inward illumination which shall fortify us for the journey which lies in front and, above all, O Father, take away the doubts and the misgivings regarding the future on this earthly plane, for only with the tool of faith and certainty can Thy children accomplish the work that Thou hast given into their hands...
"From henceforth fold around us Thy cloak of peace; put within our grasp trust in Thy enveloping Love, so that whatever may come to pass, however dark the skies of physical life may seem, Thy children can look beyond the clouds and see the eternal blue of the heavens which represents Thy unclouded Love and protection over their lives now and in the days to come...
"Father, teach us tonight that we are Spirit, enable us to throw off the bonds of the flesh and to pass across the threshold of things physical into the Silence, when that which is Divine within comes into its own.
"Father, we thank Thee...
"To Margaret: Pass it on to the child (Mrs. Whittaker) who sits next to you, for love binds and love lasts for ever... (This refers to the Zodiac star which the medium was wearing and had forgotten to remove before control was taken).
"My little children, tonight I come with a great gift in my hands; indeed it is a gift which not only expresses the One we love so well, but it is a gift which can never be exhausted, which though used throughout the day and during the hours of sleep, gains by that use and casts not only fragrance over your lives, but over the lives of all within your vibrations.
"That gift, dear children, is reassurance - reassurance over the past, reassurance over the future, and, still more so, reassurance over that chain of lives which you enter upon when this little earthly experience has been gathered up with your other gains and put amongst 'the past'...
"Oh, my children, can you not see for yourselves that it should be unnecessary for me to come tonight and remind you of God's good gift? Can you not see that because you wish to serve the Master, you have built up around yourselves that protection, that security, which shall never give to enemies on any plane?
"Yet, dear children, even while I recall to you your holy mission, I must remind you that, because you have taken up the sword for Christ, because you have offered yourselves to do His work, so you must face His enemies, so that delusive condition of non-resistance cannot be your lot...
"So falsely those of the world name 'protection'. They look around on the ones whose lives are level, who have been secured from poverty, from the anxieties of daily life by the efforts of others; and within their minds the thought arises that God's protection can be seen around such as these...
"No, ten thousand times, no. That which represents their physical lot is devoid of experience, is so entrenched by the deceivers, that even the first lesson remains unlearnt. These, ah, they travel along a level road but the mountain of aspiration is hidden from their sight. The clouds of self intervene - aye, and more than that - so intent are they upon the preservation of the physical, that the cry of the starving spirit within is unheard...
"And so the physical story is told, and when they pass into conditions where reality must be faced and look back, their life on earth represents loss, loss, loss...
"So you see, my children, that when I speak to you of reassurance, I cast away the thought that within that word is the elimination of experience, is that false protection which would cheat you out of the very purpose of your being here. The reassurance in which God's Love is enclosed is as this: The conquering of your enemies; the capacity to go forward with unflinching heart because you fight not alone, because the Captain of us all not only goes in front but directs where each foot shall be placed, where the danger lies, and where there is that which will bring you closer to the spirit's desire...
"Reassurance over what has been, reassurance for little today, reassurance for brief tomorrow, and a mighty reassurance for all that wonderful life, that development, that freedom which lies beyond. Beyond the physical, beyond those elusive conditions of desire, beyond the temptation represented by 'spiritual ambition' - that ambition which means the forging ahead of self, the purification of that which you think represents the You within, unheeding the needs of others, their weakness, their inability to raise themselves... Aye, beyond that deceptive 'spiritual ambition' into the life of service, when your brothers, when your sisters, will mean more to you than yourself...
"Tonight, my little ones, following on these opening remarks, I would speak to you upon that which has been so sorely misunderstood by the children of the earth - I refer to that which you name: 'Democracy'.
"And I want to show you tonight - giving, but an outline, it is true - I want to show you Democracy as seen by God, and the great stretch of understanding which must be covered before man can interpret that word in the Christ sense.
"In the world today, that little word holds a place of honour - and why? Because, dear children, it represents an ideal; and if that ideal is able to express the desires of the physical mind, yet it is one step above the mire, one step nearer to that which God holds out to all...
"Yes, in the world today, men speak freely - and sometimes incoherently - regarding that much-longed-for Democracy, which is going to turn what they deem injustice into that which represents an even balance of the scales.
"But the thoughtful ones, those who have sought to understand the teaching of Christ, they realise that, in the main, the foundation is absent. They have watched those who were sore beset, they have seen that the ones who dreamt the fairest dreams when they were poor, found that they had another god when the possessions of the world came their way. They have seen human nature unallied to Christ; they have seen those who have sworn to protect the weak, using that very weakness to bring to themselves added gain. They have listened to those who have spoken - aye, and betrayed more than they intended to impart - and they know that the Democracy which they hold up - even as a gaudy lantern to the masses who swarm around - that that Democracy is false in sentiment and in construction...
"Then, dear children, there are those others - in the minority it is true - who are tortured by the sorrows of others, who are horrified at the physical and the mental suffering which seems to go on unchecked, unheeded, because the resources for dealing with these needs are limited - limited because the vast majority have forgotten God.
"These strong, brave souls, over and over again, have flung themselves into the vortex of human life, seeking to rescue one here, calling out words of cheer to another there; but even in the act something well nigh despair has seized them, because they realise that, after all, their desire - pure as it may be - can produce so little...
"Children, they are partly right and partly wrong. I speak not of those whom you name the dreamers or the idealists, who have not learnt the first great lesson which Idealism should teach - that action and thought must go hand in hand, if they are to build that which can stand the test of time...
"I am referring to the workers, to those who name not themselves this or that, but humbly seek to follow Christ; to raise the fallen, to heal the sick, and to comfort the sorrowful. Such as these have no time for speculating - they have no time to select the designation which fits them most admirably from the world's point of view. The one Leader whom they recognise is Christ, and the name of servant is good enough for them...
"My children, in order to consider: 'Democracy', of necessity we must give one thought to that which you name: 'Autocracy', because, alas, the human construction is yet so weak that very often that very democracy becomes autocracy, and the server is severer than the master in his tyranny of thought.
"Yes, there is one great truth which has been overlooked by those who divide themselves into opposite camps, who disparage each other, and who seek to wrest away the tools which the other possesses - seek to wrest them away and to make them their own, and, in turn, to abuse them in the same way as that which they condemn so freely in regard to those who think and act in opposition to themselves.
"Well, my little ones, when the children of the earth pass out of things as they seem, and enter the realms of things as they are, they will be brought face to face with facts, and they will see the weakness of their position, whichever it may have been; they will see that they cast themselves out even as on a raft, and the great sea of misunderstanding swallowed them up.
"You and I, dear children, and the vast numbers who wish to follow the Saviour of Mankind, we know that strife, that fighting brother against brother, that that most insidious desire for the possession of power, for that which another had made his own - that this represents straying from the narrow path which leads to God. And oh, my little ones, tonight I entreat you to think within yourselves, to put up a barricade against those many forces of darkness who seek to gather close...
"The world's view and God's view - how vastly different are these! Those who are free from the body - and who, in a degree, have freed themselves from the bonds of the body - these pause before they take the next step forward. They pause before they attempt to guide those they love; they pause, for lo, in front the mighty constructive plan lies before their wondering gaze, and they see and they understand - in part, it may be - but they see and they understand, and Truth, in a measure, is made their own...
"Children, I have taught you ever that the striving souls choose the path which is difficult, choose those experiences which go hard, choose the blows of physical life rather than those make-believe flowers; for they know that their habitation is not here (the earth) and they know that the end of the journey is not yet.
"So, dear children, ponder on my words; keep your vision clear and judge not by the outside. Those false standards as to who is greater than the other, those false standards of influence and of importance in the world sense, these not only are transformed when spiritual sight is your own, but they are shown for what they are - not only as hindrances on the path, but literally as the thieves who crept near and stole, yes, stole from man one of his most precious possessions - the opportunity to progress, the opportunity to retrieve that which so recklessly he had thrown away during the long sad past...
"Therefore, dear children, take care over your thoughts. Desire not to be as this one, and let not your thought linger with patronage on another. Christ, the King of kings, chose - because He was Divine - that which called out the scorn of those of the earth; chose poverty, aye, even that notoriety which the majority would pray to be without.
"In that humble household where the things of the world found no place, where labour was the order of the day, where many anxieties prevailed concerning the provision of the essentials to keep life within the body, there, in a place (Nazareth) associated with scorn and contempt, the Master lived, showing by example that wonderful Democracy which only has life in it, in the spiritual sense of the word...
"You see, dear children, to what I am leading your thoughts? I criticise none and condemnation is far from my mind: The rich - those who have so much - they can use their possessions to buy that which is beyond the purchase of the world; they can use their comforts and luxuries to bring them closer to God, but only by the bestowal of those comforts - that which represents the comforting of the physical body - upon others...
"And the poor, aye, see what they have within their grasp - the greatest tool of all, even the same tool which the Master wielded with so much power - the capacity, ah, the ability to suffer a little while for the sake of the spirit within; to go without the delights of the world in order to fasten to themselves the loveliness represented by the gifts of God, tearing out of their hearts those natural desires to do this and that, to gain the respect of their neighbours and to stand before their fellows as a success.
"Oh, most precious gift - that gift which comes only to those who have worked and striven, and yet, still are named failures by the world; for once again, in miniature, they follow the example of the Lord God of all, who, in His hour of physical death, bore a token which aroused that derision which comes so easily to those who have not learnt to think...
"A failure, yes, a failure even to those who stood beneath the Cross praying - ah, in a way you can never understand - praying that the wonderful power which He possessed should be demonstrated at last for Himself...
"My children, can you not see how false a thing is that which today is called: 'Democracy', is that glittering crown of Autocracy, in face of the gigantic victory of the man or the woman who is content to bear the mark of failure for the sake of the Christ within?
"When the body is no more, the mighty readjustment is apparent for all to see. Those who were so proud of their positions during the brief earth stage, stand in their rags and find no comfort within. Those who were so proud of 'family' - of the long line of ancestors who gave them their name - these stand aghast as they read the record of one insignificant during physical life, when they see that which shows span by span the honours which have accrued to them by fighting against fearful odds, by striving when others rested, by not forgetting as they climbed, that there were others weaker who were slipping down the hill...
"Aye, dear children, those you name kings and governors, have stood abashed when they have looked over the lives of such as these, and they have given honour where honour is due. They see the many experiences which the individual has passed through; how starting from holiness and falling to that which represented the second and the third best, yet out of the strength within, they raised themselves once more from the depths to the steep hillside, when the vision of the future made the climb no longer a toil but a joy, a privilege, a gift...
"Ah, my children, there is only one Democracy which can live, and that is the sense of responsibility man to man; the emerging out of the earth view, which is reckoning a man according to what he has built up around himself; which is bowing the knee to that which is called noble birth; which is paying deference only to those who can speak of their ancestry through the centuries which have passed...
"What these things represent when true sight is made our own, no words of mine can express. Many forget from whence they came; they forget that each one - however mighty in the world's estimation, however low and degraded from the viewpoint of man - that each one came from God; that each one had the same Parent; that each one has that holy ancestry which nobody can wrest from them.
"And those so proud - so hedged in by their own reserves, so fearful of mixing with the common people, so apprehensive of contamination - these are shamed, these are filled with a humiliation impossible to realise while the body binds, for they see once more the meaning of: 'The first shall be last and the last shall be first'.
"Oh, the mockery of these distinctions; oh, the terrible damage done to the progress of man. How even the thoughtful have been betrayed, how led astray, how childish their attitude, what supreme folly has snatched from them the vision which lies open to all. Have they forgotten, can they ignore the example of the Saviour of the World? How, because of the blindness of humanity, He Himself came clothed in the garment of flesh, and not only mingled with the common people but named Himself as such, teaching, ah, trying to save those He loves so well from the agony which must follow when that which represents the restrictions of the physical mind is no more...
"My children, I have spoken at length, and it is for a purpose. You, little ones, seem to have come rather close to the poverty line; you, little ones, have had to relinquish your home, those little possessions which represented your all; and some have suffered more from the opinions of others than by the laying aside of the baubles of the earth.
"And so I speak, and I draw in the many who, likewise, have chosen the better part. Once more I raise my voice in warning to those surrounded by the possessions of the earth, who dare to cast scorn on their stronger brothers and sisters who have gone without.
"You, little ones, have many friends - I speak of those who are in your mind tonight - and within their thoughts no shadow lies because you have not that which is in their own lives... Out of their bounty, so they would eagerly give to you. The beauty which comprises their surroundings is held in trust. And the many who listen to my voice - those who have passed beyond this little physical plane - to all who have committed that gigantic act of folly I speak: I tell them to mourn not but to retrieve the past; to throw their thoughts from one plane to another, and to try and influence others so that they make not the same mistake. And each one their thoughts can reach, and each one they seek to protect, ah, dear children, that is not only retrieving the past but is building beauty for the future...
"Remember that the children of the Most High have no need to name themselves this or that. They think on Christ; they read the sacred words, they recall His circumstances, and they see unfolded before them not that Democracy which the world loves to toy with, but they see that which has been erected on rock - the Christianity which includes all things; the following of the Lord God of all, who came as man into an environment far humbler than you, my little ones, can grasp; they follow the great example of the One, who, having all things, chose to go through the physical experience very often without the necessities which are the right of all...
"You and I, dear children, and the many who think of those things which are of God, we put aside that which the world calls politics, that which the world names this religion and that, for we know that what is good in anything of the earth belongs to Christ; and as Christians we thank God for the good seed, and pray that those who sow may not be tempted to include the destructive tares, that they may pause and remember in time that before their eyes, before the eyes of all, there is the Great Example, which includes every good thought, every ideal - the Great Example which never fails, whatever the need, whatever the question under discussion...
"There in front of all, so clearly outlined, is Christ; and in Him we find the answer to every riddle; we find the explanation for all things... In Christ, our Creator; in Christ, who tends us as though He were our servant instead of the Lord God of all...
"And now, my children, I will leave you. There is much we wish to work in tonight; but I want my little secretary (Dorrie) to take of that gift of reassurance, and to trust to those whom God has provided to help her in her task. And now I go..."
(Others then spoke...)
(Late of the Psycho-Therapeutic Institute)
"...It's Lonsdale, Mrs. Moyes, and I've come to talk to you because, thank God, my friends remember me and they wish to keep in touch with me, just as in the old days...
"I want to speak tonight on another aspect of our work on earth in regard to healing the sick. You see, Mrs. Moyes, as I told you before, my patients were a curious mixture. Most doctors find that and perhaps healers even more than in the ordinary medical profession. I want to help a great many people, so I'm sure you won't mind if I'm rather impersonal. My friends on earth know that I've got a long memory, they know also that in the Spirit it's 'acts' rather than 'speaking', and I want to help them in their work. Yes, in regard, chiefly, to those whose bodies seem to resist the curative efforts, either of the ordinary practitioner or of those who, in conjunction with the doctors, call upon the power of the Holy Spirit...
"You see, as I said before - and you know it without my underlining it now - the physical body is governed by physical laws; and these physical laws cannot be worked against, but with a great many people, unconsciously they are not willing for the physical laws which are on the curative side - to have their chance.
"I'm talking tonight about the chronic invalid; the one whose poor body seems to resist all the tools of science and that wonderful gift - which is really an extension of compassion - the gift of healing.
"I don't know whether any figures are getatable - no, I suppose not, but you'd be amazed if you could get even a tiny proportion in round figures of those who are chronic invalids. Of course, for the most part, they belong to the leisured classes, but there are others, and these others have a way of drifting into centres like ours and those we are thinking about (spiritual healing).
"First of all, Mrs. Moyes, psychology must come into this question if we are to help these chronic invalids. I told you before that, very often, the complaint went beyond the physical and had penetrated into the soul-body as well. The spirit, of course, is untouched.
"But the soul-body, which is being built up, more or less, by the life on earth, that next casket which we've got to step into when the physical is worn out, that can be affected to a serious extent; and the patient is not only a patient on earth, but finds it rather difficult to arrive at the convalescent stage after the physical life is ended.
"I want to help those who are trying to relieve such invalids, and, more especially, I want to help the invalids themselves. For, believe me, when things get to that stage it's almost impossible to get the upper hand of another; they have got to do it themselves...
"Yes, psychology - understanding the human mind and reaching out and grasping the connecting link between the physical mind and the mind concerned with the soul-body; and as I have said, the damage can penetrate from one into the other.
"I can't help being rather serious, because chronic invalidism is, indirectly - sometimes directly - the result of the evil forces who prey upon the weakened nerves and still weaker will; and the sufferer has neither the strength nor even the desire to help themselves or to allow another to rescue them from their terrible position.
"We've got to start from the beginning. In the first place, by the doctor or the healer, hope should be promoted; and if not hope, then the next best thing - the consciousness that God is leading them through the valley, and finally, if not in this world then in the next, will bring them out into the Light.
"I don't call that 'hope' because it's a mingling of faith and spiritual resignation - quite a different thing, by-the-way, from the resignation of the fatalist.
"Mrs. Moyes, I think I'm right in saying that the most effective way of getting at the chronic invalid is to appeal to their sense of self-preservation. I hope you won't mind my mentioning it, but Mr. Moyes is here and he has asked me to use his case as a warning to others. He told you himself (speaking through Mrs. Hester Lines), that, practically, it was his own fault. You couldn't quite get down to the roots of that remark so I'll explain.
"You see, Mrs. Moyes, inherent delicateness does not mean necessarily that sooner or later the enemies of the body will get the upper hand; but what it does mean is this: That you've got to use commonsense, and commonsense and coddling, well, they are about as opposite as any two things could be...
"Now don't confuse this. It's just as destructive for a person with inherent delicateness to take unnecessary risks, to overstrain, or deliberately overtire the body - as it is to coddle. Commonsense is the middle path. When a man's addicted to chill he is a fool if he walks across damp grass - that's not commonsense, he is asking for trouble. But when a man is delicate and he ignores nature's laws of fresh air and regular feeding - by which I mean feeding at regular hours - that man is literally throwing his capital into the river... Mr. Moyes told me 'to slay and spare not'. He says there is so much he has got to rectify that if he could be used as an example to invalids of what not to do, he would be grateful...
"Now, I come back to the psychology part and the sense of self-preservation - this isn't theory, it is fact. And I want some of my friends both at Wimbledon and at Bournemouth to put it into practice in regard to those who come to them for help.
"First of all, the chronic invalid almost invariably ponders and broods on the nature and character of their many complaints; in fact, to be brutal, they take an unholy delight in summing up their defects. When they are free, they will see that each time they fondled in their mind any particular complaint, literally, it was like taking a hammer and ramming that complaint one degree closer to them.
"The first point - and I speak in regard to these chronic invalids with an intense sympathy, for their lot is pitiable in the extreme - the first point is for them to make a compact with themselves, and that is that they refuse to think over the details of any complaint which they possess. They will answer me: 'But the pain is there!' Yes, but because there is pain in any particular part, it doesn't follow that they are to allow the mind to ruminate on a thousand-and-one branches or channels connected with that pain.
"The attitude of mind should be this: The pain is there; God is health of body, of mind and of soul... That's the first thought. The second is that Christ said He had come to bear the pains of the world. 'My yoke is easy and my burden light'. In thinking of Christ, they must, in a measure, be relieved; the measure that they are not relieved, after concentrating on Christ, they can be certain is the portion that the spirit within has elected they should carry.
"Yes, practically, that's the second point. The first is appealing to their sense of self-preservation; the second, is the ruling out absolutely of the turning over of the hideous skeletons of their complaints.
"And now I want to say something which, perhaps, will sound almost terrifying. Do you know, Mrs. Moyes, why your husband has such a struggle over his cough when he comes back in this way? It's because that obsession in regard to his delicateness so penetrated his whole being, that he has had to fight tooth and nail to tear it out of the body in which he found himself after that poor, weak, physical one had been laid aside...
"He tells me to impress upon everyone the danger of allowing the ailments of the body to become an obsession. He says that he has suffered more on that account than on any other to this date, because well, it was a form of selfishness, Mrs. Moyes; and though he hasn't got a physical body to tease and worry him now, that sense of self-preservation had crept through from the physical mind to the mind of the soul-body, and it's nearly broken his heart.
"But don't you see how he scored by the work he wanted to do (regarding this Truth) and by the host of friends he found when he passed over? We've fought for him, and he is getting through in a wonderful way, and when he said to you: 'It was all my own fault', that was the instinct to try and save others before it was too late.
"But to come back... I shan't be long. The moment the chronic invalid bars that dwelling on the nature of the complaint or the number of the complaints, that's one step nearer to the mitigation of that particular illness. Sometimes, it is not possible to completely cure. The spirit has taken on the experience of physical pain and the body is practically worn out so far as that particular organ is concerned; but the mitigation is enormous, and the point is this:
"That though the degree in regard to the physical body may not seem very great, the degree in regard to the soul-body is gigantic. And when the chronic invalid passes out of physical existence, that habit of thought - which remember is, literally, solid - that habit of thought, which has built up around them defects in this and failings of that, takes years to destroy, unless they started the hacking down while in the flesh...
"Of course, all pain and weakness is compensated for, but there is such a thing as making a god, not of the physical body but of those ailments which that physical body represents. They don't know it but the absorbing thought of their life is their complaint, or complaints...
"Play on their sense of self-preservation; talk to them like a Dutch-uncle for they need bracing. Explain that by this enumeration of their symptoms, those symptoms become stronger; and then show them that by their habits and their thoughts they are building up something which they will have to hack down when the body is laid aside.
"Just one word more. Mr. Moyes asks me to say that, in spite of the past, in spite of his mistakes, he has seen God's Love in such a wonderful way that the only anguish which tortures him now is the thought of his blindness regarding that Love when on earth. Mrs. Moyes, that long illness of his was a gift, and it has almost broken his heart to find that what might have represented pure gain was incomplete, because he allowed it to block out so much, and because he wasn't able to realise then that, literally, it was nearer to God, nearer to God. He liked that hymn (sung at the funeral) and he adds that if he was a long way off from the Christ ideal, he would like you to know that Christ Himself came to him because he was not strong enough to go to the Master...
"Goodnight, and I hope what I have tried to say will help a few; yes, I feel it will, for it is love and true compassion which has inspired my words. For the sake of their happiness hereafter, I implore those who are beset by the enemies of the physical to extricate themselves from the thinking-side as fast as they can... Goodnight, Mrs. Moyes, and remember me to all those who have remembered me..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, you have had rather a long evening, but I want you to realise that God's purpose has been served...
"Ere we part, I send one word of cheer to the child who has called out your compassion - to the child and her little ones whom she is so anxious to protect... I tell her to cast her burden on the Saviour. I ask her to show her faith in the Fatherhood of God. In the Name of Love I say that the protection is complete, if not only in her hour of need, but in her daily life she hands over that which represents so heavy a burden to the One who waits to lift it from her. The cross may rest upon her now, but the spirit within has seen God; and even as I speak that peace which is of those realms which are Spirit in very truth, so that peace is descending upon her. As a cloak I bid her hold it close, for though the enemies of the physical may be strong, the protection of the Most High is stronger still...
"And now, my little ones, I will leave you, for I have used up the physical strength of my child. Yet, as we part, I bring you back to that one word 'reassurance'; reassurance as to the purpose and the plan; reassurance as to the guiding hand of God; reassurance that, because you have taken the steep path, so not only will the illumination come but that inward joy which attainment always brings - that inward joy which will wipe out the sorrows of the past and which will give you not only renewed strength, but that spiritual enthusiasm to declare God's Love in your lives and in the lives of all on earth, when the meaning and the purpose and the plan are understood...
"And, now, dear children, with a love no words can translate, I draw you close, passing on through my fingers the gift of healing; restoring that which some of you mislaid for a space, and inspiring you, not only with love for the One who loves you best, but with the desire to give out of your love to others who have felt the chill of earthly life, who are dismayed by their enemies, and who look in vain - it seems to them - for friends... The great Friend of all is our Friend and their Friend, and because Christ has thus adopted us, so we pass on of that gift to others... Amen.
"Goodnight, my little ones."
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