An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 13th December, 1925.
"O Christ, our understanding Friend, we come into Thy Presence tonight and we ask Thee, out of Thy Love, to bestow on each one just that which they need, so that this evening may lead them a stage nearer to Thee.
"Father, we as little children in understanding, entreat Thee to make it possible that the mind of the body may not fetter, may not shut us out from that Light which Thou hast provided for all who seek. Make it possible that as Spirit we can contact with Spirit, and that as loved ones, we can contact with those who love us so well...
"Tonight, as always, we ask Thee to send down the power - the power which will make it possible for those, Thy servants, to impart that portion of the Truth which Thy little ones, cabined in the body, can take in... And, O Father of Love, be with us and be in us, for we would do as Thou wouldst have us do, and we would be faithful even as Thou hast asked... In love and understanding, comprehending the sacred character of this holy communion, we commence our work tonight... Amen...
"...My little children in Christ, tonight as always I entreat you to come with me in thought, while we consider awhile those things which appertain to the Spirit - the Spirit which is within and without, the Divinity which has been gifted to you by the Creator of all - that Divinity which you, by your individual efforts, have indeed, in a measure, made your own possession...
"Children, my love is round you in a way you little guess; the love of those in the Spirit is as a wall - an impenetrable wall - between you and those strong forces of evil. Therefore as little children in trust and in faith, approach the Throne of God... and yet believe me when I tell you that God comes down from that Throne to meet and to greet you.
"This gigantic truth has never been appreciated by man, for to those bound by physical thinking, the power which can say 'Go!' and again 'Come!' - that power is regarded as of so great importance that they refuse to believe that All-Power gladly, joyfully lays aside His power to be as the Good Shepherd seeking for the lamb which is lost...
"My children, as we go on, there is much which I must teach you - aye, there is much - and it all concerns the beauty and the wonder of the Mind of God.
"Once, even in miniature, some comprehension of Love can penetrate your understanding, then as a natural result those things which puzzle you, those things which set the world at strife, those seeming injustices and the torturing of the human body - for all these you will have the answer, you will be able to say, and to feel, that not only is God All-Power but He is All-Love - yes, All-Love - in a way man refuses to consider at this stage...
"In furtherance of the plan, tonight once again, we seek to turn over just another inch of that long furrow of spiritual knowledge; and so I choose - instructed by my Holy Master - I choose a subject which one day all - all must understand...
"Children, I speak of those 'conditions' which appertain to that state which you name: 'The Other Side'.
"And tonight I will endeavour to teach you just that little more which you can understand; and then, as the mind of the spirit grows free, hand in hand we will advance yet another inch, and so on, throughout the aeons which are to come...
"My children, that term 'conditions' is inadequate in its nature, but failing a more expressive word, so we fall back upon it because, in a tiny degree, it conveys to the mind of the body something which represents the truth. But I would not have you divide that life in the body from that life when the body is no more; yet there is this great distinction, inasmuch as during the physical stages so often it happens that the environment in which you find yourselves is contrary to that which the real you seeks to make its own...
"And, dear children, as you can see for yourselves, sometimes the spirit within, imbued with love of God, lays aside that which shall bring it comfort, and chooses rather that which brings disquiet and disharmony throughout that short stage upon this little earth. What that works in no words can tell, and I have infinite comfort for all those sturdy souls who have voluntarily laid aside, for the time being, that which means so much; I say to them: 'Be of good cheer!' - long may the days seem, irksome this and that which comprises your daily life, but when sleep claims you, then, free with a freedom entirely unimaginable by your physical mind, so you are drawn into that higher environment which is your own...
"You see how God intervenes? Because the spirit within wishes to get nearer to that Perfection which He represents, because the choice is made, so the Father says: 'Ah, but I have provided, even though the choice be made, that my child should have that for which the spirit craves'...
"Children, when the body is no more, at once you will be faced with a great privilege, and at the same time a responsibility most terrible in its import. Can you not reason this out for yourselves? I tell you that the 'conditions' into which every soul passes are those which they have built up round themselves by their thoughts, by their feelings, by their desires...
"So, passing out of the body and its protection, the soul steps into that which can be described as its 'own place', built up, portion by portion, by the life - those many lives which have sped...
"Here, dear children, we come a little nearer to what that word 'conditions' should convey to the average mind; yet think you with me a moment while I seek to explain: Those who think they fail, those who are conscious of their lack of progress - this, dear children, in the main, is not a sign of lack but of gain...
"Instantly the thought or the feeling comes: 'How different I am from those Bright Ones!', instantly self-reproach strikes the individual as to the distance in spirituality between themselves and the Master who came to save, so, in the birth of that consciousness, the spirit can take control...
"Children, the self-complacent, those who can hug to themselves that false cloak: 'I am not worse than my neighbour!' - for such as these send out your prayers, for their sleep is even that of death...
"Keep these points clear in your mind. Get away from everything else but the desire. If the desire within you is to be strong and not weak; to be pure; to follow in the footsteps of all those noble souls who have gone on before; then I can say to you - and it is the will of the Holy Master that I emphasise this tonight - that when free from the body, you will step into purity, into courage, with no hindrances but those which can be worked out, and you will be able to say to the One who loves you best: 'Use me in Thy service of love for mankind!'...
"My children, those 'conditions' are not, as I have said, divided from you now in any sense, but you yourselves make the division. Your physical mind, your physical body, may be linked to the earth, but the spirit - if it consciously wishes to listen to the Voice of God - has its habitation elsewhere. Yet again, I say that that 'elsewhere' can be brought into the lowest hovel, the most hideous physical conditions that your world can provide...
"It is difficult for those who have not followed the uphill road of progress - I say it is a little difficult for such as these to understand, but to those who have kept Christ and His Cross before them, slowly the realisation will come that all the time the real self knew it, knew it, knew it...
"Children, another aspect of that word 'conditions' I would bring to your attention. I speak of those who were persecuted for Love's sake, I speak of those who were burned at the stake, I speak of those whose plight so often has wrung your heart - those early pioneers who, from the earth point of view, carried on very slender shoulders that which should illumine the whole world in time to come.
"Children, according to the love of God which is in your heart, so you can detach yourself from those conditions which are physical and material, and contact with that which is All-Love, All-Strength, All-Endurance. Yet, mark you this: There have been some who, in speaking of those you deem martyrs, have said: 'They must have been protected or they could not have gone through such physical torture!'
"Aye, protected but by their own selves. Those who died for Love's sake - in the sense of parting with that physical garment - these, by slow stages, had been prepared, and the physical mind, anticipating and expecting persecution, gradually harmonised itself to that thought, and in so doing linked up with the mind of the spirit...
"Yes, protection was there in a way no words can express, but only by the path they themselves had trod. And it is true that when the final test came, there were those who were so caught up in their love for their Master that they were able to detach themselves from physical suffering, viewing it as something of so little account that it was powerless to touch them...
"My children, cannot you see that such as these had not only built up spiritual conditions for the Life which has no end, but that during the days of trial, had, as it were, opened the door and passed through into that inner sanctum where God dwells...
"This is possible for all, yet it is possible for no one without that preparation, without that discipline of self...
"Then, dear children, one more point would I discuss with you. These 'conditions' on the Other Side are, as I have already told you, the spiritual counterpart of that which is physical in your daily life; and this applies not only to thought and feeling, but even to the material things which comprise your little earth. But make no mistake: The beauty of the physical world is as a shadow of the real, that composition of form, those creations which seem so beautiful to you - all this is but a crude illustration of that Perfection which emanated from the Perfect Mind.
"So, dear children, in thinking of the Life Beyond, make no mistake. Cast not out of your mind those scenes which you love so well - the flowers, the hills which call out the strength from within you - for these, in their spiritual counterpart, are inseparable from you, because by your love and admiration now, so each time the thought comes, you are building that beauty, that delicacy, that radiance of light in your eternal home...
"Yet, children, even here I give one word of warning: When you are free, beauty entirely inconceivable to your physical minds will be your own, but its message to you will be as thus: 'All this beauty, all this marvel of God's Mind - and the ignorant, the spiritually blind on earth, so far from understanding it'...
"And those who love Christ gaze on that which, in miniature, expresses Him, and then they turn back to work - turn back, aye - so that those countless others may, in time to come, have the same privilege which lies open to themselves...
"Children, before I have asked you not to dwell too much on the beauties of God's Land, because when you are in that Land, so you will feel even as I have said, and so you will come back and take the shadowy way once more, yet with this vast difference: Those conditions of Spirit, built up by your life, by your efforts - these will be inseparable from you; yet, because of this, it will but spur you on, for by the consciousness of God's Love and the multitude of His blessings, so your heart will be as broken until you can raise the sleeping Spirit within mankind...
"And then there is another aspect still. Children, some of you wonder how you will stand in regard to those early pioneers, those who have loved and served God throughout the ages. And as you think, so sorrow comes, because the distance between you and them seems unbridgeable...
"Tonight, I am commissioned to put things in plain language so that you may understand. It is as this: According to those desires - which in reality express the self within - so according to that, you limit yourselves from contacting with those others who, again, by their efforts, have built up conditions which are more rarefied, purer than your own. Yet, never think that you are divided by anything but your own free will...
"Children, in the Land of Light there are no walls, there are no hedges - all is open, free to everyone, yet the individual soul is held back by the consciousness of being out of harmony with those conditions which are finer than its own. Nothing else divides, and yet, pause again and consider what division could be stronger or greater. That which is your real self penetrates, it may be, a step or two nearer into the holiness which represents God, but before the strength can come to go farther, so that which is keyed to lower vibrations must be brought up, and that only by work and service...
"Yet, dear children, lest I should make you sad, I have words of comfort indeed. Can you not see that although you yourself bar your entry into such holy conditions, yet those in these conditions find no difficulty at all in coming to you, mingling with you, companioning you? Here and now I wish to make it quite clear that the Saviour of the World feels no separation from the frailest of His children, and as our love grows, so we grow, and so that sense of superiority disappears.
"If those early pioneers were conscious of spiritual superiority to the one they seek to help then, dear children, those holy conditions would be theirs no more... That is of the earth. Christ shows the perfect way, and because All-Holiness refuses to recognise barriers or divisions between Himself and His little ones, so we who are still struggling to get a little nearer to the Divine, we are conscious in no way - not in the slightest measure - of your weakness, of your frailty, but we are conscious in a way no words can express of our love, of that close link with you, of that unity of purpose and desire...
"Children, there is not one of those who wish to love God, who wish to free themselves, who cannot contact on the instant with those same disciples and workers of our Holy Master. You cannot go to them maybe, but they in happiness inexpressible come to you, as friends, as companions, as co-workers... the love and the sympathy and the understanding is complete...
"And so tonight, instructed by Love Itself, I say for all to hear, that the instrument I use shall open the eyes of many; I say that there is not one of those same early travellers who shall be barred from speaking to a world who knows them not, and also to those few who cherish their coming, who love the stories of their earth lives, who indeed by the wish to do likewise, are recreating again and again their deeds on earth, their constructive work, their service to humanity in the Name of God...
"Children, I have told you before that I come of the House of Abraham, and I say that even such as he shall find entry here; but prepare your hearts by love and service I entreat you, so that the consciousness of the spiritual barrier between you and them may not hurt your heart. It is not their will, it is not the Master's will, yet He cannot save you from this because your life is your own, and what you build you build for good or ill...
"My children, there is much tonight I must leave for another occasion, yet I entreat you in the Name of Love to attune yourselves to these tried servants of the Master, so that not only may your conditions hereafter be pure and holy, but that here and now in your daily lives you may walk with them, you may listen to them, you may be as sister and brothers in Spirit, for that is the will of the Divine...
"And now, my children, I am going to leave you, yet ere we part for this short while, I ask you to consider that this meeting together for service and instruction, that though it may entail a little sacrifice on your part, a little discomfort as to physical conditions, yet think you while I speak that even in this you are making the link between yourselves and those who have gone on before, who suffered so gladly for Truth's sake, who endured - aye, who were faithful unto death - because Love had stepped in and Love held full sway..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...My children, I am going to close this evening because although I have so much to teach you and to give you, yet I should not be your companion if I did not realise that sometimes the physical conditions of your life must be considered. (Mrs. Lamont and Mrs. Coltman had to get back to Buckinghamshire).
"So, dear ones in Christ, as you go forth to your homes, take this expression of God's Love with you - say to yourselves with faith: 'Tonight, I have been in the Presence of the Holy Master; tonight for a while, I have talked to God direct!'...
"This is His will, this is His most earnest desire - that you should commune direct with your Father God. By laying aside that which appertains to the world, by raising your thoughts in adoration to Him, so He can lift you up, and so you can attune yourselves to that holiness which you long to make your own; and so again - ah, remember this - so He can use you even as His instrument to raise those who, as yet, wander in the shadow-land, separated by their spiritual ignorance from the warmth and the comfort of His Love... So you, little children of the Light, can work for the One who loves you best...
"God's peace is here - allow it to enfold you, hold it fast, fight for it, pray for it - and be certain that He longs for you to make it your own possession; for He is Love and Love faileth not, He is All-Understanding and He comprehends your individual needs, He is All-Comfort and so He protects from that which would come between... In those sacred Arms you are safe from the dangers without and the dangers within...
"God's peace be yours now and for evermore... Goodnight, my little ones."
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