An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 24th October, 1925.
"Father of all Love, we Thy little children once more meet together with the desire to learn. Give us that understanding which can treat the views of the world as naught, that understanding which can forge out beyond the present, and see something of the glorious Plan for the raising up of humanity...
"O Christ Jesu, incline our hearts to keep Thy laws, and never let us forget that all laws given by Thee are of Love Itself. Let us not be hindered by the remembrance of those many interpretations and misconceptions which, through the ages, have gained such strength. Grant that the vision may come when we may stand free from traditional thought, and commune with Thee in Spirit...
"O Father, help us to grasp something of the possibilities which lie before each one, something of the privileges held out to us all, if only we can find within ourselves the necessary faith and trust in Thy most holy promises...
"Tonight then, we commence our work with the consciousness that Thou art directing us, that Thou, as our Father, art leading us every step of the way, and teaching us how to lead others; how to inspire them with the desire to climb, how to draw out from within themselves resources of will and determination. Without these tools of the Spirit the obstacles on the road seem impassable, but when will and faith are there no barriers erected by the shadows can stand between us and the true desire of the Spirit within to find its God, and to hear the Voice of Love direct...
"O God, help us to make ready for the great work which lies in front... Amen...
"...My little children, this is one of those evenings which should appear to you just in this simple way - as a time, when, drawn by love and the wish to serve, we meet together: Those in the Spirit - you still bound a little more than you wish by the body. Yet we meet together with faith in our hearts and with the mutual desire to be of use to each other, and thereby, to contribute something towards those mighty plans of God to bring peace and enlightenment to the world...
"My children, I want you to regard those in your surroundings rather in the like of 'tests' - even if you love them, even if you find almost complete happiness in their company. To you - still hampered by physical thinking - it seems as though only those who would wish to cause you pain, would be chosen as tests. But, my dear children, so far-reaching is the Love of God that, now and again, those nearest and dearest play their part, under His direction, to see of what worth is the love within your heart.
"Children, this must be so. It has seemed to you, at times, that even we in the Spirit - knowing so well your many wants, the loneliness of the physical mind, and the necessity for spiritual companionship - it seems to you that even we have withdrawn in your time of need...
"Oh, little ones of my heart, could you once pierce the veil and see something of the mighty working of Love all around, never more would your hearts ache over the apparent absence of those who have grown dear to you during these sacred evenings...
"My children, love must be tested, and I want you to think of our part - of the part which always the other has to take. Can you not imagine what we suffer when you think we have forgotten your helpless position? Can you not imagine likewise that when those who are true and sincere seem to have been found lacking, that their sufferings are in a measure greater and deeper than your own?
"My children, a twofold lesson lies here. At times, there are those in your own vibrations - or those a little farther off, bound to you by spiritual ties unbreakable - who seem to fail you; for the shadows, using the physical mind or the weariness of the body, have the power to so misrepresent the truth that it appears as falseness itself...
"I speak to all. There is not one in this little world of yours, who has not suffered from these attacks. And alas, to the majority, no explanation comes, and the damage is great and lasting - for the truth is not known, and the mind is not healed, until the body has been laid aside.
"My children, these things grieve the heart of the Tender Father in a way you little grasp; yet you will say: 'Why then does He not interfere?'
"Children, again and again the messengers of the Most High seek to rectify that which has gone awry, yet again and again the evil returns to the attack, and because man has so bound himself by his physical mind, so the small Voice of the Spirit is not heard - it is drowned by the clamour of the world's point of view, drowned by all those suggestions which the evil presents in so reasonable a way...
"Children, I want to put you all on your guard; I want to say to you: Let not yourselves be deceived by appearances. In the majority of cases, these appearances are even as the unrealities of material life - they are there masquerading as facts, yet falsifying truth in every way imaginable...
"My little ones, when such things happen during the daily round, go back to the foundations of the character of the one concerned. There and there only, before spiritual sight is your own, can you find that which is permanent and that which is spiritual fact as well. Again and again the shadows, using even the tool of love, playing on weary minds and bodies, do their utmost to come in between, and to cause that first pang from which love - during the physical stages - rarely rallies entirely successfully.
"So tonight, dear children, I want you in regard to all those you know in the physical world, to adopt this attitude: When appearances are against them, get back to the foundations of their character and judge them by that alone. Judge their actions, their speech by that which lies beneath - that formed character which is, in miniature, an indication of the quest of the progress of the spirit within.
"If only, my children - and I speak to all who read these records - if only each one could trust each other more. Nay, I go farther than that - if only they would allow the Voice of God to show them how the true position lies, then all those many darts of the evil could be turned aside; and while they are conscious now of loss and lack of understanding, then they would be conscious of that sweet harmony and unity of purpose - without which love is a misnomer...
"And now, my children, having regard to a little incident which has taken place (after discussing Margaret's birthday, the day was overlooked), I think you will be able to gather something of the purpose lying beneath it. Unless things are brought home by physical facts, it is almost impossible to impress the mind of the body except for a little day when the great good passes and is forgotten. Those who suffer in these experiences, these gather to themselves the blessing and the comfort of the Most High...
"And now, my children, I want to speak to you in this quiet and beautiful atmosphere about something which is very, very near to God. I want to tell you a little regarding that which you call: 'Holy Communion' - to lead you a step or two away from the earth view, and to give you just a glimpse of what this means to those who are free, to those who see and know...
"Children, once more I send you back to your Sacred Record, once more I ask you to consider the lives of those narrated in its earlier pages - those who were in touch with their Maker, who desired to be, in spirit, children of their Father God.
"You see, dear children, that holy communion was in being long, long before that act of Remembrance took place. Those who know these histories - laid down in miniature by those who sought to preserve that which would help man in time to come - these see for themselves that each one of the so-called prophets, each one of the teachers of the people, found, in their hour of need, that it was possible - that it was God-meant - that they should get their instructions direct...
"Children, I said: 'Histories laid down in miniature' - and if you could turn back the scroll of time, you would find that out of every million incidents when this sacred communion took place, only one was preserved for man's instruction. It is ever thus. The gifts of the Most High are showered down upon humanity, but out of a million treasures, there is found only one who is near enough to his Maker to not only use it but to remember to render thanks in the days to come.
"That is so typical of the forgetful physical mind. The gifts come - that which is of God is made full use of - and then, because the one concerned is distracted by this and by that, because the need is no longer there, so that act of grace passes out of the mind unremembered and unrecorded..
"Children, when God created man and provided him with everything which Love could think of, then also He gifted him with the privilege of communing with Him direct. But because man preferred the twilight to the Light, so through the ages the gift - still there - remained unused; and that is what has been going on all the time.
"Here and there, one arises who claims his gift and uses it for the good of others; but the vast majority more eagerly listen to the voice of the world than to the Voice of God, and so the gift of God is hidden from them by their own misguided ways...
"This, dear children, is what I want you to think over: That holy communion with our Father God was given when man was created - and from that thought to go on to the time when God, as Man, walked this little earth...
"Again - so plainly is it laid out - man preferred the twilight to the One who could have lightened all the dark places of this little world and of those spheres where darkness reigns. Again, you see there were but a few to listen to the Voice of Love, and if Christ came today in similar guise - companioned by poverty, by all that which the world so despises - would it not be the same as in that time? Aye, and methinks it would be worse even than that...
"Children, there are many ways of crucifying that which is Love, and I see and I say that if Christ came today to this world, which recognises material values alone, so indeed He would look far and wide even to find that little knot of followers who so gladly laid down their physical lives for His Truth.
"So, dear children, I bring you to that act of Remembrance, so simply instituted, so divinely thought out; that humility which indicates to all the Christ Mind, that laying aside of the paraphernalia of physical life - that act of Remembrance has done more for the children of earth, more than you will be able to grasp, until many experiences out of the body have taken place...
" - 'Do this in remembrance of Me' - and that entreaty has gone down the ages... Yet have you ever thought, dear children, how Love must have suffered because it was so necessary that He should ask for the remembrance of His children? Have you ever thought how the great Father Heart of God is anguished because so few remember - so few are willing to remember Him in their daily life, even in their hour of need?... So unwilling, so incapable of remembering the best Friend of all...
"Children, I want you to get this act of our Lord and Master in something of its spiritual sense. I want you to go back in your imagination - that memory of the Spirit - and to visualise how it came about, the thoughts of those who listened to Him, and to try and get just a glimpse of what was going on in the Mind of the One who loves you so much...
"Christ never spoke only to this one and that - He spoke to those belonging to the so-called 'past', He spoke the countless millions who were yet to take on their physical experiences... God, the creator of all things, asked you and me to remember Him - yes, to remember Him...
"One day, dear children, the gigantic nature of the gift of God's Presence in physical guise upon earth, will dawn upon you; yet even now you catch a faint reflection of that mighty Love, of that unending humility, of that graciousness and simplicity...
" - 'Do this, take this, in remembrance of Me'... So, dear children, keeping that in mind, I ask you to try and link up the old with the new, to go back in thought to the time when man could talk to God direct, and then to visualise the falling away from the Light; and - as is always the case - because the real is lost, so the mind of man gathers to himself furniture of all kinds, semblance of this, symbols of that - to cover the nakedness of the land whereon his spirit is wandering.
"Children, the time is getting close when those upon your little earth will, for a few brief seconds, turn their thoughts from the world of sense to the world of Spirit - turn their thoughts from the unrealities of that which they have built up around themselves, to the reality, the permanency of the life which goes on for ever.
"So, dear children, because of this, I speak tonight regarding the holy communion which still lies as a gift open to all, neglected, unknown, disbelieved though the gift may be, that which the Father has once given to His children for all time, remains - remains unheeded, until man has come back - yes, come back to the understanding of Love when once more the gift will be put into use...
"My children, you have seen for yourselves something of the preparation done by those in the Spirit towards accustoming and training the bound mind of humanity to return to that which it has lost. What you cannot see - what is beyond your comprehension - is the influencing of the spiritual mind, and that is of so gigantic a character that if I attempted to put it into words your physical minds could not grasp even a fragment of it...
"I tell you this for your soul's comfort - I tell you that the Holy Spirit is at work amongst the straying children of the earth, in a way no words can express; but it will take time because you cannot undo what has been done over the centuries without much effort, much prayer, much struggle. Yet, dear children, I have words of infinite hope, but beneath them there is grave warning for all.
"This holy communion between man and his God must be re-established ere this earth of yours can be cleansed. This holy communion between you and those in the Spirit who have known their God, and know Him now in something of His wonder, this must be established before man can get free from those crippling thoughts, from those worn-out theories which evolve alone from the physical minds of those who were too independent, or too spiritually ignorant, to approach their God direct and to obtain the Truth from Him...
"Children, Christ recreated the likeness of God so that man should have a truer vision of what was in the Father's heart and mind. Yet think you on this a moment: The image of God - which had been handed down generation by generation, robbed of its beauty, robbed of its God-like qualities, crushed in or suffocated by the reflection of the cruelty in man's own heart - the God of old and Christ our Saviour and that interpretation of God, which evening by evening I have been trying to get through to you, all these are One.
"And, as you well know, the God of Love - which we are determined to reveal - is the same Lord God Jehovah of old who man so slandered, who was made to appear to the children of His creation as fear and might and stern justice combined, with a very little love on which His children could rely...
"Oh, there are so many today who are still hindering the work of the Holy Spirit, there are so many who, all unconsciously to themselves, are showing God in a guise which is utterly un-God-like in its essentials...
"Tonight, I make this declaration - instructed by the Most High - that direct communion can be, should be, and will be one day possible between man and his God; that it should never have been necessary for our Lord and Master to have instituted that act of Remembrance. It was because man had forgotten. Today it is the same. Man forgets his heritage, forgets to whom he belongs, and because of this so the evil has worked - and so the evil is working - to build up even a forest to shut man off from the Holy Presence of his God...
"Children, as the day approaches when even the careless are forced to pause for a minute, think on this subject and send out your prayers and thoughts. This opportunity is not only God-directed, it is literally God-given. One more chance to get back the gift which has been despised, and that chance, as you know, is given with every hour, with every minute of your life - the chance to get back into close contact with your Father God...
"Oh my children, could humanity only see the Truth, how differently would they view that which they regard now as the only holy communion possible. If man could once see the gift within his own grasp, then he would realise that communion with God was not reserved for any time, any season, any place, any condition; holy communion with our Saviour Christ is possible - nay, is entreated by Him - every second of your physical life.
"From this you see, dear children, how the Mind of Love is grieved by those disputes, by the many arguments concerning that simple act of Remembrance. Is it possible that man can be so blind? The very act done in remembrance of the Prince of Peace - that has been allowed to stir up dissension and to sever ties of friendship, because those concerned had indeed forgotten that it was to peace that they were called, and that it was to bring peace to the world that God laid aside His God-head and came among us in man's guise...
"My children, I am nearly through, yet I want to leave no loose ends. The gift of communion with God in the way which has been the custom during the long years, this indeed enables the earnest-hearted to enter into conditions of holiness beyond their physical understanding. Yet, I remind all such as these, that God has asked them - has entreated them - to commune with Him direct over all those things which affect both their physical and spiritual life.
"The gift of talking to God, and of hearing the Voice of the Spirit in return - only that can save the world from its 'sin', and until there are those who are willing to suffer for their Master in order to uphold His Truth, so the advantage is placed in the hands of the evil, and so men stray...
"This is God's Truth; this is the simple Truth unadorned by the minds of those bound by the body: That in order to save the world from its mistakes, holy communion - the communion that is possible with the youngest and the weakest - that communion between the child and his Father is indispensable...
"So, my little ones, I would ask you to try and adopt this attitude in regard to those who differ from you: To listen with patience while they expound the Scriptures, or give their views on the religious life of the people narrated therein - to listen with attention and respect, because many of these are sincere, many wish with all their heart to do God's will, and self has been laid aside.
"Yet, at the same time to remember this: That because you have obeyed the Voice of the Spirit, so God has been able to teach you direct, and so the Truth - what you can bear of it - has been presented to you free from everything of the world, free from the least of the chains of the physical mind.
"Centred in the comfort of the thought that what you have learnt - little though it may be - what you have learnt is God's Truth coming to you only and solely by His Grace through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can stand in peace, in security - not condemning, not judging others, but sending towards them thoughts of help, and prayers that the greater Light may come.
"Children, this attitude of tolerance is essential if you are to be used by God; the attitude of appreciating the earnestness, the effort and the Christ-likeness in others, is indispensable if you are to be instruments of the Most High...
"God understands all His children, and there is not one thought, one hope, one prayer to be nearer to Him, that will not, in time to come, be given back to the owner with a beauty, with a purity and holiness which is the gift of the Divine alone.
"So dear children, as we go on getting closer and closer to each other in this holy communion, never forget that Christ is in your midst; never forget that with those who listen for the Voice of God, so truly the Voice of God is heard by them.
"Remember also that you are taking up the gift bestowed on man when he started off from God on the long journey of experience; and, in time to come, either from the physical world or from one of those many other realms - at this stage unknown to you - so man will take up the gift which has been allowed to remain dormant through the long ages which have passed.
"This is the thought I would leave with you - the remembrance of this gift of holy communion, the remembrance of Christ in God, in the Lord Jehovah of old, and in all those representations of the Most High - Love infinite, Love unchanging, Love which has no end...
"And now, my children, I will leave you, yet to my little secretary (Dorrie) I would say one word:
"Child, because you have put aside the weariness of the body to work for God, so God, because of this, can put aside much that you would wish had not been in your thoughts in the days which have passed. The time will come when you will be able to realise something of what this means, when you will be able to see how great was the gift; yet to the Father, those who are willing to serve Him are deserving of all that which Love can bestow, are fitting possessors of those gifts which are of the Spirit alone..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, I am going to bring this evening to a close; my child is somewhat tired, and because of this I will not press things further.
"In your minds, you may question why two strangers - so-called strangers - have come this evening (through medium) when we have been thinking together over holy communion. Children, if you read those words in the Christ way, then you will realise that in helping others, you are doing God's will; doing it in a manner which will bring you, in the days to come, something of that same revelation which speaking in this sacred gathering brings to those who are struggling - with all their might and main - to climb the hill to God...
"So, dear children, not keeping you longer, I will just remind you that on all sides there are those out of the body who are waiting, who are praying that they may be allowed to put into words something regarding the lessons they have learnt, and, most of all, something regarding the wondrous Love of God.
"In strengthening others, in inspiring them with a still greater desire to reach the highest, so as we go on, this communion - a gift from God - shall indeed be found holy in every sense there could be.
"And now, dear children, I leave you in the safe care of the One who only is able to keep us from falling. Hold on to Christ, be valiant of heart, and be certain that His ways are bright and glorious and full of peace... And now, Goodnight."
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