An Extract From
Taken from an Address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Spiritual Mission Hall, Clacton-on-Sea, on Sunday, September 2nd, 1945.
"...So we ask ourselves how Spirit Communion can do its part in stopping war, war in all its phases, those wars which must be fought until man is redeemed from his lesser self. If you will face fact and exercise the thinking powers of your mind, you will see at once that disease and poverty and material wars all arise from one thing alone - the spurning of the Christ path. There is not one with a weakened body who cannot be certain that amongst their forebears over the generations there were those who sinned, sinned against the body and against the Holy Spirit within.
"But we must not criticise those of the past and overlook the follies and the weaknesses of those of today, for in time these will be counted amongst the forebears, the ancestors of those who are suffering upon the physical plane. You see that responsibility, that cause and effect, are inescapable things, they belong to Divine Law.
"But while we think of the horror side, we have also to consider those many who live a life of duty, who ignore their lesser selves, who deny themselves because they believe that God is their Father and they wish to be something like the Christ. Are not these the power-bringers who in due course will be able to stop the necessity for war? ... the war of neighbour against neighbour, the war against the cruelty in the heart and mind of so many, the war against the torturing of animals and the neglect of duty towards Nature in her many forms, the war against insanity and blindness and laments and those horrible diseases of the soul which are the result of the exercise of free-will.
"It may take a long time but you are fighting for posterity. It is only those who are very young and very ignorant who will try to argue that the abuse of the body will bring no consequences, but they have only to go to the nearest doctor to find out the truth; and, perchance, in their own body there are those signs of weakness due to the abuse of free-will by those they name their own in the far past, when men and women poisoned their systems by wrong feeding and alcohol and other excesses.
"You cannot imagine the agony it is to those who are free to pass out and then to watch their children paying the price for that which they did, perhaps in ignorance, and yet not altogether in ignorance for they had the Holy Book and they know that Christ had called them to follow Him!..."
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