An Extract From
Taken from an Address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle on Saturday, 7th May, 1927."...And I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations" (Luke 16,9)
"...And then, dear children, we come to that which Our Lord, when upon the earth, tried to explain to His listeners and which His listeners, so intent, so longing to grasp, failed to comprehend, failed to interpret in words so that the meaning may be clear to others. I speak of the steward and the Master, of the one who made friends with the unrighteous and, so the Word runs, was commended in so doing by his God. Listen, dear children, and try and gather in that law of the Spirit which our Lord sought to unfold. We could not understand, for the conditions of our day were so different. We were hedged in by prejudice and caste, divided by a thousand barriers both religious and secular, blind indeed yet knowing not our blindness; bound with many chains, yet out of the childishness of our minds, congratulating ourselves on the freedom which was ours because we listened to Love and Love called us His own.
"Little ones, it was the missionary spirit that the Master tried to teach. There are many who cannot be approached directly by those who understand God's Will, and thus it is that others are needed; yet those others they have cheated the Master in turn. Dishonest servants they may be, but in looking round on those in their vibrations, out of their very weakness they can, as it were, reassure those others and pass among them as friends.
"Hold clear in your minds the story and confuse it not. Those who make friends of the mammon of unrighteousness are those bound by the earth and conscious of nothing but self. Yet these in time to come, in turn, will be used to help those weaker still. Though hedged in by weakness and misunderstanding, out of their weakness and misunderstanding they can help others whose weakness and misunderstanding is greater than their own.
"In time to come, dear children, I will go over that little narrative point by point, and I will show you that it was to teach the missionary spirit amongst all temperaments, all classes; it was to illustrate how the weak can help the weak, how those who are alien to God, those who have been false to the Divine within, can unconsciously, aye, even unwillingly, do God's work on earth..."
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chronologically-ordered scripts from the Zodiac Circle before the first public appearance
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(ranging from 1923-1957)