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Prayer and Praying

The subject of Prayer to God is vast. This short article does not pretend to cover all essentials concerning Prayer, rather it is a concise guide toward Prayer derived from advice given via Spirit Communion. Neither is Prayer the same as Meditation which allows mind and soul to rest in the dynamic silence of Consciousness or Spirit – Prayer and Meditation are two distinct forms of spiritual exercise: Meditation should be effortless and passive, neither straining nor idling in mind but a restful alertness - whereas Prayer is not.

The following refers to the bountiful gift of Prayer - not the ritualistic lip service given by rote, but that of the heart's cry; that of the call of a weeping soul in need of comfort and healing, or in impending trouble, or desirous of compassionate aid for another requiring the basics of life, or for another requiring spiritual food, or perhaps simply the yearning for contact with the God who is Love.

It refers to the type of Prayer the absence of which leaves a needless void in the spirituality of the world. Indeed, if a man allowed himself to truly lean on the faith he is gifted with by a generous God, he could be guided by the Agency of the Pure and Holy Spirit, and led into Truth, step by step, yet always deeper and deeper into truths awaiting his attention.

This world - or rather the atmosphere of this earth - is cold, and it is chilled with evil not just committed by man in general but often committed in thought, word and deed by brother against brother, sister against sister, with his or her preferred bias bringing the Spirit of Reconciliation into disrepute - and the absence of the Spirit of Truth gained through Prayer and the Agency of the Holy Spirit means that never the twain shall meet. It is a self-perpetuating muddle.

This is my opinion. God prefers His child to spend time communing with Him that He may give His child the best. Yet, it must be remembered that Christ asked those who loved Him to feed His lambs, to feed His sheep; thus better service to others is an essential consequence of Prayer. Hence, the need for the Master to make plain the two greatest commandments: Loving the Supreme Being with all heart, soul, mind and strength; and loving others as oneself.

Prayer should not be systematic or methodical or offered without that which arises from the heart. Prayer is, or becomes, communion of the spirit-life with God. Aligning the spirit's eye singly with the truths central to God, and not allowing nagging theological contentions of an obscure and bewildering nature to disturb the Prayer and communion with God, will allow the truth to unfold; the Spirit of God makes new what is old - yet what is made new is but a new leaf on the plant which provides the base for further growth, for God is Alive and Living eternally.

A man is often too occupied to recognise the definite bonding between himself and his God after his Prayer was sent to Him who is always willing to hear his Prayer; and so the rapport which would be strengthened by frequent use of Prayer is weakened, until man is left questioning as to why he should even bother to associate with his God - to join in mutual and intimate communion.

Prayer - real Prayer - delivers to the child of God a spiritual blessing which is rich and wholesome - and man would pray more often if he understood its worth and its power. Many are generally unaware of the Divine power of the Holy Spirit around them, communicating to the Heart of the Divine, without the interruption of earthly space or time, the Prayerful sentiments arising from heart and mind, and its immediate response by the God who always deals with direct Prayer.

So the petition is sent forth, often most powerful when unspoken, because it is a call for aid from a heart which experiences the pangs of deep sorrow and which is grief-stricken, and the great pulsating Heart of God is always moved. Yet the petition remains un-granted in the terms of the petitioner; but the burden carried by the spirit of he or she who prays the Prayer is relieved because Christ has helped to lighten the load as He indeed promised that He would - although the petitioner may not have received the result of what he or she had in mind.

The answer, the response, may not be what a man or a woman requests, which, if granted, might hinder the course which the spirit desires to take for its betterment; but the Prayer has opened the communication channel for which Christ has been awaiting, so that He can approach and administer a consolation and a strength, accordingly, which will help carry the broken soul through the ordeal.

The Prayer can be spontaneous, devoted, wholehearted, purposeful and fervent; but not of selfish gain, or of repetitive and oppressive self-introspection, or of a dreamy and misty contemplation of an idle mind which is neither here nor there. The earnest Prayer is always caught by God and is used as added power not only for the present time but in the hereafter; what is not possible or permissible for the body, is given by God to the spirit.

If a man could see the efforts of the Christ as He labours to allay the sorrow or grief of the damaged soul by pouring into it consolation and sympathy, then that man might be more aware of the peace which has found a lodgement in him, because his earnest Prayer drew from the Heart of God His aid and His Healing Agency was despatched instantly. When a man receives that peace then that man knows of the living Father - who in reality tends to, and cares for, His children - that man knows that, even without words, there is a blessed response to the deep cry. Yet, will that man enter into frequent Prayer and communion with his God once the burden has been lifted?

Therein lies a question, the answer to which would help to turn this little competitive world into a newer, more peaceful and loving world; namely, the regular and willing exercising of the spiritual blessing of Prayer and Spirit communion, with untold help and assistance for man as he seeks to pacify a chaotic planet by seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in faith and trust rather than placing his faith and trust in his own mind.

Should a man habitually put into practice his faith in his communication with his God, whose Love is unceasing toward him, as he may sometime claim, then that man would begin to enliven his apparatus for such communication - unravelling it from its atrophied state, restoring it from its disused and corroded condition - and that man should then be able to reach the highest state of communion with his God this earth-life permits for him, knowing that his sufferings and his troubles are often a necessary part of his spiritual education so that he may draw closer to the Christ who carried the burdens of the world on His shoulders when He walked on this planet; and the man knowing too that it is possible for him to overcome all tribulations because he knows by experience, rather than words, that he is never separated from his God through Christ forever.

Acclimatising the soul to God is achieved by genuine praise to Him with a sense of gratitude for the gift of an unending life as yet inconceivable to the human mind. The Spirit Agency of God is always lovingly moved by Prayer to Him from His child.

A better condition for Prayer and communion is prepared by retreating into seclusion away from the baleful influences of the world, as was demonstrated by the law-giver who ascended a mountain to receive directions necessary to mould and guide a great but wayward people at a particular time in their history; or by the Light of the World when He entered communion on various occasions, some of which are recorded.

Regarding this matter of Prayer, it is hoped that enough has been said to make the point that Prayer is a part of Spirit Life, part of Divine Life. It is hoped that the point is made that, by the Grace of God, it is within the province of man to live his life in an atmosphere of Spirit, bearing in mind that the spirit within man does not wish to be robbed of certain experiences, demonstrated by the Way of the Master Christ, which will bring to the spirit priceless and eternal gain which it would not wish to be without.

Finally, Jesus Christ declared the First Commandment as: "Loving the Lord your God out of your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole strength, and with your whole comprehension (CLV)". This must include, by definition, a perpetual Prayerful communion with Him. It is not possible to achieve the former without the latter. And as has already been said, once perfect alignment of faith through Prayer is renewed, giving to ones neighbour through loving service must and will ensue.

Tony Bisson

Also See:

'Unanswered' Prayer And The 'Mystery' Of Suffering

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