An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 17th October, 1925.
"Most generous Giver, we come once more asking that Thou wilt, out of Thy Love, teach us those things which the spirit within longs to make its own. O God, grant that the destroyers may not overwhelm us, may not lead us out of the Light into the shadow-land; but with strength and determination, we may conquer all those many vicissitudes of daily life - conquer all that which seeks to come between us and Thee, because Thou art our Defender, art fighting for us...
"Christ Jesus, Thou knowest so well that it is in the little things of daily life that we find the strain and the struggle. Thou knowest that when deep grief holds us in its grip, so also Thy grace provides the comfort and the help. Tonight, then, O Father, we ask Thee to teach us how to be strong when the little things go wrong, when those many vexations of the day cast their shade over the brightness which should be our own. Teach us that by clinging close to Thee we can banish them and their effect, and because of this we are able next time to contact with Thee in a vital way without that struggle which leaves its mark...
"Father and Mother God, we commit all things into Thy Hands, and we ask Thee to send down the power, to so inspire us with Thy Holy Spirit that we may see and feel that in very truth Thou hast been in our midst...
"Give faith, give trust, give understanding... Amen...
"...My little children, tonight we are met together once more in the spirit of comradeship, once more with the anticipation of hearing the word of God, once more in Love - that Love which entirely escapes your comprehension - that mighty Love of the Spirit which is all around.
"I have much to say to you as always, and I want your complete attention; I want each and every one - and I am speaking to a vast concourse hidden from your physical sight - I want each and every one to give of their best, because when the things of God are concerned, only the best can be offered, only the best can be used to bring to you and to me that which is of God himself.
"As we go on, evening by evening, meeting together in this way, I want you, if you can, to regard it in this manner, and to so train your mind that the finest use is made of this opportunity provided only, and solely, by God's grace.
"Children, this physical life of yours is but a schooling, but a preparation for that greater Life which you will undertake so gladly, so willingly, so thankfully, when the body is laid aside.
"I put this in tonight because there are some of my children who, when sore beset by the shadows, say to themselves: 'Would that life in any form were over, were finished with, never to be thought of again!'... These feelings assail you solely because of the limitations of the physical mind. You know not of what you speak, you know not the precious gift which you would so carelessly throw aside...
"My children, tonight I speak words of warning, and again, my utterances are of comfort itself. I tell you that this life on the earth plane is as a school, as a process of preparation, so that when you step into freedom - into that glorious, full, joyous Life of the Spirit - you may understand something of the gift placed in your own possession...
"It seems to you that the lessons are never learned; it seems to some that the hours of school-life get longer instead of shorter; it seems to others that on all sides there are questions for which no answers can be found; and hence despair - that hopelessness of continuing - seizes a mind which has been attacked by the forces of darkness, by the great destroyers of God's mighty plans...
"Children, those destroyers are everywhere, and to each one they come in different guise. To some they represent themselves as those delectable pleasures of the world; to others they assume a more discreet demeanour - they gather to their sides as fellow-mourners, as those too who have felt the burdens and responsibilities of physical life too great...
"There are millions of different disguises which are adopted and cleverly adapted, by the evil to deceive the unwary. And because they are listened to, because those on earth do not turn to The Christ who loves them and who can save them, these destroyers mar the plan - mar that great, great plan - in the sense that it is hindered and in the far future the maturing of the plan is worked out only by suffering...
"Children, you see even in this holy gathering, how those enemies of the Most High sought to hinder me in the warning which I am determined to give.
"It applies to all; it applies to the world at large, for again and again, even those who wish to serve The Master best, are distracted by some enemy clothed to resemble even the friend in need...
"And then, dear children, lest the hint of scolding in my voice should leave a sadness behind, I want to tell you - because it is God's truth - that you are companioned, you are protected in a way impossible to be put into words...
"Oh, lay aside the weariness of the soul, that seeming hardness of heart, and take of that mighty, enveloping Love, which is around you all. Say to yourselves: 'Though I fail a thousand, thousand times, yet, by God's grace, I will go on and conquer in the end!'...
"Children, you have nothing to fear, yet fear looms large on the horizon; you have nothing over which to distress yourselves, although it seems to you that your sun is even as the physical sun which struggles in winter time through mists which hide its beauty...
"The horizon, as I see it - gifted with spiritual sight, and, more than that, given that long vision by my Master because it concerns the children under my charge - that horizon is fair indeed, glorious, charged with power, representing the desire of your spirit, and its radiance casting a reflection of beauty over many others who will seek to gather to your side...
"And now, my children, having put things straight - and you know I not only treat the past but I anticipate the future - having put things straight and commending you to the Great Father so that you will rise in courage and in faith, I pass on to the subject of our discussion tonight.
"I have chosen just a simple word, so it would seem to you, but to us it is charged with so much meaning that I can do no more than give you an outline of something of the wonder and promise which lies within it.
"Children, I would talk to you on: 'Restoration'. Yes, Restoration - and I want you to follow me in thought because, as usual, we have to turn our inch of the long furrow of spiritual knowledge.
"The majority on earth know far more about that word 'loss' than they do about Restoration in its physical sense. Again and again you hear on all sides: 'I have lost!' Whatever it may be, whether the things of the world or whether those near and dear, the cry goes up: 'I have lost!' And those who listen either echo it in turn, or they turn over the leaves of memory and say: 'Ah, there was a time when I too felt the same; I lost that which was dearest of all to me!'...
"Lost, lost, lost. My children, there are so many phases connected with that little word. It represents to the man or woman, aye, even to the tiny child, something which causes a stab in the heart, something which reflects the cruelty of physical life...
"Now tonight, I have been instructed to try and show you that this is one of those 'unrealities' which you on earth class not only as 'real' but as facts beyond dispute...
"Children, instructed by my Holy Master, I want you to try and believe that the word 'loss' - in its physical sense - does not, and could not exist, because above your little world is a Mind of Love at work; around your simple lives are the messengers of the Most High, and that which you drop by the way is gathered up by them - preserved, so that even in regard to the mundane things, you will find that another has been more careful than yourself.
"Children, when you pass hence, a variety of these things you will find in the home you have built up by your thoughts and actions; and this happens so often when spiritual sight has been won: You will throw away those worthless baubles of the world - ah, and with a stab as well, you will marvel that their loss ever caused you a pang even though bound by the body...
"I want you to try and grasp this in something of its spiritual significance. To you, the things of the world are graded as something which is never recalled once the body is laid aside; but the things of the earth are there to teach their lesson, and those small treasures which you have lost - or which were taken from you by another in a moment of temptation - these are gathered up, and you find them in a world where their true value is apparent at once.
"Yet the choice remains with you. That which you treasured once you have to decide what is its value now. That 'loss' which you thought was a form of cruelty - overlooked by the Almighty Mind - that very act or object has been preserved, so that you may see its worth or its worthlessness, in that new home which has been built up by your life during the earthly stages...
"And then I come to those bigger losses as concerns love, whatever kind, whatever quality that love may be: The mother mourns for the babe that she has lost; the husband for the wife, and the woman for the man...
"Lost, lost, lost. And all the while - every day - those who love are together. It may be both day and night, or it may be only during those hours of sleep when the body is forgotten; but the unity of thought, that bond of love, is unbreakable - and though the mother weeps by day, at night she croons over the little one of her heart...
"Children, can you not grasp something of that which I would teach? Cannot you see how the evil - using the blindness and the deafness of those who have consciously or unconsciously imprisoned themselves in their physical body - cannot you see how man himself has placed the most effective weapon of all into the hands of the destroyers?...
"There is not one who, having suffered in this way, has not felt - it may be but for an hour - who has not felt a barrier between themselves and Divine Love. That separation from the one who brought so much joy, that loneliness of the physical mind, that greyness of the future prospect - all these thoughts, because humanity does not know the Truth - all these thoughts rise up again and again in the physical mind, whipping and torturing its victim, until they fail to see The Christ who walks beside them, they fail to see that very loved one in their vibrations, because their tears have blotted out that which is real, that which is true...
"Children, tonight I want you to do something for me and for the God within you; I want you to strike out for ever that word 'loss'. I want you to look at things in the spiritual way - in the way which is actual fact, and to be certain that where love is, separation is impossible; where love is, nothing of the earth nor of the heavens above could be strong enough to come in between...
"Restoration, in a way impossible to be grasped by your mind now, is going on all the time, even in regard to those things which you have resigned yourselves to do without - restoration in the way which only the generous Mind of the Father could interpret.
"Nothing is taken from you, but for a little while the spirit within, conscious of the bigness of the quest in front, longing to be a little more like the God from whence it came, voluntarily - mark that word - voluntarily hands over, into the safer keeping of others, that which the physical mind craves for so much...
"Restoration - ah, my children, can you not grasp that every day back again your little treasures are given to you; every day, when sleep claims you, you are with - and you are centred in - that love which you thought you had parted from for so long as physical life remains...
"Looking at it in God's way, has so much been asked by the Divine within? Looking at it in the Christ way, cannot you see, even now, that instead of loss it is gain?...
"Children, it is gain in a way no words can explain. Bound by the physical mind, by its limited outlook on things material, over and over again you would damage, or partly destroy, that which is lovely, that which must find a place intact, in the perfect Home which your Father has granted to you when your school days are over.
"Those, bound by the earth view, do not know always how to preserve, how to protect that which they prize the most, and so the spirit within, far-seeing, taking the long view, gives over that which might be marred - gives it over into more experienced hands, and there it is treasured, there it is cared for, until you are old enough and wise enough to regard it in the way God meant...
"Oh, my children, when next you hear that pitiful cry: 'I have lost!' - speak the word of truth, and speak it with faith. In the Father's Mind nothing is lost. In the Father's plan nothing is taken away. The generous Giver bestows and bestows, and - though it seems to you so hard to grasp - because He is Love, that immutable law of the Spirit forbids that anything should have the power to separate or come between real Love...
"My children, it is impossible tonight to touch upon any of those many phases of Restoration which you will find when you are free, yet think it out for yourselves. Come up to spiritual facts, face the realities, and turn your back on the unrealities of physical life...
"You may deny it, the world may scoff, but even as the laugh rings out, their beloved - their children, their parents - walk by their side, lending what aid they will permit, evidence, witnessing to the Love of our Father, God - who, even though they deny Him and deny that which is Divine within, never denies the children which He has created...
"Oh, try and grasp what it means, what it has meant to wander so far from God... If man, in the long distant past, had listened to the Voice of the Spirit, these fallacies - these treacheries against Love - never would have gained a footing, never would have been believed by any.
"If only man had talked and walked with God, God could have shown him that between the physical and the spiritual there are no barriers; that separation is impossible, because intermingled with the physical life on this little earth, there is Spirit; not Spirit in a tiny, limited degree, but Spirit permeating, enveloping, dominating that life of yours which goes on - it seems to you at times - absolutely divorced from the Spirit of God which is reserved for finer, purer realms when the body is no more... Never was such a fallacy - never did the destroyers find a weapon so effective - because this separation, this dividing of the physical from the spiritual, instantly puts God, as your Companion, out of your immediate vibrations, out of your intimate daily life...
"Oh, my children, again I say: Think these things out for yourselves. Remember that within, there is all-knowledge, there is all-sight, there is something that is free - and which, even though the body binds, could be free now, if only you would take God in your confidence...
"There lies the answer to the riddle of human life. So long as the enemy makes barriers between the children of earth and their Father, so the mind sorrows, so the heart aches, but once you take God into your confidence, trusting Him, believing in Him, loving Him - because He so loves you - then this little world will be grey no more, then you will not live in conditions material, for though the body may be physical, all within which feels, which understands, is living and having its being in conditions which are of the Spirit alone...
"Yes, the time goes on, and the world has much to learn; but oh, dear children, each in your little sphere can do something to lighten the burdens of others, something which will cause the clouds to part and the sunshine of God's Love to stream down once more upon them.
"You can be used in that most sacred work of Restoration - restoring them to that which the Father meant them to be - happy, contented, helpful, useful children of the Most High, demonstrating as they go along, their affinity with the Father, showing to the world that there is something stronger, greater than the world - Faith:
"Faith which can bridge all gaps, faith which gives the vision to see beyond the little present, faith which shows them not only that love hereafter will be restored, but the faith which gives them sight to see their loved ones walking by their side...
"Faith, faith, faith - that faith, which, though darkness may beset the physical mind, can focus on God, when the Light shines down direct - Father and child united in purpose and in love. Faith that can not only destroy its own shadows, but, by its very strength and firmness, can force others out of the darkness into the sunshine where God's Love can be felt and seen...
"Oh, my children, this glorious work goes on apace, but some learn but slowly, some take long to gather in the Truth. Yet, what they learn not here, in some other realm must be learnt, must be made their own. Each one treads a similar path, each one progresses out of the wish to live cleanly, into the wish to live spiritually; out of the desire to be noble, into the desire to be holy. Stage by stage, on they go, and - when the Light comes to them - back they go with their beacon in order to light the way to others, so that these may hasten; and this goes on for ever...
"Oh, be torch-bearers of the Most High; commit your ways unto Him and strike for Love. Say the word in season; let your faith, by its reflection, kindle the faith of others so that they, in turn, may be torch-bearers too. And because this work is work directly for God, so that which you do now so diffidently, shall win a harvest entirely beyond your imagination; that which you do now so blindly, shall be seen in God's good time as a gift made to Him direct, and as such the blessing will return...
"And now, my children, I will leave you; but oh, let not my words glance off the mind of the body; let the seed sink in and produce those blossoms which are symbolical of spiritual things, for we have much to do together in the days to come... And now I go..."
(Others then spoke...)
"...It's Hughes, and I've come to talk tonight to the young ones here, and thank God, I think I understand them too.
"Times have changed. Looking back over my ministry, I can see, from my point of vantage, that there is much which is in the process of evolution in regard to the heart and mind of the young people. It is curious how so many refuse to face facts. It is no use going back forty or fifty years and comparing the girl of that period with the girl of today; the conditions don't tally in any particular. The old-fashioned girl - a lot has been talked about her, and, I'd like to say, a lot of nonsense too. Human nature does not change in its essentials. It changes in the surface things and the minds of the young, because they are malleable, they are swayed by every passing breeze - and if no breeze passes then they make a little one of their own...
"I want those who read these records to be patient with me; to remember that, after all, we who are free - we are able to get beneath the surface. I know there are some who perhaps are hard and vain and self-centred. Well, right back, so far as history goes, you will find that both men and women were hard and vain and selfish! These characteristics are not peculiar to any age or clime. There are always the drones amongst the bees; there are always the parasites...
"The girls of the present day, taking the vast majority, are up against conditions which are unparalleled by anything which has taken place, and, of necessity, these leave their mark. This new-found liberty - the price has to be paid. But while there are plenty to sneer at the liberty and the freedom which woman has obtained, how few are there to raise their voices in praise of the one who works for others, of the one who has taken on her shoulders a man's burden, without the physical or scholastic equipment which the man possesses?... Few, few are those who point out to a critical world the hours these girls work, their many duties - the woman's work which is never done!
"I have infinite faith in the young, and more especially in the girl, because she has shown that she has character, even though at this stage that 'character' may have taken a wrong turn.
"You see, you cannot get the finished article in one generation, and that's what people forget. You can't turn a girl loose, expect her to put up with the buffeting of daily life, expect her to shoulder burdens often heavy with responsibility - and to remain the same. You cannot rebuild the whole fabric or foundation of a woman's being in a few short years. Everything has to evolve, and tonight, because I can see, I can say that within these girls - if only they are rightly handled - there is magnificent material, absolutely untapped...
"I'm afraid I get rather hot over this subject, but I am aghast at the way that these girls are allowed to escape the loving net of their natural spiritual protectors; I am aghast that those who have taken up the ministry - whatever branch it may be - are not more alive to the potentialities housed within a woman's heart and mind.
"They've got to be handled rightly. Thank God, I never had any difficulty myself.
"You know the time for doctrine and dogma and miscalled 'theology' has passed. The young mind, with its quick and rapid way of thinking, tosses aside this furniture and cries out for facts. You cannot bring the young to God by ramming home doctrines created in a time when conditions were utterly different from those today. They won't have it! The young mind, all unconsciously, has got a clearer vision than we had when we were young...
"That's the point I want to emphasise. I say that the young mind has a truer vision today than ever before. Give it what it wants - the essentials. Say to the young mind, that within you there is something which is noble, something which is splendid, struggling to get free, and God is by your side trying to help you; that Christ is your Companion, that He feels your sorrows and suffers over your weaknesses; that He wants you to be big because then He can do all those many things for you which His Love cries out to bestow. Release within you that which is splendid, that which is great, that which is the real you!...
"That is the only way to win the young in this generation. The days have passed when coercion, when fear of punishment, can bring the erring young back to the Father. Its very independence makes the obstacle. Fearless youth cries out: 'If God is like that, then I want none of Him!' - and that attitude of mind has got to be answered, not only by these heedless ones, but still more so by those who represent Christ the Beloved of Mankind...
"The carelessness, the love of pleasure which causes so much distress in the mind of the undiscerning - all that will pass away when motherhood comes and the real woman is awakened from her sleep. Yes, I know there are some selfish mothers, there have been selfish mothers since the beginning of time. I know too, thank God, that there are millions of unselfish mothers and millions of young careless girls who, when the responsibility comes to them, will find those spiritual resources will leap into life, because within the heart and mind of each woman, God has planted the seed of sacrifice...
"The world, and the weeds it represents, sometimes chokes the little flowers but, nevertheless, in the heart of the girl that seed of self-sacrifice is planted and, in time to come, with the first cry of her newborn, so that seed shows leaf and blossom, so the true woman emerges out of the shell of her lesser self...
"Yes, that's my message tonight. I speak to the Church and I implore them to do their duty by the girls; not to resign themselves to their straying. They are young, they are independent, but they can be won by love. To these fishermen of the Master then I say: Cast out your net of love over the young, and draw them to the God who cares for them, who protects them, and who claims then for His own...
"I am afraid I've rather let myself go. The beautiful conditions left by our leader (Zodiac) were so strong that - well! an inch of his glorious garment I managed to retain. I know you understand.
"...I hope you won't mind my butting in tonight but I've waited for my chance for a long time... It's Leno - Dan Leno. You see, I was promised that I should come - I was promised ages ago that I should say my little bit and leave this mark on your memory... And yet, now I am here, I feel it's awful cheek to have come - such an outsider, so different was my life from yours; and yet there is a link with you all if you don't mind waiting while I point it out...
"You know, Mrs. Moyes, it's a wonderful relief to feel I can, as it were, take the stage and at last speak as my real self. We clowns... oh, you don't like that! - well, we 'laughter-makers' - we get very tired of our fooling; we long to lay aside our wigs and our paint and to be human - to be ourselves - but the public don't want us! There is a lot that could be written about that, by people of my class and my kind; it rather grips us - that feeling that the public don't want us...
"As you know, when I was a boy, I had a rough and tumble sort of life - hand-to-mouth business - a good many cuffs and few halfpence. Well, those days of poverty, of every kind of discomfort - you know, going to bed hungry and cold, waking up hungry and cold, carrying on and getting a clip on the ear just when you felt worst of all. All that, and much more, than I'm going to bore you with tonight - that taught me to know, to understand, what it meant to be friendless, to be poor, to be kicked out of respectable places, to be regarded as some mongrel who wanted to steal a dinner...
"There's no getting away from it - the only way to understand is to experience. All this theoretical talk about the 'outcast', about the poor, about the shirker - that cuts no ice. Before you are in a position to judge these people, you want to have six months at it; you want to know what it feels like to have every hand against you, to be regarded with suspicion, to be hungry... that craving for food...
"I don't want to harrow your feelings, but I wouldn't have gone without those experiences for anything. Of course, I got on, I got plenty of money, but all the time the real me realised he was of the outcast classes. I realised that only by what I thought 'a stroke of luck', I had been saved from turning into a tramp - a 'wastrel' they call them now - saved from all those horrors which you associate with the down grade path...
"Mrs. Moyes, money to a person who knows he is 'common' - it doesn't bring the satisfaction that you might think, when his soul isn't common. Of course, in those days, I didn't know anything about that, but when you come here, you are shown for your edification, the difference between the commonness of the earth and that undevelopment of the soul-side. A great many common people have got first class souls - that goes home at once - and some of the toffs and swells, well, they've got very third rate souls...
"I'd like to tell you that I scored enormously over the fact that although I grew so tired of it, I brought a lot of happiness to the rank and file. You know, laughter, when it's fairly clean, is, as we should say on earth: 'A gift of the gods'. I found that literally it was a gift from the One God, and I scored enormously over all that laughter-making, the capacity to distract people from their troubles, to make them chuckle next day and give the shadows one under the chin!...
"Yes, as Barrett said (July 19), I've put my little toys of the earth away but I've got so many gifts of the Spirit that I'm blessed if I know how to make use of them all. And this is what struck me most, it's that question of values again, I found that the little bit I'd done because I understood - you can't stand by and see a pal go down without helping - those little natural things, well, it flabbergasted me when I passed out of that miserable little body... no, that's wrong, miserable-looking when I passed out of that insignificant body, and saw what old Dan had planted round himself...
"I said just now I didn't know how to use my gifts but, by jove! I scatter them like, when my head went, I scattered the cash... I nearly used a very different definition! It comes back, you know, when you're on earth like this - words I've never thought of for years seem to come back in my mind as a natural way of expression...
"Well, I'm afraid I've bored you all, but I'm awfully glad to have said my little say, because there is a moral in it.
"You see, some of you here have roughed it, in degree, like I did. Some of you have felt lonely, in degree, like I did - and it makes a bond. And when your sympathy goes out to the so-called dregs of humanity, think of old Dan! He's been with you hundreds of times - it's old Dan's sympathy flowing out and finding in you a connection. It's like a double river and it produces the goods... You see what I mean, don't you? It's not always that we've got instruments to use, some people don't like 'parting'. When they come here, they will find that all unknown to themselves, they've parted, for the time being, with what they'd wish to hold the most... the readjustment business again.
"Well, I've got to go, but I thank you ever so much... Oh, Will Terriss asked me to bring in his name - he's the next on the list, and I know you are accustomed now to us coming... I'm so happy, in spite of my depressing manner; that's caused by the remembrance of what I was like on earth - my real self that always lived half in the shadows, the real self that so often had a thundering big heartache... I know now it was just growing pains, and because it was that I wish they had been a jolly sight stronger. I've got an awful lot to learn, but the love here is teaching and healing and re-making me in a way that I can't explain to you, but it's there all right...
"Thank God that I can talk to someone on earth without being afraid they're going to laugh in the wrong place. Yes, there is one thing more beautiful than clean mirth, and that is 'understanding sympathy'; it never makes a mistake...
"Thanks awfully. They say I am coming again but, of course, I wouldn't dream of pushing in after this. Thank you, it's wonderful here, it's wonderful everywhere now to me... Lucky Dan Leno..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, I will bring this evening to a close. God's Love has been shown on every side - God's peace is in your midst...
"Remember always that the journey of the spirit runs like this: From God you come - pure, perfect in holiness and in love; to God you will return; and the moment the wish arises in your mind to be as the God within you would have you be, then immediately the work of restoration is commenced.
"Fetter yourselves not with the remembrance of this little life alone. Right through, from that time unthinkable which has passed, so you have journeyed and, thank God, it was in that past that the spirit grew strong enough, in spite of its multitude of experiences, to determine to get back to its Source.
"Therefore, dear children, think of the work of restoration in this way: As something which was commenced long since, and that now each day, each hour, you are that much nearer to the Goal - nearer to the holiness, to the peace from which you started out...
"Ah, this may seem far off to you, yet, because God is Love, so in these stages, now and again, you catch a reflection of the beauty of the ultimate end; and as the days go on, so this reflection shall grow stronger, and so the gladness will come - not as a butterfly ever on the wing, but as beauty fettered to your side...
"And now, dear children, I will go. Keep close to better things, hold on to Christ, and be certain that within you there is that strength, if only you will to keep in close contact with your Father...
"Oh, for a closer walk with God! - this thought echoes through the minds of all, and - because the desire is there - you shall feel that you are being drawn closer and closer to that which is Love Divine... Goodnight, my children..."
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