An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 28th November, 1925.
"O Beloved of our Hearts, we thank Thee that ever we can approach Thee, and that Thou art waiting to listen to our petitions. Grant that we may see more clearly; make it possible that we can free ourselves from the lesser self, and so penetrate into that holy of holies which Thou so freely has opened to all...
"Father and Mother God, we wish that we might rise above all things of physical life; we are anxious to do as Thou would have us do, and we pray with all our being that Thou wilt make it easier for us to separate ourselves from the earth in its earthly sense, and to contact with those in the bright realms - to mingle with them as one in outlook and understanding.
"O God, attune our hearts to spiritual things, and above all, enable us to see Thy wondrous Love running through all things, in every detail of our lives - Thy Love which defeats the destroyers again and again...
"Christ, we thank Thee - thank Thee that Thou hast brought us through with so little on the side of loss. Grant that in the days to come, we, free from that which binds, may meet our enemies unflinchingly, and not only overcome them but, in very truth, hold fast through the encounter to that joy which Thou hast bestowed as Thy gift... Amen...
"...My little children, since we last met in this sweet way, it seems to you that the enemy has been busy. Yes, in your intimate daily life, the intruder has forced itself in, and at this stage you are a little disconcerted both at the coming and at the effect which has been left behind.
"Well, my children, have I not told you that you were enrolled as soldiers of the King? Have I not said that by unfrequented doors so the destroyers would seek to carry out their work? And, again, I have said that though the enemy were ten thousand times stronger than it is, God would bring us through.
"Yes, with a few scars may be, but have you ever known a warrior in battle who had not these same honourable scars to show?... You see, dear children, once more I pull you out of the earth view, and I show you things as they are and not as they seem to you.
"Tonight, I intend to use the power to discuss with you a subject which I think will throw some light on those events in your lives which you have labelled as misfortunes.
"Children, I would speak regarding 'The Power of Faith' on the one hand - and 'The Scope of the Evil' on the other.
"And I want all those who read these records to apply my counsel to themselves - to go back on the past, and to see that that which they marked down as loss was gain, in a way no words can express... There are few of my children - thank God, very few - who have not these reverses to recall; yes, to recall but only as one step farther on.
"Children, it seems to you, at times, that the marauder creeps in - and we, as it were, stand aside and let the damage take place. Tonight, I want to teach you a little more regarding those mighty spiritual laws - those laws which in reality are God's thoughts of Love, which have taken a definite expression so that they operate harmoniously, undisturbed, for the benefit and the safe-guarding of His little children who understand Him not...
"My little ones, in regard to the scope of the evil forces, it is something like this - and I want you to turn it over in your minds and to apply it, as grown-up children should, not only to the subject under discussion, but to all things which appertain to human life.
"You see, dear children, there is one thing that man so often forgets, and that is that God's gift of free-will not only operates on the earthly plane but throughout all those planes, conditions, realms - call them what you will - throughout all that mighty state which concerns those either free from the body or those who, as yet, have not taken on their physical experience.
"It is this misunderstanding of the gigantic character of the gift of free-will, that leads humanity to form hasty conclusions which, for the most part, are disloyalties to God their Creator - their Father not only in Name but in Spirit, in a way entirely beyond imagination...
"You see, dear children, that the power of evil has been given an enormous licence by those who have preferred self-will to blending their will with the Divine. Right down through the aeons of involution and evolution, that gift of free-will has been used in a manner which has brought sorrow on countless generations who had yet to take their place on this little plane which you call the earth...
"I am anxious not to confuse you, so quite simply I will state that when the children of the earth turned from the Light to the darkness, they not only cast out from themselves an influence against their Creator, but also they increased enormously the power of the evil forces which, at that stage, they comprehended not.
"You see, dear children, in urging a man or a woman to be true to their greater self, you are not only endeavouring to save them much regret in the days to come, but also you are fighting for countless others. It is true indeed, that you cannot betray that which is pure, that which is noble stored within, without immediately giving extra power to the destroyers who wait eagerly their opportunity to create discord and suffering where they can...
"Children, when you lay your body aside, you will be just as free to say 'Yes' or 'No' as you are now. When those who have preferred earthliness pass out of physical life, those desires, those thoughts, those actions, will still have to be fought, still have to be replaced by that which represents something of the aspiration of the spirit within.
"There are many states on which I am loth to dwell, but I have hinted, now and again, that there are conditions where evil in its most terrible sense is - as you would say - rampant; and it was to these dark spheres that our Lord and Master went after the physical breath had left His body on the day of Calvary (1 Peter 3 18-20, 4-6)...
"You see, dear children, you yourselves are not altered according to the cloak you wear. Sometimes those who know you slightly, are misled by a change of garment, but you yourself are just the same, with the same thoughts and feelings, with the same hopes and despairs.
"You must remember that the power which the evil forces possess today has been given to them by the individual; yes, by all those countless millions, who - little reckoning what they were doing - not only allowed themselves to be dragged down to appalling depths, but in the fall strengthened that very temptation for others which they themselves were too weak to withstand...
"Here again, you get another aspect of responsibility, and it is the saddest aspect of all. The scope of the destroyers - it is extensive, and the position is just this - which you will find reasonable and entirely on logical lines:
"God, having given free-will, never interferes with the working of that gift, even if that free-will is used against Himself. Think you on that. Free-will is never interfered with, but where God steps in is in this wise: Those who wish to keep close to Him, by that very wish, have drawn to their sides helpers and fighters, who - imbued with power from God - not only do battle for them, but what is more important still, they look ahead, and by their love they are able to avert the consequences of the evil act...
"Now here, dear children, you get a very telling point. I tell you tonight, that God Himself never stands between the exercise of the free-will of the most spiritually ignorant of His children. It is His gift, and what the Father has given that He never withdraws. At the same time - because good is stronger than evil, because love is so infinitely stronger than hate - so He sends His protection, and so even as the blow is struck, those protectors are restoring, re-establishing that which has gone awry...
"I want you all to give this your close attention. I know that sorrows have fallen thick and fast; I know that it seems to you and to the looker-on, that those who are out to destroy - the selfish of heart in your little world, and the selfish of heart in those many conditions outside - that these have been allowed to do their worst. The blow has fallen, the attempt has been made; but again I send you back on the record of the past, and you will find that body and soul has been preserved intact...
"That is a point which so many overlook. They judge by earth standards, they count their possessions and find that many are missing, they look here and they look there and they see that that which they loved so well has gone from their sight... 'From their sight' - here you have your answer. The physical sight, so limited - the physical mind, so un-understanding. Yes, blind and dumb, man judges his God, and seeks not the explanation which is so easily obtainable if the will is there to probe and to make it his own.
"Children, not only the earth life, but all life is as a battle ground - yet it is strangely different, in one sense, from those battles upon earth. There, amongst the individual, so often it happens that might conquers right, that the deceiver overcomes the honest, that the traitor strikes the loyal, and - from the world's point of view - go on their way triumphant and successful...
"With the things of the Spirit, the case is entirely reversed. Over and over again, could you see things as they are, you would find that the apparently weak, in every instance, overcame that which looked so strong and formidable...
"Children, this is not an easy subject to discuss because there are so many who are exerting all their power to prevent me from telling you how things really stand. But, as you know, because God is in command, so we go on revealing this and that, and the time is coming - yes, the time is coming when those who would destroy will be forced to stand back.
"But, dear children, much lies in your own hands, in this sense: I tell you that free-will as concerning the enemies of Christ cannot be interfered with, but I tell you also that the soldiers of the Master are everywhere, only longing to grapple with you, and for you, the enemy at the gate...
"And then, dear children, we come to the happier aspect, and that is in regard to faith. And I want all those who read my words to try and believe that though the scope of the evil may be great, yet the power of faith is so far greater that no comparison can be made. Yes, here the sunshine shines down, comforting and healing hearts and minds bruised by the so-called adversities of physical life.
"Oh, my children, try every day to build up more firmly that wonderful protection of faith around you; yet remember this: That the faith which finds no expression in action, in work, is as an echo of that real faith which God intends shall be your own. Yes, there are many who have said: 'I have faith in God's protecting care!' That is good, but it is limited in the measure that the one concerned does not give, but only seeks to take.
"Here, dear children, in your own lives, you have it illustrated in a way which one day will seem to you marvellous - so wondrously like God; I mean that absolute protection which has been built up by work and by effort - that impenetrable wall through which no enemy can find an entrance. Yes, they aim high, hoping that some darts will find a resting place, but not more - not more.
"My children, when you are free and go back over the record of one day of your earthly life, you will be astounded at the many pitfalls, the many traps, the many dangers from which you were saved. When you are strong enough to read the record of your earthly life, then indeed you will see Christ in something of His unfailing love...
"Children, more and more I want you to endeavour to help those who are trying to protect you; I want you to lessen our work but for one reason alone - so that you may reap what you have sown; so that when you are free you may be able to turn round - and with thankfulness - see for yourselves that here and there, by your wisdom, by your thought, you made it unnecessary for those who love you so well to step between you and that which sought to strike...
"You see, dear children, what I am implying? Those who wish to love God, those who long for that perfect faith, those who seek by work and by effort to demonstrate the sincerity of their desires - these, if they but knew it, are strong enough to fight and overcome their enemies with only a very little extra help from those who long to do so much.
"That is the point. I tell you this, and yet in so doing I am taking away from those in the Spirit that which they prize the most; but I am anxious for my children to get on, and we who love you so well - ah, we would gladly forego that little extra progress which helping you brings to us immediately, so that you yourselves should have the unbroken gain...
"Yes, my children, love is so much bigger than you understand. The love which simply says: 'I love you', is worthless in comparison with that love which can stand back and by will and determination, by even the withholding of love, give you that incalculable gift - the opportunity of getting nearer to the spirit's desire, which means joy upon joy in the days to come...
"Faith in God, love of God. We have come to the stage when we can penetrate one step farther into spiritual understanding. I want you to lay my words on your heart; to say to yourself that there is something better even than faith, and that is co-operation... You see the distinction? The one leans, the other seeks to shoulder half of the burden...
"Oh, my children, we are learning, you and I, something of those glorious perfections which are stored in the Mind of Love - aye, stored - but only as treasures for His children. This is the theme of my message tonight: That I want you - all of you - to do the spirit's part, not merely the part of the physical mind in its noblest sense, but the part which the Spirit of God within you longs to make its own - that co-operation with your Father God to defeat His enemies and yours.
"Cannot you see, dear children, what an honour it is to be in the ranks of the Master's army? And here it is that I would make one point very clear: On earth, it happens for various reasons, that the most experienced - the leaders and the commanders - fight not in the hand to hand tussles. In the Spirit the position is entirely reversed. Christ goes first; those who have worked and struggled, follow as close after as they are able, and those who are limited in experience bring up the rear - they fall in at the very last.
"You see, dear children, when you are fighting against evil - evil unadorned by any semblance of other things - then it is necessary for those who are purest to go first, for purity is strength, as you will find when you are free from that which binds.
"This then is the picture I would leave on your minds: The great army with its ranks ever growing bigger and bigger; Christ taking part, not only as Leader and Commander, but fighting Himself the battles of all.
"Yes, dear children, it seems impossible to you, but Christ fights the battles of all; and as the struggle goes on, those who long to be at His side and yet are not fit to take this place, so they struggle with temptation - with evil in a lesser degree, until by much suffering and experience the Master can say to them: 'I have work for you to do'.
"The position is exactly as I have tried to explain in the limited language of your little earth. The masses, the untutored - those who are as yet children in spiritual experience - they stretch far, far behind, yet now and again one here and there rouses himself, and by his struggles is able to detach himself from the rank and file, to be used in turn by Christ, through the medium of one of His stronger souls who understands the tactics of the fight...
"My children, when you are free, in whatever position you find yourself, you will not be satisfied, you will not be content to remain at any distance from those you love so well; and so it is that the spirit, taking the long vision, gathers into its vibrations those things which cause heart-aches and mind-aches, using them as equipment - as ammunition - because all will be wanted in the by and by.
"My children, tonight, as usual, I have been able only to touch upon this great subject, yet as we go along I wish to do this merely, and to encourage you to fill in all the blanks yourselves. Not only must the soldiers of Christ fight, but they must learn to think as well.
"Tonight is a big step forward in regard to the thinking side, and I want you - everyone - to make a compact with yourself that you will not only work for Christ, but that you will try and think with that mind which God has endowed you with, to get the bigger vision and to use it for your own advantage as well as for the advantage of others...
"For your own advantage in this sense: That by thought, you will pass out of the stages connected with spiritual childhood and you will join forces with all those who are free, who are called upon to use every particle of that mind of the spirit in order to combat the enemy, in order to help Christ's cause along...
"You see, dear children, when looked at spiritually, we have nothing to grieve over, but we have every cause to rejoice. And so I want you to face the new week with that thought in your mind, and to remember that because those who love you so well are anxious to force on the progress of your soul, so they long for you to be able to meet and grapple with your enemies to a certain extent on your own.
"This is done by faith - by that faith which is work, and by thought. Yes, using the mind in regard to the best way of defeating the enemies of the Light, using all your mental resources so that no advantage may be given to them unconsciously, because no pang reaches you which is not reflected in the Heart of Love, and - of course in a lesser degree - in the hearts of all those who are linked to you by ties unbreakable...
"And now, my little ones, I am going to leave you. My child is cold, and it makes a little difficulty but we shall persevere - and as God's Love has been shown in the past, so tonight once more, His Love will dominate and control everything else..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, once more you have had demonstrated to you that when God is in command, those who would spoil, those who would destroy, are powerless to do their will...
"I want you to take this as a ruling for the future: That in placing God in your midst, through your love - love expressed in service - so you are protected, so you are safeguarded from the wrecking which comes so close but is not allowed to touch you...
"My children - all of you - try and gather in that thought of harmony, try and contribute, out of yourself, that little which is essential before harmony in its unlimited sense can be your own. It is as this - and these laws of the Spirit are never interfered with - you must do your part. In comparison with what is provided, that part is as a grain, yet without that contribution, so we are unable to build up round you that joy and inward peace which it is God's will that you should have.
"Oh, take your stand on that firm plateau of faith. You have climbed thereto by service and by all those mischances, so-called, of the past. That point of vantage is your right, and there, with the sunshine of God's Love streaming down upon you, in quiet confidence you can face your enemies - however many they may be, and from whatever direction they may come...
"And now I go. I bless you in the Name of God your Father, your Saviour, your most tender Companion, and His blessing rests upon you...
"Goodnight, my children - yet think of me, ever and again, with love and with understanding, for you mean much to me - far more than you can comprehend... Goodnight."
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