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Jesus and The Zodiac Messages
Winifred MoyesWooden CrossZodiac Christ Messenger
The Zodiac Messages
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An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Monday, 15th February, 1926.

"Most Loving Saviour, we thank Thee for this free gift of Thyself, and we ask Thee to give Thy children, bound by the physical mind, greater consciousness of the magnitude of Thy Love, of Thy mighty thoughts for the welfare of all those who belong to Thee, whether they realise that they are Thine or not...

"Father, we ask so much, and it seems to some that prayers remain unanswered. The petitions go forth, and there is behind them that earnestness of purpose which they can find - yet, again and again, it appears that the forces of evil are stronger than the forces of good, and hearts ache and minds go uncomforted... Yet, O Christ, beneath all the turmoil of physical life, there is that ingrained conviction that Thou art not only our God but our tender protecting Father. Make it possible that the thoughts of the physical mind which, as it were, block out that same conviction - make it possible that Thy Holy Spirit, focussed upon them, may disperse them for ever more...

"And then, O Father, we hand ourselves over to Thee tonight - the physical weakness and those many things which endeavoured to make this happy time of meeting together impossible or a failure - we hand it all over into Thy loving care, and we know that Thou wilt make the weak places strong, will replenish the strength which is needed, and will bind us unto Thyself, because Thy Love and understanding are sufficient for all things and all times... Father we thank Thee...

"My children, I must commence somewhat slowly tonight because my child is a little over-tired and the body has been rather troublesome. Yet, as you know, when the Holy Spirit is in command, the things of the earth must stand aside, for God has ordained that this holy work shall go unchecked by anything...

"Yes, dear children, I know that sometimes you think that the obstacles are many. In the minds of individuals, obstructions of so formidable a character arise that it seems rather an exaggeration for me to say that this work shall go on unchecked by anything; yet, I repeat it, and I ask you to have faith in God that this shall be carried out, not only in the letter but in the spirit as well...

"My children, once more we have come together to talk awhile upon those things which appertain to God, and I want you all to believe that ere these few hours have sped, refreshment of the soul, the mind, and the body, will have taken place. I want you to lay aside all thoughts which are in opposition to this; and to my little secretary (Dorrie) I give a special word, for she works while others listen:

"Have faith, my child, in the thought that your soul, your mind, and your body, is drawing unto itself the necessary strength which will allow you to continue in hope - in hope, if you combine your will with the Divine...

"My children, this evening I want to speak to you about what appears to some as the most priceless gift of all, and to others even as a millstone which keeps them down in the darkness, out of reach of that which they long to make their own.

"Yes, so divergent are the views on: 'Physical Life'. Yet, my little ones, I wish to show you how well we who have been trained by those who have served God over the ages, by those who are able to imitate - in miniature it is true - their Holy Master, that we, so trained, can enter into every shade of feeling on this great subject...

" - 'Physical Life': What does it call up in the mind of the vast majority? Well, dear children, I am bound to say that, in the main, it conjures up thoughts of work and thoughts of anxiety as well. Yes, there are a few who regard life in the body as a very fine thing, inasmuch as they are able to attract to themselves the little toys and pleasures of the world, which seem to them so important - important because they know not better things...

"But tonight, dear children, I am thinking of what you call the rank and file; I am thinking of those who toil because they must, whose days are represented by much that brings weariness to the mind and sadness to the heart. Yet, I am not forgetting that there are some, at least, who are working in conditions of a congenial character, and these for the time being are able to rejoice in the days as they go by. Still, dear children, remember this: That is but for a space. If physical life presented no fiercer discipline than that, then you would close the book of the years - and find, on opening the book of Real Life, that very little had been written there.

"So you see quite naturally I think of the majority, of those many who work against the grain, of those who look forward to the next day and the next, and hope within themselves that all may go well, and yet are conscious - horribly conscious - that enemies are around...

"My children, go back on the life of any striving soul, and you will see what I mean. Yes, the days of early childhood perhaps were care-free - although sometimes these were clouded as well as those which followed - but we will say that the days of early childhood were full of sunshine, and then the school time began...

"I am not thinking of schools as you apply the word on earth - I am thinking of the first lesson which physical life imposes, in the way of being forced to give up the will to another - in many cases the domination of might over justice; and this happens very often ere babyhood has passed.

"Yes, and the child - as a little bird seeking eagerly to escape the parent's wing and explore for itself - the little child finds that all people are not like mother, and that sometimes harsh words come when a kiss was expected... The first lesson of physical life is learnt with tears.

"Children, I could go on tracing these little incidents through the years which follow, but tonight I wish to divert your minds from sadness, and so I will forsake the purely physical aspect, and try and speak of things as they are, and as they will appear when you are free.

"In the first place, dear children, all life - not only physical life - is as a series of transplantings... It is difficult to take you in imagination through those periods of experience before the spirit took on the garment of flesh, yet it should not be difficult for you to apply to Life, in its larger sense, the same rule as is the way in nature - cultivated nature...

"Of course, dear children, there is a distinction between 'wild nature' and nature, which, to a certain extent, is controlled by the mind of man. In the wild open country, you get a variety of plants, of trees and grasses, springing up without consideration as to suitability of soil, or of the space necessary in order that they may develop as was intended. And the struggle for existence is on so complicated a scale, and on such terrific lines that could you see but a portion of it, the struggle for life amongst men and women would appear uneventful in comparison...

"Yes, out in those parts which have not been harnessed or harvested by man, nature has a very hard time; and so I direct your attention rather to the seedling which is tended, which receives care and attention, and which, in due time, fulfils its promise and brings a reward for the labour which has been expended.

"That is exactly the position of the spirit in regard to its own development. I have told you that the spirit, being of God, is all-wise, all-pure; and because it sees the wonder and the marvel of God's plan, so with orderliness, with a system perfect as System is in the Spirit World, it plants and replants that which is its own in the environment most likely to promote its rightful growth.

"You see, dear children, how nature illustrates so plainly for us all those evolutionary stages. First, the planting of the tiny seed beneath the earth, keeping that plot free from the light until the seed has taken hold of the soil; then, as it puts forth tiny shoots, gradually accustoming it to an extension of its present environment; and again as strength comes, so light and air are allowed to play upon it in order to contribute those constituents which are necessary for its expansion...

"Then, dear children, comes the transplantation; and a good gardener is careful in lifting the little plant to bind to it a certain amount of the soil which is natural to it, and which has contributed to that stage it has reached...

"And, my children, because that which was so tiny, so insignificant, has shown the initiative which allows it to become individual, so it is taken from its protective covering and placed out in the open; and in due time, again requiring much care and attention, the plant becomes of utility to its owner.

"My children, these stages are repeated over and over again, in regard to ourselves and all Life. I merely touch upon the physical aspect of the seedling, but I am sure you can follow me when I say that in the life of every plant, those processes are repeated innumerable times under different conditions, until that which was of the earth becomes sufficiently beautified and purified to find its place in one of the Realms of Light...

"My children, I am conscious that when I speak thus - of these many processes - it brings a sense of weariness to the physical mind, and that mind exclaims: 'So much to do; so much already borne and still so much to do!' But that, dear children, is entirely the view of the mind of the body, which, of necessity, has built up around itself those conceptions of time, of labour, and of continuity, which are absolutely false when compared to life in the Spirit - the real Life which is going on all the time.

"So, dear children, I want you to come with me in thought, while I try to explain some of those many transplantations which take place in regard to all - and, especially, where the soaring soul is concerned. Mark you, I am speaking of the quest of the spirit; I am not referring to the complaining mind of the body - the two very often work separately. Of course, it would be better if the physical mind could harmonise itself with the aspirations of the spirit, but it is difficult to do this while the eyes are blind to things as they are...

"In regard to the soaring soul, some of these transplantations are of rather a severe character, and so it is that you look around you and, with sadness, note the trials of others; aye, and with sadness too, you go back over the years which have passed, over the different experiences which have taken place, and they seem to you to all wear the same grey aspect, even when viewed from afar off.

"Children, there are always tender plants, there are always those who lack the courage to face the open, there are always the spiritual weaklings who, if life is to be retained at all, have to be kept in sheltered spots, have to be nursed and nurtured and every storm kept from them...

"Yet go back to nature once more: The gardener, in going through his seedlings - those which he has guarded by every aid which the physical world provides - the gardener selects the strong ones, the sturdy ones, to be placed in the open and to be a credit to him in the days to come...

"The mind of man - so different from the Mind of God. Man pulls up the weaklings - the puny specimens - and throws them aside and their little life of struggle is ended...

"Well, dear children, there have been some of you who have had pangs over the destruction of these little plants. After all, there was life in them; after all, some struggle had been made; and so it is that the compassionate pick up the slender threads from the dust heap, and endeavour to give them a second chance...

"From this little parable, I want you to read something of the mighty Mind of God; only it is necessary to get entirely away from earth conceptions, and in place of that feeling of pity over the little plants which made so sorry a showing - in the place of that pity, to put unlimited love... That frail plant to the Father does not represent imperfect effort, but indeed represents something which He Himself has created, and, because of that, He is bound to it and it is bound to Him for ever and for ever...

"You see, dear children, when I use nature as an illustration, I can take you so far and then comes the great divide; but even looking at things from nature's point of view, wouldn't you rather be the one who goes out in the open ground, and, fighting though it may be, struggles through, and at last brings recompense for that which has cost so much? Yes, I know you would, and because human nature is greater, is nobler than it understands, so the vast majority have made their choice - the choice which means hardship and suffering, and, sometimes, disappointment in the end - for the sake of the spirit which is within...

"And then, my children, I take you on to another aspect of that transplanting which goes on so freely, not only during physical life where you see it on all sides in the changes which take place in the lives of all - but also in regard to the Life to come...

"You who have stood by and seen those you love, those linked to you, abandon the tabernacle of flesh, and, as it were, seek pastures new - you have wondered as to the conditions in which they will find themselves when consciousness returns.

"Well, dear children, as with all things that are of God, not only mercy, not only love, but commonsense in its highest form is apparent. Think you like this: Your own lives are spent in a world which is material - albeit surrounded by things spiritual - you live amongst others all concentrating on tasks which are more or less connected with the earth alone...

"When you pass hence, dear children, you will find this change: That those things which appeared to you so real, become the unreal; and those desires, those aspirations, those longings of the greater self, have assumed tangibility - they constitute your environment...

"Get that clearly in your minds. I have told you that although you live in a physical world, you are surrounded by that which is spiritual, and a large number of people are conscious of this in varying degree.

"You see where personal responsibility comes in? In your own hands it lies, to materialise in your surroundings when the body is laid aside, those things which are real - and I use that word 'materialise' solely to convey to your minds 'something' which is there in actual fact; but, dear children, if your mind is bound to the toys of the earth, to its fleeting pleasures, to its cloying desires, can all this be swept away, be separated from you when its use is ended?

"Here you get the miracle or the tragedy of the transplantation which takes place at physical death. But, dear children, I remind you of the plant taken out of its first bed, which still retains a proportion of its original soil, and thus protected is placed out in the open, into space, in what appears in comparison as the illimitable. Yet how long, think you, does it take for those particles of soil to become merged into, and part of, the big ground in which now it continues its existence?

"My children, if, in time to come, it were necessary to remove that plant again, you would find it impossible to distinguish between the original soil and the earth in which it had been placed. And in moving it again, once more the good gardener is careful not to separate it from its soil, and so the earth is bound round its roots, and thus provided for, it is moved to that spot where its beauty and its strength will be shown to the greatest advantage, and where it will give rest and refreshment to those who are around...

"So you see, dear children, that when you pass hence, you will not be torn up by the roots and planted in an environment totally unfamiliar to yourself, which you will have to become accustomed to. That is not God's way. God understands His children through and through, and so it is, when those who have clung rather closely to the earth life, when such as these pass out, their new conditions are strangely familiar, they move and have their being much in the same way as upon the earth plane, with this great difference - that the weakness and pains of the body are forgotten. Yes, forgotten - so strangely and so quickly as well...

"Then, dear children, reminding you of what I said before, you can understand that it is possible for those functioning in the physical world, whose hearts and minds have their habitation elsewhere - it is possible for such as these, when the body is no more, to find themselves in such conditions of Spirit that the little earth life seems like a shadowy dream, obliterated even as consciousness comes...

"And so I could go on, but I want you to think things out for yourselves instead; and I want you in your thinking, to try with all your might and main to readjust your attitude towards this physical life which seems such a burden, such a hindrance - aye, and to some, a tragedy from the beginning to the end.

"According to the severity of the experiences, according to the storms which beat down upon you, so when the body is laid aside, you will step into strength - into that power to act and to think, which it is impossible for me to attempt to describe, because no conception can be grasped by the physical mind...

"You see, dear children, when viewing things in God's way, physical life assumes such a different aspect; then you regard it as a wonderful time of training, of preparation for something which is not only better but so infinitely bigger, that the chains which are so irksome now are worn willingly, for they are seen for what they are - links of love; and by those links of love, you are fettered to conditions of Spirit which nothing of the physical power can separate you from... For each link has been closed by pain, each link has been added by effort and by suffering; and because of this, the chain is indestructible - it is of the Spirit, and God holds it under His care...

"But I want to emphasise that we who are free, are not unmindful of your longings to be free also; and yet, dear children, if it were in my power to give you freedom now, what would be the case? It would be as this: The tender plant removed too soon - an error of judgment caused that transplantation to take place, and instead of benefiting by the greater space in which you would find yourself, the one thought and longing would be to get back into the protection of the physical body, even though it may represent the darkness of a prison house...

"I speak in most understanding tones. It seems hard to you that the longing should be there, and yet at the same time that the realisation of that longing would bring disaster, rather than the peace for which your mind craves - but so it is.

"And now, dear children, I bring you back to this point: God knows best. And I ask you to try and apply it to yourselves and to all those many whose plight so wrings your heart; to all those who are hemmed in by physical suffering, by anxiety, by the poverty which is so hard to circumvent - I ask you to say, with me, that God knows best, that He is not withholding except for the sake of the one He loves so well; that He is not keeping a reluctant spirit within the tabernacle of flesh against its will, but out of His comprehensive love is working with the spirit and for the spirit, so that when the brief physical stage is ended, that spirit will have the great gain which it has fought and struggled to make its own...

"Ah, my children, in regard to every event in your lives, God knows best. You only see just a little inch of the way, but the Father has watched the real self through the ages, and is able to follow its course until completion is reached. Therefore, how can you judge when your view is so limited - how can you ever wish to interfere with the course of your daily life?

"God knows best. And - what is a point so often overlooked by the sufferers - God knows what it feels like to be bound by physical limitations and restrictions; to fight against a body impoverished and ill-equipped for the journey on the earth plane...

"Yes, God understands disappointments, the betrayals of so-called friends, and the indignities which enemies can heap upon those they are out to destroy. God understands the weariness of the heart and mind, and, more than all the rest, the intense loneliness of the children - as I have said before, of all troubles and sorrows, this is the worst - the loneliness, the feeling of isolation, of being perhaps centred amongst friends and yet alone, even as the Master was always alone in thought, when He walked this little plane...

"So, dear children, let these two thoughts be linked together in your minds: God knows best and He understands. If you could see with the eyes of the spirit, you would know that it is because He understands so well, that He allows you and all His children to suffer a little while on earth, so that when that little while is over, the joy and the peace which is of Himself shall be your own...

"And oh, my children, don't underrate love - that is a terrible mistake. Love, to you, expresses something of so flimsy a character, something which will break if the smallest strain is put upon it, something which the storms of life can scatter to bits... Ah, here is your great mistake. Think you like this: That the power to understand love as love is, must be learnt - yes, little by little, step by step. The physical mind is incapable of grasping more than the outer fringe of true love; yet if, here and now, you do not concentrate on mastering that, how then can you attempt to learn that which represents Reality itself?... Don't underrate love - it is the only tool which you can use when you are free. Service? ah, yes, but what is service when love is absent?

"My children, these few remarks arise from one thought and one thought alone, and that is to entreat you to try and visualise in your own minds something of the wonderful Love of the Father for His children, and especially is this the case when those little ones are sorrowful. And then to remind you, once more, of the unlimited love which those in the Spirit have for you. 'Yes', but you say: 'I cannot understand that - I cannot take it in why they should love me when I must cause them so much misgiving!' The earth view again - that flimsy representation which is destroyed by the first sharp wind.

"Nay, little ones of my heart, love, as we understand it, is not like that. As the enemies of the earth beset your path, as despair may seize the mind of the body, so, because the need is great, our love is thrown more closely round you; and so because of that same need, Christ pours down upon you - and us - that love which no force of darkness can destroy...

"So plain as I speak thus to you, so natural, so exactly how the real you thinks. Then, my children, gather the comfort to your heart, force the mind of the body to enlarge its conceptions of love, and do not say: 'How can they love me?' But say with faith: 'I know they love me!'...

"Can you not understand that when love is poured out from us in unstinted measure, that it grieves us when that love is doubted? Cannot you understand yourselves that if you loved another with all your heart and mind, and if that other looked with doubt upon you - doubting that love of yours - cannot you understand that it is like a knife plunged into that which represents your vital self?...

"My children, there is no reproach beneath my words, only an inexpressible longing to gather you into the safe shelter of my love, and to protect you from the blows of physical life... Nay, I must not take them from you, but is it not possible that the remembrance - the consciousness - of love, is strong enough to rob them of their sting?...

"I am directed to speak thus to you, for as you know well, every particle of love of which we are capable, of course comes from Christ, the Giver, the Bestower of all good things - and you cannot love each other, you cannot love those in the Spirit, without acknowledging the Source - that which is Love Itself...

"And now, my children, I am going to leave you, but I want you to remember that those who speak, come with so much joy, with so great a desire to help; and because this is so, by a Divine law, so in turn you, in preparing yourselves in this way, render them a service too great to be expressed in words...

"And now I go..."

(Others then spoke...)

(Once of the R.C. Reparation Order, Spain)

"...It is Mother St. Agnes, Mrs. Moyes, and I have come tonight because it is God's will that I should tell you something of my own experiences in regard to love, as we understand it when in the body.

"You see, my training curiously separated me from things as represented by the Tender Heart of our Lord. I thought in excluding love from out my life, that I was reserving myself solely and only for adoration of the Blessed Mother and her Holy Son... So strange seem these impressions now - so contrary to the way we are taught when we are free...

"Do you know, Mrs. Moyes, that because I loved Ethel, and then things went a little awry, I thought that was just punishment because I was bringing someone too closely into my life and was robbing God.

"It is that idea which has done so much damage - yes, damage to the progress of so many earnest men and women. They - as I had - they have the deep-rooted impression that God is a jealous God, that God expects the whole love of the heart and mind to be unreservedly laid aside for Him...

"Mrs. Moyes, when I was free, I found my surroundings like - and yet so unlike. On earth I used to spend many hours in meditations; during my sleepless nights, I was able to so focus my mind on the Holy Mother and on the Great Heart of Christ, that I was transmuted from the earth into His presence... I used to lie awake on those hot burning nights, and while I prayed for those who did not know the love of God and the consolation of the Church - while I prayed, so those I loved and revered with all my heart (the saints?), these tried to teach me something of that greater Love beyond the threshold on which I stood in my ignorance...

"Now things are changed. My attitude towards others is changed in so comprehensive a way, that in speaking thus, I find it difficult to get back in thought completely to my attitude when on earth...

"Yes, to love another being on earth always brought a sense of distress which I called conscience. I used to torture myself over these wayward feelings, over that love which sometimes, in spite of my best endeavours, sprang up within me and was showered on some young girl or some woman like myself, who was trying to hold close to God.

"I suffered intensely over those experiences, but when I was free, I was glad to go back on that love - yes, and on the suffering too, because that suffering, unconsciously to me, had purified my love, and made it possible for me to understand a little more of God's love for us...

"I am afraid that is not very clear. It is like this: Mrs. Moyes, when we are free, we find that - by our misunderstanding of the nature of Divine Love - we have caused untold suffering to the Tender Heart of Christ. And because we suffered over our loving - although in a different way - it makes a link; we can comprehend the pangs of love, and it prepares us, in a measure, for coming back and carrying His message of Love to others...

"You see, as I speak now, I am changed again, even from that little while when I spoke to you before... A little less of self, I hope, and a little more of Christ.

"Mrs. Moyes, you have said sometimes, that you long to come back and work for God on earth in regard to this Truth - and it is a worthy ambition - it is an ambition which is of the Spirit itself. But in coming back as I have come back, you must be prepared for this: The impossibility of reassuring those you would lay down your life to help - the impossibility of making them understand that all is well!

"You see, dear sister, why so much preparation is necessary; you see that before we can work as Christ works, before we can do as His messengers do - yes, before all that, we have first to make, within ourselves, an altar of love on which our thoughts, our feelings, our being itself is laid...

"Oh, there is much to learn, and had I not been acquainted with sorrow, had I not understood loneliness in all its phases, my heart would have broken since; for in retreading the earth way, not only are you alone, not only are you ignored by those you long to help, but their attitude of mind is that which places you far beyond their borders, out in that far country of death...

"I speak with reason - I have tried to help Ethel so often and so much; yet she cannot hear me, she cannot see me, and so to her Mother St. Agnes is dead. Yes, that is the most terrible loneliness which comes to us all - the returning to those we held so dear, and they pushing us back into a state which makes the biggest barrier of all - that separation from the physical body which separates us from everything else of the earth as well...

"I hope I have not saddened you, but I know you all understand, and I know you will send little thoughts after Mother St. Agnes, and then her loneliness will go...

"It seems strange to you sometimes, that we who are centred in Light, who are in companionship with the great and holy ones - that we should want your prayers, your thoughts, but so it is. Yes, we may be surrounded by our comrades - our companions in the Spirit - but that is not our work. Our work is to come back to you, to help you, to give you courage, and to try and get a clearer impression of God within your minds. And when we fail, we feel lonely indeed because we realise how far off we are from what Christ represents, how limited is our power when, if we had understood better during the physical stages, that power could have been so great... We are lonely - we have made ourselves lonely by our lack of understanding when in conditions where understanding has first place...

"I think you understand. You see, in a degree you have crossed the threshold between not-understanding and understanding; and when you come here, you will find that that physical understanding will throw a little bridge across to spiritual understanding; and though it may lead you to only the threshold, it will mean more to you than words can say...

"I love you all with a love that goes right through. Let me help you, let me comfort you, and let me be a mother to you as well... Physical parenthood was not for such as myself, yet even that has been made complete in the Spirit, and my mother's heart cries out for more and still more, because I see that only through my motherhood can I get nearer to the Christ ideal...

"The Holy Mother of God - yes, I learnt much from her sweet influence... We can all be holy mothers, and the God is within us waiting to be brought into life...

"Goodbye, and think of me when you have time..."

(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)

"...Well, my children, once more the power of the Holy Spirit has been demonstrated in your midst, and its cleansing stream has washed your hearts and minds clear of sorrow...

"Oh, beware of sorrow, beware of sad thoughts; set the instrument of your lives to joy; let the music which comes forth from you be that of hope and gladness... Though sad strains may be sweet, yet because God represents happiness in a complete form, so then, if you would harmonise with Him, you too must give forth notes of gladness... And these being charged with Spirit from within and without, these shall not only bring help and consolation to yourselves but shall be used by the Master to relieve the sad thoughts of others...

"My children, once again I bring you back to the theme of physical life: I ask you to try and - within yourselves - catch something of the joy of the Realms of Light, because this question of influence is so far-reaching... Nay, do not think I forget your many sorrows; but have I not said that of necessity sorrow is turned to joy, tears to laughter? So then, you will be but interpreting things as they are, if you attune yourselves to and distribute that happiness, which is God's direct gift to all who love Him...

"My children, I realise only too well, that grey skies and the events of your lives make this difficult, yet if you will but firmly make the effort, we can do much - only from within, that determined effort must come as well... There is so much which lies in front which is of a joyous nature, but unless there is some measure of joy within, you will feel as strangers in a strange land. Set then the instrument of your life to bright and happy things, so that God's love may work uninterrupted, so that His will may be done...

"And now, my children, in the Name of Christ I bless you, and in His most tender care I leave you... In the comfort of His Presence continue your way, recharged with hope, with faith, and with confidence, and - inspired by the Holy Spirit - you shall accomplish much for His sake... The Father's plans are mighty in their conception; those He would use are limited in comparison, but because He is God, so that which has been ordained shall come to pass...

"God said: 'Let There Be Light' - and there was Light... Goodnight, my children - and remember our love, for we too are sometimes rather lonely because of you..."

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The Greater World Association.

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The Greater World has sole copyright for the Zodiac Messages and came into existence as the Greater World Christian Spiritualist League in 1931 (U.K. Registered Charity No. 212369). The Greater World was originally established purely because of the Zodiac Messages and their introduction into earthly life by the Christ Messenger Zodiac and the further revelations of the Christ Mission expounded therein. The inception of the Greater World was for the preservation, as received, of the Zodiac Messages and the prudent dissemination of the spiritual philosophy, consequently perpetuating the incorruptibility, distinctiveness and uniqueness of the Zodiac Messages and the teachings contained therein.

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