An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 30th August, 1925.
"Father and Mother God, we entreat Thee as children in understanding, to vouchsafe to us tonight Thy grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We ask Thee in this wise because, as yet, we have not learnt that before the wish to serve all doors to Thee are opened...
"O Divine Spirit of Love, increase within our heart and minds the wish to do, the wish to be, and grant that ever before our sight that highest ideal of all may shine - to be, in miniature, something like Christ our Saviour.
"In humility - in that humility which is love expressed - we approach Thy throne, and we ask Thee to give us those good things which we require so much: To lift us out of sorrow and to place us on that high plateau, when the shadows will be no more and when between us and the Light nothing will dare to intervene...
"O God, in trust we approach Thee, and we know that as we ask so Thou art working and planning that this sweet peace shall be our own... Thanking Thee, O Father and Mother God, we continue our work and we ask Thee to so guide and direct us this evening that those who would speak may not only express themselves, but something of Thy mighty Love... Amen...
"...My little children, tonight we meet together in love indeed, and I want you, for these few sacred hours, to put aside both sorrow and the remembrance of joy - to, as it were, disentangle yourselves from the things of the earth, whether their aspect may have contributed light or darkness on the pathway of your life. It is of so much importance that we, sent by God, should be able to speak to the Spirit direct, with those encircling and fettering coils of thought regarding physical things pushed aside for the time we are together...
"My children, I have told you before that this material world in which you live, is contributing its part to the great purpose of the God-Mind; yet have I not warned you that because you are Spirit - aye, because you were Spirit before the little tabernacle of the flesh was donned - that because your right home is in the bright spheres, then it is not only advisable, but it is essential, that as you go along, you should retreat from the world of sense and enter through the sacred portal into the realms of Understanding.
"How can you, dear children, comprehend the things which are of God, if the God within you is not given space to breathe? How can you fit yourselves - attune your hearts and minds - for the only Life that is life indeed, if at times you do not banish those things connected with an episode which must pass away?...
"Ah, you see my meaning, and you see as well whither the spirit is called, whither the spirit must go. And so tonight, dear children, speaking to you and to the many, many souls who have filled this room and reach away out beyond your imagination, we will talk together, not only of the things which are in the Spirit as Spirit, but also of the things in the physical world which are Spirit - and yet, for the time being, assume the aspect of the material.
"Children, I am going to take tonight, just a few threads of a very vast subject - vast as it appears to the limited mind of man; but it is still greater in its magnitude when the mind of the body is laid aside, for then you will see something of the gigantic working of God's plan for raising humanity out of the earth and all that represents, and replacing him in that Holiness from which he started on his long journey of experience.
"Now, my little ones, there are some, maybe, who will not be able to follow my line of argument as I speak - yet when the written work is in their hands, so the messengers of the Most High will do their best to loosen the bonds which bind the mind of the body. Yet I say to you, be not discouraged if the true meaning eludes you then. This is but preparation for that which I wish to convey as the days go on.
"Children, tonight I wish to lead your thoughts to that gigantic subject of: 'Creation', and I want you to give out from yourselves that love and sympathy which is essential if the Spirit should work unhampered by the things of the earth.
"Right down the ages, as you know full well, when there has been any fresh revelation of fact or of truth in relation to science or to what you call 'religion', you will remember that each one has been greeted with hostility from certain sections of humanity. Never has the unveiling come without rousing in the minds of some, opposition, contradiction, and bitter enmity... Nay, I speak not in criticism regarding such as these; they will learn as the years go by - and so strange are the tricks which the physical mind plays upon their owners, that I can assure you there will be many who will think and say that they 'believed it all along'.
"My children, when I spoke on the subject of Evolution - to which I bracketed as a side thought, that of 'Reincarnation' - I was, as it were, laying down the first inch of the carpet of understanding on which I wished you to place your feet.
"And among those who read my simple words, there were those with objecting thoughts, and, in some cases, antagonism towards that which I sought to teach.
"Ah, my children, it must be ever so; and we who are free, why! we understand completely those many revolutions of the physical mind, the many circuitous courses which it must pursue, before it shakes off the shackles which bind, and demonstrates - by its wideness of vision - that physical though it may be, it is spiritual as well...
"Children, I am hard put to find words in your language to portray to you anything of the Truth in regard to the great subject of Creation, but I want to reaffirm tonight, that because God is Perfect, only Perfection could emanate from the Mind of Love.
"Now, what does this imply? I have told you that man was created in the image - in the likeness - of his Father God; and gifted to him was that which was of The Divine Himself. Yet, because it was of the Father and had not been individualised by the possessor, so the soul started off on its long pilgrimage out of his Father's Home - yet ever before the eyes of the spirit that returning to the Father's Home was as a star of promise, even though aeons of time must elapse before the return was possible.
"Children, I want to take you one tiny point farther on tonight: I have told you that man was never meant to be animal; I have told you that man was meant to be as God Himself in purity and holiness of desire. Tonight, I reiterate what appears in the sacred Book - that all living things, as well as the waters and the land, were created for the use of man, and man was given dominion over them as his heritage.
"Now, what does this indicate to the thinking mind? I have to say tonight that nature in all its forms, in all its many expressions of life, when created by the Mind of Love, was perfect as well. You see, dear children, how deep is the implication? This little world of yours - which seems so vast, whose history appears so old - is but one stage, is but one 'experience' out of the myriad of experiences through which the soul must pass in order to make the God within him his own...
"There have been many who have seen beauty which this world has never held; there have been those who have seen the animals of the earth in a perfection which this little sphere has never shown... Cannot you grasp my meaning? Cannot you understand when I say that even the beauty which has been uncovered to them - by and through the Spirit of the Most High - even that beauty is but a reflection of the ultimate beauty to which those things must attain?...
"Ah, the flowers of the field, of the hedges, and of the much-loved gardens - they express sweetness and loveliness to the soaring mind of man. Lovelier still in colour and in fragrance are those flowers of the Spirit which many, still bound by the body, have seen. But I say once more that this higher beauty is but a shadow of the real, of that 'perfection' from which nature started and to which nature must return...
"Children, I want you to apply this to everything in the world, however low-graded it may be from the physical point of view... I want you to see in those things which crawl - which in many cases are horrifying to you - I want you to know that that stage is but one, and that when God created, even that which fills you with so much repulsion was beautiful and useful and brought into being to be of service to the children of God...
"There is so much to be understood, I know that full well, but when those of the earth speak of Evolution, they know not what they say. Evolution which is blocked - which goes back no farther than the history of your little earth - that to us, dear children, is but one inch of the long pathway of knowledge on which my children have taken their stand, and which the spirit within means to traverse unto the end...
"There was one (C. R. Darwin) who spoke to you on this subject, and your hearts went out to him because of the sorrow he expressed over missing the straight and direct road to God. But, dear children, misunderstand him not, and misunderstand me not. Evolution on such a gigantic scale that the mind of the body cannot grasp it, has gone on, and will go on, but it is centred not in this little world of yours. Evolution was before that which any of us here can grasp - evolution stretches away out into that Eternity which our minds cannot fathom.
"But keep this point clear in your mind: That God created the things of the earth and the things of the sea to be of use to man, and for man to have dominion over so long as he did not abuse his power. But, dear children, as you know, free-will brought disobedience by the very generosity of the gift; and that disobedience is not confined to any section, to any 'creation' - it is universal, insofar that God's purpose has been hindered by that which evil represents.
"I want to make it quite clear that free-will is given also to the animals - to those mighty creations of nature, to all that which has been and will be. And, though, dear children, there is this vast distinction - that with the things created for man's use, the final implacement in holiness and in equality with God is not part of the plan - yet forget not that nature, in order to provide a suitable environment for the progressing soul, must, in its turn, suffer (Rom. 8:22); and by struggle, by 'death' in one form or another, only can it provide those conditions which enable it to companion man...
"Children, that sounds rather difficult to you, but it is so plain when looked at in the wide, commonsense way, which I have endeavoured to impress you...
"When you hear of those beauties of the Spirit, what think you? You say that these are built up by thought, but there must be that spiritual material which you can call together; and the beauties of so-called nature, which are everywhere in the spheres of Light - the fragrance, the colours, the strength, and the permanence of that beauty - that is the next and the next of those evolving stages of the 'nature' of your little world.
"Cannot you see that nothing is wasted, nothing was created to be killed and pass away? The Mind of God - Perfect in Itself - created Perfection in a way impossible to grasp; and the grass of the field, and the insects burrowing in the earth beneath, all contribute to the Great Plan, all are doing their part, going through their experiences in proving themselves of service to the children of God. These things, all nature passes on, emerging out of the earth-sense into the God ideal - but oh, the time which must elapse to bring back that which has fallen so far...
"Cannot you see something of the glory of the Mind of God, something of the purpose of that Involution which, by the very suffering entailed, provides not loss but gain, because everything belongs to God - each in their sphere of action; and what was Perfect must, though it takes aeons of time, return to that Perfection from which it started out.
"Children, the attitude of mind which cannot see beyond the borders of your little planet, has been the cause of all the mistaken thought which has hampered - and which will hamper - the spiritual progress of man. He (Darwin) who you have learnt to love, is centred in Light, in happiness, and in that environment of self-expression which he missed so sadly during his earth life. And his regret is but this - which is the regret of all when they come here and see even the outer fringe of things as they are - he realises that if he had focussed his mind and his powers upon the Creator, the Giver of those powers, he could have been used by God to unveil something of the mighty character of evolution in its spiritual sense. Instead, he took man back to the animal, and left him there, bereft of his God...
"It is that thought - and that thought alone - which has tortured him, and which has tortured millions of human beings when spiritual understanding is their own. Ah, mistake me not, my children: The Father understands and seeks to comfort, the companionship of Christ is their own, but because of the mighty Love of the Father, so the soul is agonised by the remembrance of how it misunderstood that which was available to all.
"This, dear children, is where the responsibility lies as regards those who are gifted with the tools of the mind. If they could forget their intellectual pride and approach the Father, and ask Him to teach them as the little children in understanding that they are, He - the generous Bestower, the One who gives and gives again - He would give them that Light which would lead them out of the confines of the earth into the centre of knowledge, from which the physical mind could gather little fragments, even as I have given them to you tonight...
"Man's free will, man's confidence in himself - that has barred the way. And forget not this: That because God has invited each and every one to come to Him for revelation, by that conscious or unconscious act of disobedience, so they have hindered the understanding of all, because those less well equipped with the tools of the mind, have looked to the 'great ones', with their intellectual capacities and abilities, and perforce, as sheep, have followed the false shepherd out of the Father's Fold into enemy country indeed...
"So simple, dear children, when looked at under the Light which shines from God's Love.
"My little ones have exclaimed sometimes at the ugly forms of insect life. Next time, remember my words - that as created by the Father, away back in time unthinkable, before this little plane had come into being - that, which is now hideous to witness was beautiful, because it came from the Perfect Mind of God...
"Children, in the days to come, I shall go back on this subject again and again, but it is not wise to open up the way more than a little inch, because the mind of the body must get accustomed to the truth, and, moreover, must face and grapple with all those questions and wonderings and objections and arguments for and against. And when all the turmoil of the physical mind is stilled, I shall return to the subject and explain a little more.
"I think those of my own, who, when that debatable point which you call 'Evolution' was touched upon by me, just accepted what I had said, knowing that fuller explanation lay in the future. It is difficult, dear children, when throughout the years of physical life, a certain theory has been held and believed - it is difficult to have sufficient patience to wait for that fuller explanation, when all the time the war goes on between what you have believed and that which is being taught to you by those free from the body and the restrictions it imposes.
"This, dear children, is but a little hint for your attitude in regard to the further unfoldment of the truth in the days to come. There must be many points which, if not raising opposition in your minds, yet seem inexplicable, having regard to that which the world has held as 'fact' for so long...
"Patience, faith and trust - yes, that is the password into that knowledge which never has to be laid aside: First, the waiting for the next little explanation which makes clearer that which was complicated before; then the faith in those who are trying to teach you - that faith which enables you to say: 'I cannot understand at this stage but I shall understand in God's good time'; and then, dear children, that trust - which is another expression for confidence - the trust that God is not only guiding your lives but is training you, is preparing you, for the revelation of something of that great 'Home' which even now is opening before you, and which shall be made your own in a way you cannot comprehend, when the body is laid aside.
"Many there are who are satisfied with the brightness of that which you call the 'Summerland of the Spirit' - but, dear children, if you remain true, if you ever dedicate your heart and mind to the Great Father, I can promise you that when this little physical stage is o'er, you shall pass, unimpeded, through the Summerland of the Spirit into that which is Spirit itself...
"Confuse not these conditions. The Light of God and His amazing Love makes that little resting place appear to some as 'Heaven' indeed, but in reality it is only the reflection of Holiness and not Holiness itself. It is as the early sun which is quickly hidden by dense clouds; it is the brightness which is of the senses alone. The Spirit, working apart, seeks to rouse that which is greater and nobler within; and when those who have sojourned long amid the brightness and the flowers pass on, they look back with something like horror to think that they were satisfied with so little - when the great quest, when the long road to God still called them on.
"Fix not your minds even on the Summerland of the Life which is to come; it is an impediment on the path in this sense: That it diverts the attention from effort - from that deep spiritual effort - which is essential for progress, and, in time to come, its 'brightness' can indeed represent the cloud which blots out the beauty and the glory of the Sun...
"Oh, my children, as I stand here, my soul is filled with joy because I see that in the days to come, those who still love the things of the earth, those who still feel the pull of desire in regard to material things - they will awaken, they will see that the road which is level is dangerous to the quest of the spirit - and with new-born faith and inspiration they will, of their own free will, start the climb again...
"Thank God for that - thank God that the spirit is sufficiently strong to see, and to make the soul see and understand, that the easy path, that the path which is pleasant to the senses, is not the short direct path to God...
"And so tonight, my children, I leave with you not only the impression of the gigantic character of Creation, but still more so the gigantic strength of the Spirit of God which is within; that spirit which has journeyed far, which has suffered, and which has turned again and again to suffering - that spirit which, even now, bears something of the likeness of the great Spirit of all.
"And soon, ah, sooner than you can imagine, the only true view of this physical life will come to you in its simple, yet magnificent, splendour - as a stepping stone, as a bridge over which you pass out of the valley of experience on to the beginning of the heights, and though temptation - the temptation of the world - presents a dangerous precipice between you and the heights, your efforts, your holy desires, have thrown a bridge across that chasm of temptation.
"And companioned by those you love best, guided by the messengers of God, you will continue your upward way - not with repining, nor with backward looks, but with joy and with peace, and with that spiritual anticipation of the bright things of God which are waiting for you just a span in front... And that goes on for ever - just a span in front are the things which are still more like the Father, and, again, still nearer to the Christ ideal. Charged with hope, with certainty as to reaching the goal in the end, so you will pursue the path, and so you will gather to you those who otherwise would have been distracted from taking that same steep way as well...
"And now, my children, I will leave you for a little while. Your friends and loved ones are anxious to speak, and God's blessing is resting on you all this night and for ever more..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, once more I gather in your thoughts, and I ask you to allow the remembrance of these few hours to be as a benediction - not to recall sad thoughts. I want you to know that God has called you - each one separately and by name - and because you wish to answer, so also you try and fit yourself for the work which lies in front...
"Oh, never forget that the highest of all is to be used as a spiritual instrument for God. The things of the earth - good and useful they may be - but those which are dedicated to the higher branches of this work, these are instruments of the Spirit, and neither the physical nor the material must enter in...
"Children, in the days which are to come, you will see much that will make you pause and wonder. You will see 'signs of the times', you will see that the Spirit within man is awakening, that a sense of responsibility is taking hold. Not in the majority. To the majority, the voice of the world only appeals, but to the few - to those who know their God - in them will this be evidenced. And because they are the true souls, they are the strong souls, so their influence - gradual at first, may be - but their influence will spread beyond their own little circle, and again beyond that, and beyond once more...
"That lies in the future; and this waking up of the spirit - this domination by the God within - this, dear children, is preparation for those still greater things which are to come to pass...
"I have told you that we have entered upon the era of Revelation. Revelation cannot come except to the mind attuned to finer things. The revelation shall come, and in the hearts and minds of the few, the right channel will be found, and through them, and by them, will God's Love be shown.
"Ponder in the quietness of your own spirit upon this vista of what shall be, and ask yourselves, little children of the Light, are you willing to be excluded from 'the few'? Ah, I know you well, I know your hearts, I know your minds, and I say - and I thank God that I can say it - that you will arise, you will throw off those seemingly attractive folds of the world, and, free from that which would bind your full action, you will ally yourselves with Christ...
"Christ came to reveal Love and, as I have told you oft before, Christ uses His children, and has used them right from the beginning of things, to demonstrate that same Divine, all-reaching Love...
"And so, dear children, you and I, and those who listen for the quiet Voice of the Spirit, can be used directly by the Great Master; but remember this: That only to the prepared mind, to the chastened heart, can the vision come - or can the vision be interpreted so that others may understand. By your suffering, by the blows of physical life, by the travail of the soul, so illumination comes; and so you, little children of my heart, will not only love your God but will be used by Him to demonstrate His Love to others upon the earth plane.
"And now I leave you with the great Star of Attainment shining bright before your spiritual eyes ... (words missed) ... and with the love within your heart and mind responding to the great Love which is all around - all above you, all beneath you - responding love to Love, because you are of Love and to Love you will return...
"Peace in your hearts, peace in your souls - the peace of the Great Spirit has drawn you in... Thank God with grateful hearts, and rest you on His Love, certain and sure that His strength is sufficient for you, and that you are bound for the higher path from which there is no returning - except to help others over stony places...
"Peace within, peace without, and God's will accomplished this night and for ever more..."
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