An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Monday, 7th December, 1925
"God of our fathers, be with us tonight; grant that the example of all those many who have gone on before may influence us to try and follow in their steps... Oh, help us to be more understanding, grant that that spiritual patience may come, that we may be content to work on little things, certain that those little things gathered together are going to make something worthwhile in Thy holy sight...
"Saviour, teach us, lead us, and make it possible that we can contact with all that spiritual force which is around us now and for ever. Grant that the inward strength that belongs to each one may rise up triumphant so that the pattern may be worked in even as Thou hast designed.
"Give unto Thy children, tonight, wherever they may be, peace and the gift of joy, hope and the tool of patience, faith and the will to work... Amen...
"...My little children - and I speak to all those who love these sacred gatherings - my little children, we meet together tonight with a great joy in our hearts, because we know that this is the fulfilment of God's will, because we know that nothing of the earth is strong enough now to interfere with this holy communion.
"Oh, my children, could you but fathom the importance of this statement, then I should not have to bid you rejoice, for gladness of heart and mind would be your own for evermore.
"It is as this - and we who are free see it so plainly - both cause and effect: The destroyers, using all the implements at their command, seek to put forth this and that excuse, so that these evenings may be interfered with, and if that interference were allowed, so they would gain the power to forestall again and again. But my little ones are under God's protection, and so it is that the purpose is never disputed in your minds - that which has been ordained takes place whatever the time, whatever the obstacles, whatever the reasons against its possibility...
"So, dear children, tonight I tell you that this is your direction for the future. The time will come when it will be your own choice as to the things of the world, good as some of them may be, taking prior position; but tonight, by God's grace, I can give you this brief instruction which is founded on love itself.
"My children, beware in this sense and this sense alone: First in your life comes this sacred communion. Make it first and all things else shall be added unto you - but put it second, then by the very nature of its holy character, so you invite sorrow to your hearth, so you bid the intruder enter into the citadel of your intimate, personal life...
"Children, I have much to say, and I speak to all; I ask them to go back over the past, over the records of these sacred evenings, and with faith to see that God's promises have been justified up to the hilt. Sometimes, dear children, because events are not worked out according to the plan laid down by the physical mind, so it seems to you that something has gone wrong; but not so, not so.
"Still I would underline this: Right back in the early stages of this sweet intercourse between those bound and those free, promises were given which, at the time, seemed fantastic in their nature; and because faith was absent, so that faith had to be put in even as with nails - and this, dear children, was God's Love indeed. The Father, seeing the future, knew that only some great experience could sufficiently impress the physical mind, knew that only by suffering, by the sadness which waiting brings, could that most priceless possession of faith be made your own...
"It is as this - and my words apply to all who have chosen the steep climb to God: Can you not see that had faith been justified without any struggle, so in the tomorrows to come, that blessing would have been forgotten and the enemy would have taken things into its own hand and carried out its destroying work?...
"I want all those who read these records to think to themselves: 'Am I in this?' - and to hearken to my reply: 'Yes, you and all the rest'.
"To those of my children who are here in Spirit - and there are many, many - to these I say: If this test has not come, then take warning and take comfort, for indeed even so must you be tried; yet it should be easier far, for you have the example of others and the triumph of good in their lives, to make you certain that if only you are faithful, your lot shall be the same.
"Tonight, dear children, I wish to discuss with you, just for a little while: 'The Physical and the Spiritual Mind' - in which I include the physical and the spiritual will.
"You see, dear children, man today and in the past - except for the very few - has always placed so much dependence on what he can feel and see with his physical body. And bound as he is, it is difficult indeed to so extricate himself from its toils, that he can dispassionately view the world and the seemingly concrete things all around and say: 'This is but a semblance of the real!'
"Yet tonight, I would not dwell on that phase so much, as I direct your attention to the different way in which the mind of the body and the mind of the spirit function during your daily life. You see, dear children, as I explained before, what man has named the 'subconscious', is that which is intensely conscious of its God; and what man has deemed the active, workable side, is as a sleep from which one day the owner will be awakened... Yes, that is the contrast, and that is what I want you to try and make your own.
"You see, dear children, your real self is out on a long, long journey, and as the different experiences are undertaken so the equipment is provided by your Heavenly Father, and that which has served its day is, by and by, laid aside, forgotten - except for the results it has produced.
"It is even thus with the physical body and mind, and tonight, as always, I send out a little warning to all: I entreat them not to confuse that physical body or that physical mind with their real selves. Aye, could the eyes but see, there - in all its splendour - would the spirit within each one be revealed to doubting man; could you but extricate yourselves from that limited sphere of thought, you would indeed be conscious that within there were resources, there were powers - untouched, undiscovered and unused in the Master's service...
"Children, it is to this that I endeavour to attune your thoughts: Coming from All-Light, returning again to All-Light, the very reason of your being is to grow, is to develop, is to emerge from that which holds you back... Yes, within each one, there are powers of creation, powers of building and constructing, absolutely unimagined even by the most highly evolved soul on your little plane...
"The only way is to prepare for that time henceforth, when opportunities will lie on every side, and when man, for the most part, will stand inarticulate - maimed as to action - because during the past he did so little to develop that which is required in order to take advantage of all the Father has provided...
"Children, I want to lead you another step out of the mists of earthly thinking, into the radiance of things as they are. The gift of creation - I speak in solemn tones to all, and there are those amongst my older children who will be able to work out, in thought, that which I seek to convey:
"God - your Father, my Father, Creator of all things - set into being mighty constructions, not only those which have come under your knowledge, but I speak of that vast conglomeration of life, action and motion - all those Divine laws which as yet are hidden from your sight. These things were the thoughts of God, and by thought so they were created, so they were made manifest in whatever semblance or representation was required...
"Tonight, dear children, I am allowed to put it in plain words, that the force behind creation is Love, and Love alone. From this point, I wish to bring you back again to Mankind in all its stages. I ask you to ponder on the gifts given by God when man was first created by Him, when God's thought took the form of man...
"You see, dear children, being sons and daughters of the Most High, having been called to that high estate - to be as holy as your Father God is holy, is it not reasonable that within each one is that precious gift of creation, developed or undeveloped according to the evolution of the soul itself?
"This is the statement I am instructed to make: That within each one is the power to create beauty, is the power to create according to the thought and desire. And in the days to come, this is the revelation which will be forced on the mind of man: That because he is of God, so also God has gifted to him powers like unto His own, powers which grow in strength according to the capacity within to rise and contact with his God...
"Children, in the physical world, as you will see yourselves, that creative gift has been misused indeed. There are those gifted in large or small degree, who have endeavoured to represent to others some fragment of the beauty stored in that mind of the spirit. And some, alas, have desecrated the gift in a way no words can express.
"This applies to the gift of creation in whatever branch it may be. Because the children of the earth have preferred the earth and all it means, so that precious and most holy gift - bestowed direct by the Father - has been used in a way which it will take aeons of time to retrieve.
"Yet tonight, I would not dwell on the sad side so much as on the glorious possibilities which lie before each one. You, in your simple lives, you long for the power to do this and do that; you long to create beauty in sound, in colour, or in the hearts of others. This, dear children, is the spirit struggling to get free from that which has buried it throughout those involving stages through which it has gone.
"Cannot you see how pure desires should be developed? Cannot you see that even by the withholding during the physical stages of the opportunity of developing that which you long should be your own, you are only reserving the gift for that happy time to come when according to your desires, according to your spiritual aspirations, so it shall be unto you?...
"My children, when you are free, you will find that the motive power behind all creation is Love and Love alone. When you are free, you will mourn with intensity those creations which emanated from the mind of the body alone...
"And so it is I appeal to all - I entreat them, for the sake of the spirit within, not to kill their desires for this and for that, but to spiritualise them, to bring them up to some standard of holiness, so that when the body is laid aside there - free, untrammelled - they will be able to work out, in detail, that which their spirit longs...
"And here, dear children, I would make it most clear. There are few desires or any thoughts which pass through the mind of the body, which have not their spiritual counterpart. It is, as it were, that something sweet and sacred had been dropped in the mud, and there it has lain over the time which has sped until the owner, at last, recollected its loss, and sought not only to recover it but to bring it back to something of the beauty which it once possessed.
"View those desires of the physical mind in this wise: Say to yourself that that craving for ease, that desire for possessions, is but the mutilated instinct, on the one hand, for the peace which passeth understanding, and on the other for those priceless gifts of the Spirit which will allow you to work for God...
"Ah, it sounds a far cry - it seems to you that I am stretching illustration to breaking point; but oh, my children, you must recollect that once you were as God, because from God you came...
"With all attributes, all those instincts, all those desires, trace back the myriad of experiences they have gone through, what has been accumulated, what has been thrown on that which was pure and holy; and still have faith to believe that beneath the dust heap, that which is of God still waits - waits to be rescued, waits to be freed from all the hideousness which crushes it down...
"I bring you back to the mind of the body and the mind of the spirit. Can you not see the priceless opportunity, here and now, to be free? Can you not see that even in your daily life, so you can develop that most precious gift of creation in a way which will seem to you astounding when spiritual sight is your own?
"And here, we come to the 'will' - that will which is associated with that which binds, and that freed will which, linked to God, can make the unity between Father and child complete, even during the physical stages, even while cabined within that which seems to some as a prison house indeed.
"Children, the greatest test of a strong will, as you know, is the ability to hand over that will into the keeping of someone wiser, older in experience, than yourself. So difficult from the earth view, so alien to the physical mind. Those in your little world boast far, far too often of the strength of their physical will; when they are free, they will see with shame and anguish that it was the weak link in their armour through which the enemy was able to wound and maim...
"Children, that will of the body can do far more damage than you can understand, yet even here I say once more: Destroy it not, seek rather to blend it with the will of God, when it shall work for you - for the real you within - in a way that a good servant should, and in a way which will bring you into happiness when the body is no more.
"My little ones, never confuse things or allow others to present the false view. Those children of humanity who, as yet, have not developed strong feelings, strong opinions, strong desires, strong wills - these, as it were, are in the babyhood of their evolution. Yet allow not yourselves to be used as a tool by the destroyers who wish to mar the plan. Those of you who are capable of holding on in spite of opposition, those of you who have the capacity to stand firm while the rest forsake - that indeed is a tool which you shall never be asked to lay aside; and as the days go on and the warfare between right and wrong continues, so that will, so that resolution, must be developed to withstand the oncoming forces...
"Yet, children, take care that the will of the spirit is not chained or fettered by the will of the body. Keep this point clear in your minds: That self-will - the will which is centred on selfish desire - that in time to come must, aye, must be mellowed and refined into the will of the spirit, into that will which allows you to say without reservation: 'Use me; not my will but Thine be done!'...
"Oh, my children, tonight as I speak, I feel how little I have been able to convey, yet I ask you to think these things out for yourselves, and I appeal most earnestly to those more experienced who read these records: I ask them to face facts as they are, to carry on my statement regarding that gift of creation - creating by thought - which is within us all, and which at some time will find full expression, because it is not the Father's will to withhold anything from His children which He possesses Himself...
"And here, I remind these thoughtful ones, that it was a little child who was entrusted to first send out this thought into a world which, for the most part, failed entirely to grasp its significance.
"Ah, a little child shall lead them into all knowledge. The child, empowered by God, speaking through the instrument I use (Yvonne Betty, Sat. Nov.14, 1925), showed in outline that the gift of creating by love, was not only possible in the World of Spirit, but was the Law itself... Yea! even the doll which is loved by the tiny child - if that love is sufficiently strong and unselfish, has the power to bring into being that object of affection...
"This is a gigantic truth which I send out for all to hear, and I tell them that now, within them, shrouded in physical guise, interpreted in physical life, is that most holy gift of the power to create life, whatever form that 'life' may take.
"Our Creator, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, thought out the scheme of mankind - all those myriad conditions necessary for its involutionary and evolutionary stages... Out of the Mind of Love so Love took expression, and as that expression became life, so the gift was entrusted in that life to do even as the Supreme Creator Himself...
"But, my children, as you will see, the gift - that most precious gift of all - has not been used aright, and man has lost and not gained, he has stifled and not developed; but the time is coming - yes, the time is coming when by the sacrifice, by the love of all those who have passed into Reality, so the Spirit of God will descend upon man and the scales will be struck from his eyes...
"Think you on this: Can you not see how the spiritual mind and the spiritual will can not only work for God but can work for you in a way impossible to estimate in words? Cannot you see that on the one hand the physical mind and the physical will, under the influence of the destroyers, can not only impede your progress but indeed can throw you back once again into those stages from which you have extricated yourselves by your desire to learn?...
"It is this solemn thought that I would leave with all, and linked to it is that of personal responsibility. Have I not told you that by resisting evil, by conquering temptation, by standing firm in face of adversity, so you in turn are creating power which can be used for those as yet far, far down that hill of attainment, bound by the chains of self, yet hardly conscious of their bondage?...
"And now, my children, I am going to leave you, but I ask you this evening, even more than on other occasions, to hold fast to the holiness which is here - for tonight shall be marked on your memory so long as physical life remains, and its effect will be preserved during that Eternity which as yet you cannot understand.
"Yet, ere I go, I bring in by name those who, from the early stages, have linked themselves to this most holy work. They are as the labourers in the vineyard who started ere the sun was up, and because of their faithfulness when few would gather to your side, so they are blessed by the Father, and so they not only share in that reward which Love provides, but because of their faith when faith had so little to rest upon, so when they pass hence they shall see for themselves that the Father used them directly for His sacred work...
"I speak of Annie and Agnes and Ralph. Those - with you who are present - worked in the garden of the Lord ere the sun shed its golden glory over the twilight which represented your ignorance of God's Love and the working of the Holy Spirit upon earth...
"My children, keep in your presence that stillness, that steadfastness, for it is needed this evening for God's purpose to be worked out... And now I go..."
(Others then spoke...)
"...Little sisters in Christ, tonight - by God's love and graciousness - I come into your presence and greet you as a companion and a fellow servant of the Master whom we all serve... They called me Simon Peter, and God has blessed me over much.
"Little sisters in Christ, never let it be said of you that you falter by the way; never let it be said of those who are linked to you by this holy cord of service, that they are weary of well-doing, for we have much to do.
"Tonight, as your companion and fellow-worker, I come with words of cheer; and yet I remind you of that life of mine spent - ah yes, spent, thank God - in drawing into the Light those who knew not the Holy Saviour, those who understood not the purpose of His coming...
"This evening, in the presence of many, I go back on the incidents of the past and explain to those who knew Christ not in the body that we were happy beyond all words in that task laid upon us by Love Itself. Yes, in those days we felt much, but our feelings were as the sea spray compared to that mighty ocean of feeling which Christ had for us...
"Seemingly, as I speak, so the years which divide your experience and my experience are as naught. Here, in a physical body (of the medium), the memories surge back - the remembrance not of what I did so much as all that which I failed to accomplish. As I view things now, held as it were between the two worlds, I realise that on that sorrowful day when the One we loved best perished for our sakes, so as the nails were driven through His Hands, so as they pierced the sacred Feet, faith also was nailed to my soul...
"And when during the years which followed, that which was physical rose up in rebellion against the decisions of the spirit, back again the memory rushed of those same nails, and the faith which was not mine and yet was mine rose up triumphant - yes, and charged with a joy no words can express.
"Little children in Christ, I am sent for a purpose tonight: It is to inspire you. I, who from small beginnings, with inadequate equipment, with a very faulty heart and mind, was deemed worthy by the Beloved to be chosen for His work, to be compared to the stone which holds its place...
"The child I use has loved Peter over the years, and at times has burned with indignation because of the words of others recalling my act of treachery, recalling that terrible hour of failure...
"It is God's will that I should speak on this: That failure, that betrayal, was turned to the greatest gain which a man ever called his own. Those who are able to go back in thought and to trace the events - the horror and the confusion of that awful day - find many excuses for Peter, but Peter found none for himself. Yet, as you have been told, there is no deed so vile, so akin to darkness which cannot be worked out by service, which cannot be made even as non-existent...
"By following the Voice of the Spirit, so my God allowed me to work out and to wipe out that which I never forgot as long as the body remained... And oh, dear children, if my failure and my rising again can help any soul - anyone who, as yet, has not found the inner Fount of Strength - then I thank God that by that which I failed to achieve myself, those others may be warned and, again, may be encouraged, because, by God's mercy, failure was turned into success...
"And here, little sisters, I tell you for your spiritual reflection, that because my name has been connected with that betrayal and because others have been forewarned by it, so not only was the deed wiped out but I have gained and gained in the measure that my example has been used to forward God's work...
"This brief time on earth - so full of opportunity, so fraught with dangers - this is a gift which rarely we understand until we pass hence and the glory is revealed...
"Oh, rest you content - and yet never rest and never be content. Lay it on your heart that those who have gone on before are back again, aye, have been back again these many, many generations, working as they worked before - only with larger vision - to rescue those who are unaware of the danger in which they stand...
"And think you again with me on that same faith: That as the nails pierced the sacred Hands, so, by my anguish of spirit, that faith was fastened to me never more to be parted with, even to grow more part of myself; yet, as this merging went on, to be bestowed on others, because, in the Spirit, we gain but to give, we gather but to scatter, we seek but to pass on to those who have not sought that mighty gain which is expressed in the Love of our Father God...
"This evening, little sisters, many difficulties have I overcome to be in your presence in this sweet way, and had it not been for the love and the championship of the instrument I use, Peter - ah, he would have been barred, for to such early travellers as ourselves the only key which opens the door is that of love and sympathy...
"I, Simon Peter, once betrayer of my Master, I address you tonight in tones of overwhelming love, and I ask you to have courage for all the tomorrows to come; to have faith in the promises of the Beloved, and to have hope - hope for better things...
"Never think that we are divided except by conditions; never think that we, who took the earthly journey in the far yesterday, are conscious of distance from you; never think that those who have managed to get somewhere near to the stronger self within cannot understand the hardness of the learning stages, cannot enter into the heartaches which follow so naturally upon the misunderstanding of God's mighty plan...
"I am loth to leave; I feel I too share with your leader that kinship, that fellowship, that guardianship; and ever as your thoughts go back to me, think of me as sending to you along that sure swift channel of God's Love, my help, my prayers, my faith...
"And now I must leave you so far as this guise is concerned, yet share out your love once more, and save that little portion for me which it is God's will that I should have...
"Peter - Simon Peter - a humble servant of his Master Christ; aye, and by His will a servant of humanity as a whole. No office, no service which is not gladly, willingly, joyfully undertaken by him, for only by serving others can we serve God, only by helping the weak can our own weaknesses be healed, only by raising up the fallen can we be saved from falling ourselves...
"Farewell, little sisters in Christ, and oh, rejoice, rejoice - for the Master has been with you tonight and has prepared for you that which lies in front..."
Note: The coming of St. Peter was accompanied by extraordinary conditions. One of those present thought it was our Lord Himself (in His human aspect, of course) and the medium had the same impression owing to the feeling of being stretched on a cross and the consciousness of the wonderful Presence of the Saviour. St. Peter spoke in tones of the greatest gentleness and patience.
The medium asks readers not to concentrate on the coming of these advanced spirits because, although the privilege is so great, the contrast between their spirituality and her own is terrible. Zodiac has the power to veil this from her in regard to himself.(Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, my children, just a word in closing, and that is of joy. Tonight, as your leader, as the one who has guarded and tended you through the long years which have sped, in the Name of Love I not only entreat you, but I command you, to prepare your hearts and minds for that deep unalloyed spiritual joy which God has ordained shall be your own...
"Children, in order that joy may keep step with you, you must find from within yourselves that little stream of joy to meet it. This then, is my most earnest exhortation: Think happy thoughts, draw out of life the brightness, not the shadows, and, above all, be responsive - yes, more responsive to the love and the joy which is so close to you, and which you should make your own, because God has said: Those who love Me and keep My commandments are centred in the Light which never fades...
"God give you sight, God give you understanding, God lead you into that safe bright path which it is His will that you should follow... The past is past, the future belongs to God, and what is the Father's will for His children, that that is bestowed.
"And now, my little ones, I will go. Have no regrets, be steadfast and remember this: That though the physical mind may have failed you, yet because the will held firm to do the right things, so God will finish what you have begun... Goodnight."
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