An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 1st March, 1925.
"O Holy Spirit, gather us into the Light. Grant that we may feel Thy Love on every side, make it possible that the barriers which the physical mind erect may be as nought; because these, Thy little children, are wishful to learn.
"Heavenly Father, we pray Thee ever and ever again that we may be strong in courage and in hope, firm and determined in purpose. Grant that the healing balm may come to each one and that they may arise refreshed, re-inspired to carry on this work...
"Father of Love, we know that all these things have been thought out and provided for by Thy unending care, by that Love which stretches out into the future to see that there may be no stumbling blocks to keep Thy children back... Thou clearest the way, and we know that all we have to do is to follow that brightness which leads into greater brightness still; and, as we tread the path, so the loved ones of the heavenly spheres gather round us to cheer us on our way...
"Once more we thank Thee with humble hearts. We praise Thy Name, and we accept that greatest privilege of all - accept the office, which Thou hast laid upon us, to try and demonstrate to a sorrowful world that darkness is but a step from Light, and that sadness leads ever into the Joy which has no end...
"Christ, help us, guide us, watch over us so that our steps may not stray, and give us understanding - yea, more understanding of the Love which is closing us in...
"We ask these blessings for Thy dear Name's sake, knowing that as we ask so the answer will come... Amen...
"...My little children, this evening we meet together in happiness - that deep, deep happiness of the Spirit, which ever more definitely is leading us out of the wilderness of misunderstanding into the golden land of enlightenment, when God's purpose shall be revealed, in the measure that we can take it in...
"Children, in regard to using the word 'we' in our prayers and in our conversation together, some of you have thought that I do this in order to shield your feelings - that I place myself on a level with you and your experiences so that the thought may not arise that 'Zodiac stands aloof!'. Well, dear children, I thank you for your kindly thoughts - I thank you because you give me a motive which indicates, at least, that I am not unmindful of the position which you are in; but it is scarcely accurate, as you will see.
"When, in those far-off days - too far off to be described in words - when Our Father God entrusted me with your lives and the lives of many others, who are known only to you in the Spirit, the Father knew - and I knew - that we should tread the path together. And I say, once more, that in everything that touches my own, I am indeed as your other self. And so you see when sadness has drawn a little close, quite naturally, I ask that 'we' may be lifted up into the Light which is of God.
"You will never understand, while physical life remains, how I am in your lives - how I share in all that touches you. And, dear children, I bring this in once more so that each and everyone shall feel that indeed I am their companion as well as their guide.
"There are several little things which I should like to talk over, and tonight is a suitable opportunity - for reasons which are beyond your range. I have been considering the thoughts of others who are not linked so closely to me, so they think, as you, my little ones, here - not only here in body but the many, who, by their thoughts, have sent their spirits into this little room...
"There have been some, who, on reading the records of these evenings, have wondered why I speak in rather disparaging tones, apparently, of that which comes under the heading of 'Science'. It seems to them, that, rather unnecessarily, I decry what has cost much effort, much time, and much careful thought to bring within the reach of man.
"Well, dear children, this is quite a fair comment to make. Yet, when I have explained myself a little, I think they will agree, that, after all, there is something to be said for my point of view...
"Tonight, my children, I am going to tell you a little more about myself.
"In those olden days - for that is how they appear to you, but strangely close to me - in those days my part was to teach and to explain. As you know, right through the ages, there have been certain sets of people who have devoted their life to studying the 'sciences', and to obtaining something of that greater knowledge which lies open to those so minded.
"My children, you will remember, in your Sacred Book, many references to the scribes and to the 'learned' men of that time. You cannot class these as 'schoolmasters' because, for the most part, those who came to us had grown to man's estate. So, for the lack of a suitable word, I will leave it at this: That I was one who came of a long line of teachers of the House of Abraham, and it was my part to expound the Scriptures and to define the Law - that intricate, and, alas, so often misconstrued 'Law', which ruled the lives and thoughts of the people.
"My children, I am having a little difficulty here, because it seems as though I were trying to give an impression of importance where I myself am concerned. But, as you know, there were many so-called learned men, each one had his office to fill, and each one had to go through a very drastic training indeed.
"It is strange now to look back on that time, and to resist the memories which beat upon my mind...
"In those days, experienced though I might be regarding the Word of God - of the Lord God Jehovah - yet, as I told you before, there were times when, in sadness of spirit, I asked myself whether I should ever see God - whether indeed such a One existed.
"You see, dear children, that the Voice of God had been lost in an incredible amount of furniture, of embellishment, of misrepresentation, which had come - and daily was coming - from the minds of those who were appointed to teach...
"I want you to try and get some conception of the effect of traditional thought, of theories, of dogma and doctrine - which had been handed down from generation to generation. The 'Word' had been added to and suffocated by the trappings which man, in his pride, thought necessary in order to 'support' the Truth, as given by God.
"To you, in this period of freedom - freedom of thought and of action - it is impossible to understand how hemmed in the men and women were at the time when Our Lord appeared...
"Children, I remind you here, that in order to approach God, our Father, our Creator, it is necessary only to go as a little child goes to his devoted parent - in faith and simplicity - just that and nothing more. That which the Father asks from us requires nothing beyond the range of a child - with, perhaps, the addition of the older one's acquiescence to the Divine Will.
"It is difficult to portray the position of things at that time without giving an aspect of exaggeration. Yet it would be impossible to exaggerate the discussions, the disagreements, the turmoils of divergent opinion, which went on continually amongst all those who thought they were in a position to speak.
"You will remember, dear children, that Our Lord draws attention, in many different ways, to the attitude of those representatives of the Most High - the priests, who had been entrusted with the Truth; those examples to the people of the life which should be lived...
"Yes, the remembrance brings sad thoughts. But I would not have you go away with the idea that all were corrupt, that in the hearts and minds of some there was not the wish to rise, the wish to find the God which they worshipped in word and in form. These struggled against their conditions, yet, even so, were unable - by the rules and the powers of those higher up - were unable to do more than, in secret, speak to each other of the deeper, purer thoughts within...
"My children, I was so mixed up with the life of these and of all those, who - drawn by the attractiveness of knowledge - gathered together to discuss 'the Truth'... I paused because human nature changes but little; it is very much the same today as it was in that yesterday; the instinct so often is not to discuss Truth in order to prove it true, but rather to prove that Truth is false indeed...
"I have given you a faint idea of the environment in which I was placed, I have told you that I came of a long line of teachers, that I too was steeped in traditional thought, not only of my own day but of the generations which had passed away...
"Then, out of this night of complicated thinking, out of the greyness of the dissatisfaction which was within, out of my narrow, blunted life I stepped - for Christ came. Christ came and brought me the Light which never fades, brought me the Love which no words can tell... I watched Him, I studied Him - I was used to judging human nature in all its forms. And as I watched, I marvelled - and as I listened - how I loved!
"This is the whole explanation of my mission upon earth - the mission which has been entrusted to me: I saw Christ and He made me free...
"Children, as you know, Christ went out of our lives in an amazingly short space of time. I say 'our' lives because when He went away, with the generosity which goes with service, those who were nearest to Him, those who had been longest with Him, gathered us in and made us one with them.
"When Christ came into my life, it seemed to me that never before had I lived, had I thought, had I seen, had I heard. My life grew strangely impersonal - yes, I want you to understand that once the Truth had been made my own, the details of life, or what it had to offer, or what it took away, were as nothing to me - nothing to those who loved Him as He only could be loved...
"The rest of my life has no bearing on my subject tonight; but I should like all those who read these records to think with me a little on what I am going to say:
"I saw then - and, for the most part, the position has altered very little in essentials since - I saw then, that the greatest obstacles to simple Truth as expressed by the Master, that the greatest stumbling blocks in the human mind were erected by that same 'knowledge' - the knowledge which had been obtained solely in a physical way.
"In those days, dear children, there was that which came under the heading of 'Science' - and also that which came under the heading of what you call 'Theology' and these things alone blocked effectively - most effectively - the pathway which led out of the knowledge of things material into the unlimited realms which are of God.
"It is strange that man is so dependent upon that which has been provided by the physical minds of others - it is strange that he should be so 'held' by that personal intellectual pride which makes him forget to whom he owes his mental vitality and the power to think. Right down through the ages this has been worked out again and again - that in 'self-glorification' the glory of God has been lost.
"I want you to remember that there have been many 'men of note', as you would say, who have contributed to the thought of the world much that is valuable and much that will stand. But these, for the most part have ruled out a God of Love as non-existent.
"You see, dear children, that, as I have told you before, man has started to acquire 'knowledge' from the wrong end. And although in time to come - by patience and by the help of those in the Spirit - he will work through to the God-idea, yet it is not the will of the Creator that so much time should be lost.
"Look at the question how you may, make all allowances that are possible, and you will find that when man concentrates so definitely on the expansion of human thought, then, side by side with that, the Thought which is Divine is ruled out - ruled out as something which, perchance, will have to be considered later on, but for the time, the quest of knowledge is all-sufficient.
"There are many who will admit that this is so, and I would like to remind them that when Our Lord walked upon the earth, He, with the greatest gift of wisdom anyone could provide - He who was Truth itself - was not only refused but was deemed worthy of death...
(Difficulty in continuing...)
"My children, do not worry - we are having a little trouble tonight, but it is all part of the plan; and if you give of your thought and your prayers, all will be well.
"You see, dear children, that, in speaking of a subject like this, it is, as it were, a direct indictment against those who have long since seen the Light themselves. And, in speaking of what was, it brings back into the conditions here tonight, a sense of disharmony, a sense of betrayal - the betrayal of the better self - which it is not easy to work against...
"And I, too, am rather held by the memories of the past. It seems strange to you, perhaps, that the past still should have this power. Yet, as you have been told, that which has been done is written on time - and although the effect can, and will, be worked out, yet, because it took place, so the mind goes back on it, and so the remembrance is vivid indeed.
"My reason for speaking on this subject is this: That I want those who are influenced by that which science represents - I want them to recollect that although in God's sight these things are good, yet, very often, by misuse, they can indeed be weapons of destruction, where faith is concerned...
"You will remember, my children, that those who were directly - yes, directly responsible for the death of Our Lord, for that most sinister attack upon Truth - that the responsible ones were even those who had taken upon themselves the office of representing the God of their fathers.
"I want you to try and take in something of the stupendous nature of such a charge. I want you to realise that had the people - the simple people - been allowed to follow their instinct and their love, that act of Calvary would never have taken place...
"And you get your parallel right down through the ages - that with those who concentrate on developing the physical mind - and you know each one is called upon to do this to the best of their ability - so often, in the expansion of those gifts the Giver of all is forgotten...
"I ask you tonight - all who read this record - to try and take in the meaning I am anxious to convey: That although God understands the human heart and mind, and although His Love faileth never, yet certain responsibilities are laid upon those with the higher mental powers - and these, one day, will have to render an account of their stewardship.
"Let not the thought go out that God is not able to protect His own. As in those days, the Truth was held intact while the Bringer of the Good Tidings was crucified - so today, and throughout all time, it shall be the same. God's ways are not man's ways; and though Truth may be trampled underfoot, yet ever and ever again it shall arise, imbued with new strength; until, at last, it dominates the hearts and minds of all...
"Children, I think now we will talk a little about faith. I want you to take the interruption of this evening just as a little test and nothing more. I want you to realise that, now and again, as we go on, these things must be. I try and arrange that they shall come when too much distress will not be felt. Tonight it was necessary - before we could advance another pace - that the experience should be gone through; yet, with your help, I can say that we shall finish stronger than we began...
"In regard to faith - all of my children have had trouble in this respect. And when, at times, they feel that their faith has grown a little dim, sadness comes, because it seems so hard that after having gone through the toil of the day - the worst of physical experiences - it seems hard that faith, that most precious gift of all, should not be stronger.
"Yes, I suppose there are very few who have not thought on these lines; but tonight I have a message of cheer for you all: I want you to know that when these phases come very often, it means that you have reached a stage when you are ready for advancement - yet ere the advance is possible, the test must be taken.
"There is a distinction - a great distinction - which is not brought out in a way sufficiently helpful to those who are on the climb: I want you to remember always that faith is not merely confined to 'feeling'. So many regret that the feeling of the closeness of' God is absent. They look back on certain periods of their lives and they remember that there was a time when they were so conscious of the Divine Presence, so conscious of the Love of God, that life was sweetened thereby in a way impossible to describe.
"Well, dear children, as you can understand, going along with the consciousness of the Divine Presence, your load is lightened enormously. Yet it provides no test - no test of that firmer, stronger faith, which must be there if the enemies of the Spirit are to be met and overcome.
"Faith, as we interpret it, is 'action' - action, which, really, is the outward expression of the faith which is within. You see, dear children, that thoughts and feelings and hopings and strivings are incomplete unless there is some visible, determined effort - unless you give an 'expression' of that faith in action.
"Tonight, I am told to say that those who find the definite feeling of faith missing in their minds, can - by steadying the will, by keeping on the path laid down, by concentrating on work for God - not only bring back that 'faith' into their lives, but a faith so strong, so dominant, that that which but represents 'feeling' fades away never to return again.
"There is a vast field of explanation to be covered in regard to faith, and what it works out. It is impossible for you to understand yet, how God views things. But I want you all, tonight, to make a fresh demonstration of the faith which is within you... I want you to be able to say - that greater self which God has entrusted to you - I want you to be able to say, that although the enemies of the Spirit strike again and again, yet, by holding onto the Truth, by following in the path laid down, you are determined to reach the goal at last.
"My children, on second thoughts, I have decided not to keep you any longer tonight. This evening is not a sad one, as you may think. True, there have been destructive thoughts, but that is not the cause of the interruption...
"I want you to realise that only by God's most gracious gift can we meet in this way. I want you to be quite clear in your minds that where we, in the Spirit, are concerned, we are absolutely helpless unless we can draw the power direct from the Great Source. Try and take this disappointment in the way which He intends - take it as something which, for a purpose beyond your comprehension now, has been withheld - and as that to be placed amongst the things of the past, looking forward in joyful anticipation to the days to come...
"The peace of God, the protection, and the care of the Understanding Mind of Love, is all around. Lift up your hearts and thoughts, and thank God that ever He brings you through, out of the twilight into that perfect Light which only His Love expresses... Goodnight, my children."
NOTE: The Messages were continued the next evening, Monday, March 2nd.
(NB. March 2nd, 1925: See "Zodiac's Instrument - The Spirit Voice")
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