An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 6th March, 1926.
"Father and Mother God, we come into Thy Presence tonight, and we ask Thee to give to each one that which they need; we ask Thee to bestow upon the little children of the Light that inward vision which shall make all things clear, and we ask that those who seek to guide, direct and protect them - that these may be able to draw from Thee that strength which will enable them to carry out Thy work...
"O Christ, we thank Thee for the gift of service; that Thou hast allowed us to do what is so simple to Thyself; that in each one there is that endowment which makes them a fit instrument of the Most High; and if the will and the desire to serve is there, so then Thou canst demonstrate Thyself through those who are bound by the body, hemmed in by the restrictions of the physical mind, and, as it seems to them, prisoners in every sense there could be...
"O God, we thank Thee that out of the greatness of Thy Love Thou hast handed on to us this great gift of service to those who are in need, withholding from Thyself this same joy yet, because we are Thy children, rejoicing in our accomplishments, and in that rejoicing sending down fresh gifts so that we may do better still...
"In approaching Thee, our Father and Mother God, we humbly acknowledge that Thou hast given, Thou hast done, Thou hast provided for Thy children, those things which passeth man's understanding; and these - so abundant, so varied in their representation - all these Thou bestoweth on us, and yet in the bestowing gives still another gift, that of allowing us to use those blessings to pass on to others...
"Father, we thank Thee for all Thy mighty Love and understanding of the human heart - in gratitude we thank Thee... Amen...
"...My little children, tonight we are going to talk to each other in the way which Love dictates. In going through the hearts and minds of some of my children, I find that I appeared last time a little too serious - that there was a touch of sternness which caused a chill...
"My children, cannot you understand that sometimes an anxious guardian urges those he loves so well to take a path against inclination, seeing in the by and by the great gain and the unlimited joy which the hard road will provide for them? So, little ones of my heart, if I seemed to you a little too controlling, too insistent on proceeding swiftly along the upward path, then believe me that it was love alone which dictated my words...
"Children, I have tried to teach you a little regarding that same love which those free from the restrictions of the body have for you - having received understanding of God's Love - that this love of ours for you on earth, continuing so unaware of the protection which is around, is of so gigantic a character that we are over-anxious at times that our little ones should have the best, the very best.
"Yes, you will say to me: 'I can understand that! Even ordinary parents on earth like to see their child successful in that branch which he has taken up; it fills them with joy when success follows the steps of the one they have brought into the world'. But, my children, our view is scarcely the same as that. In the main, earthly parents are concerned with those accomplishments of the world, with those achievements which bring to their children the commendation and the admiration of others.
"Children, those in the Spirit, who have watched you away back from time unthinkable, are not like that. We indeed wish you to have happiness - perhaps 'peace' would be a better expression - we wish you to find within yourselves those resources of progress, but they relate not to your world at all. And so it is, dear children, that when you feel most a failure, when the little things you have put together so anxiously and with so much hope, when those little erections topple to the ground, and with courage you turn your attention to build something else, then those who are of you in love and understanding, these are proud, proud of the connection, proud and happy that the spirit is sufficiently awakened...
"Children, success - according to the earth point of view - very often opens the gate to the enemies of the Spirit; success has a way with the unwary of producing a hardness of heart, a lack of sympathy for those who have not been able to do as well as themselves. Success not only brings the world too near, but, as it were, drops veil after veil between them and the spirit's quest. And so it is, dear children, that when our charges are successful in a physical way, why, we seek all the aid we can to protect them, to put them on their guard, because the destructive forces are around in their numbers...
"You see, dear children, I am anxious for you to feel differently about yourselves. I want you to associate heartaches and anxieties with God, in one sense, because that condition in your life brings God in a manner impossible to describe to your side, and, though you know it not, though you forget to turn to Him in your hour of need, if only the eyes could see, you would indeed perceive the Saviour, not only keeping step with you but bearing three parts of your cross for you...
"That is the point I am so anxious to impress upon the forgetful mind of the body. Over and over again, when trouble comes - particularly those which you name 'irritations' - when tests of this kind assail you, because there is resentment within, so immediately you listen to the voice of the shadows which tells you that you have separated yourself from God. The damage which is done, the unnecessary sorrow which is caused, you can never grasp until you are free and look back over that valley which represents your life, and see that you walked in the shade, while all the time through that valley the shaft of God's Love illumined the way.
"And then, dear children, I want to speak to you - because tonight we are so in sympathy, because tonight there is love and understanding all around - I want to speak to you on the subject of: 'Fraternity'.
"And in that word, I wish you to read that brotherhood, that sisterhood, which not only is evidenced among those who love God, but which is expressed in its highest form in Christ the Beloved who we all adore...
"Many on earth, with flashes of inspiration, have tried to put on a workable foundation that same fraternity, and, in some cases, they have succeeded far, far better than they know. Of course, you will say to me: 'They commence all right, they are imbued with real desire to link themselves to others by the sacred tie of brotherhood, but somehow or other self creeps in'...
"Children, if I did not understand those incursions of self into the handiwork of man, then I should be sent back, as I told you before, to learn my lessons anew. Think you like this: The Spirit of God, working on the mind of man, on the mind of woman, at last manages to so impress the mind of the body that an enthusiasm seizes them and they set to work to create. All good, and only brought into being by the power of the Holy Spirit. Nay, dear children, confuse not your minds by the world's aspect. You may say to me that some of these do not recognise Christ, and I answer you: Though they may deny the Source of their good thought, Christ claims His own.
"And then, dear children, starting so well, so full of right intention, immediately they are up against temptation in this form: Love for a brother, love for a sister, that in itself is entirely of God, but remember the enemies of Love, remember the disobedience over the long ages of the past, which has given strength to the despoilers to carry out their desire...
"This sounds hard to you, but try and take the spiritual aspect. Think to yourself: 'How can you test purity of purpose except by the approach, the onslaught, of that which you call expediency?' And so it is, dear children, that some of those who started out pure of heart, found the enemy too strong, found that their good thought was not built on the firm foundation of effort in the days which had gone.
"Here you get the weakness, and here it is that the balance is turned. Temptation may come in a terrible measure to the children of the Light who are seeking to show that Light to others; but if the foundation of work and of service is there so, although the enemy storms the citadel of the soul, that soul belongs to God.
"You see, dear children, the world's view is half true and half false. The world cries out: 'Oh, these idealists, these unpractical people, they are riding for a fall!' And when the fall comes, they are ready to jeer... Half false and half true.
"Now look at things in God's way. Those good thoughts, the endeavour put in at the time to materialise them and to help others - that stands for ever, imperishable, absolutely untouched by the evil which has been focussed against them. And the failures, dear children, are regarded by the understanding Friend in this way: In the measure that the temptation was resisted, in the degree that self was kept at bay, so - whatever followed after - that belongs to God. And when such as these pass into realisation, so the work and the thought and the wish are found treasured for them, and not one grain of effort has been overlooked.
"But, children, tonight I want to take you away a little from that side of fraternity which has been presented to you by your fellows on earth. I want to show you, if I can, a fragment of what must be your own possession when you find yourselves free from physical restrictions in those realms which are Spirit through and through - and I am not content that my children shall enter any realm that is not of the Spirit when this brief stage is o'er.
"Children, as I have told you, we are all brothers and sisters; and, again, we are all mothers and fathers; and, again we are all children with parents who love us well. Keep that thought in mind and then think of God - yes, think of your great Parent, your Father and your Mother, but remember this: That the great Source supplies, in each one, that sense of brotherhood as well.
"Ah, now we come to things as they are. Can you not see that those acts of devotion - of self-sacrifice amongst men and women of all types, of all ages - that these not only demonstrate their sense of fraternity, but indicate, in miniature, that glorious Fraternity which Christ represents?
"Children, I want you to expand your thinking - I want you not to limit God. There are those who love Him well, who regard their Creator as their God and their Father, but if you suggested that Christ feels towards the Spirit within man as a Brother, then these - still slightly bound by the earth view - would protest... I ask them, for the sake of the Beloved, to try and expand still more the borders of their mind.
"How can anyone feel brotherliness - in its spiritual sense - towards another, unless he gets it from Christ? How can any woman - in compassion and love - say to another: 'We are as sisters', without getting it first from Christ? The way man limits God - seeking to honour Him - in so doing, stabs that which is Love Itself, because so often that misrepresentation is passed on to others.
"But, children, I want to take you farther than the aspect of you and your fellow man. I want you to realise something of the gigantic scope of that sense of fraternity which is part of the Spirit's equipment. Although you know it not, you are not only linked to the children of the earth plane - to all those in the uncountable spheres, whether they be of darkness, of twilight or of Light - but you and I and everyone are linked to creation as a whole.
"Ah, here we get a little nearer to understanding; and once again, I bring in that same sensitiveness on which I have touched before. Many, so ignorant of their spiritual responsibilities, not only are indifferent to the suffering of other creations than the human, but indeed, blinded by earth values, they inflict the suffering themselves...
"Oh, think you not that God does not compensate the victim. Even the insect, which is crushed beneath the foot, has emerged from something which was of darkness one stage nearer to that liberty of Light. Difficult it may seem to you, but I say that as you progress, it is essential that you should release within you the sense of fraternity even to those creatures which fill you with repulsion...
"Some of my children, some of the children of the earth, in looking at the agonies of the passing from one state to another of these little creatures of the ground, give a sympathy and a compassion which shows that, in some degree, they realise the link between themselves and that which has been destroyed... Children, I deliberately use that word 'destroyed' because as the life passes out of a fly, or of one of those many little creeping things which find their habitation in the soil - as that life expires, something is destroyed which they will never take on again. It is progress - they are that much nearer to the perfection from which they started out...
"Oh, my children, I am hard pressed to find words in which to explain to you the gigantic character of fraternity in all its many stages, and as it concerns all states; but ere you can count yourself as a friend of Christ, so indeed, in the suffering of others, you must feel that something of yourself is suffering as well.
" - 'Such sensitiveness, the understanding of the sensations of creation, this is madness', some will cry, 'it turns life on earth into that which is horrible to contemplate!' But, my children, cannot you grasp that this applies to those in the Spirit in a way which cannot be argued against? It seems to you that some have progressed so far that they are removed entirely from your conditions, yet the true position is as this: As we learn, as we develop, so that which is of God within us is freed, so we, in a degree, vibrate to all those brothers and sisters right through each creation, without reservation...
"And here, I bring you back to Christ. Have I not told you, and have you not read, that not one sparrow falls to the ground which passes unnoted by that which is Love? The Creator vibrates to us, vibrates to all His creations, however insignificant they may seem to those blind to things as they are; and in the measure that you are able to feel not only for those in a like position to yourselves, but to feel for the worm - for that which represents to you physical horror - so you are releasing that fraternity within which is centred in Christ.
"And then, dear children, I want to underline God's attitude towards His helpers on earth, however much those helpers may have blundered in the service they rendered.
"It seems to some that the Lord God of all has laid down certain rules, certain precepts, certain laws, concerning those who work for Him. Yes, that is true, but the nature of those rules and regulations is entirely different to that decided upon by the mind of man. God, the Creator of all His children, looking into their hearts and minds, regards not the body - except that it is His care as well - but focuses on the struggling spirit within.
"And, children, there have been those, imbued with love for God, who have chosen to work out their earth's experience in a clime very different from your own, in a civilisation which has scarce a connecting point with that which you regard as the only one expressing the word... God watches the progress of such as these, and to Him, all those so alien to yourself are His beloved children, even as the children of the Light, even as those who see in Christ the one true God...
"Listen and try and make this your own, for I speak that which is Truth in the inward parts: I say that God, because He is God, watched and watches with love, the efforts which certain of His children have made to try and influence those in their surroundings to conquer self... When you are free, you will see that the only barrier between man and his Maker is that same love of self; and those who have laid down a mode of living, who insist on the sacrifice of personal desire - such as these, even if the name of Christ is unknown to them, are not only God's children but His vessels, His instruments, and are blessed by Him in the degree that they strive to help others...
"Oh, my children, damage of so devastating a character has been done by limiting God, and by forcing upon the Godhead that construction of right and wrong which man has built up for himself. Christ, your Friend - your best Friend - is the best Friend of all those children of nature, of all those many races and types who have never heard His Name; and when such as these succour one in pain, lend a helping hand to another, protect the aged and guide the children, indeed does Christ look upon them with that same fraternity, because that which they are demonstrating in their ignorance is of Him alone.
"Oh, think you and think you again: How can these children - in their environment of ignorance and inexperience, and by the very fact that they are children in understanding - how can they be separated from the One who created the spirit which inhabits a body which seems crude to you? God's truth, God's mighty truth - and when you are free, my children all, you shall come with me and I will take you far away - as it will seem to you - and out in the lonely parts of your little world show you the Christ Spirit at work - not in your way, and assuredly not in the accepted way, but Christ has been there before you, before me, before anyone, and Christ tends them and seeks to influence them, and by their very 'unawareness' is able to use them as instruments to demonstrate Himself...
"My children, this subject of fraternity is unending; it cannot be explained either in your world or in ours, because the nearer we get to God in the sense of releasing the Divine within, so our horizon of fraternity opens and opens again, and so we see that the links are not only uncountable, but are unlimited - they have no end...
"And Christ, your God and my God, the God of all peoples, whether in your little plane or whether in those conditions which represent darkness itself - God demonstrates to all that fraternity because He is the Source, because everything that represents brotherhood and sisterhood and parenthood comes from the One who loves us best...
"My children, ponder on these sacred truths, and yet, let not weariness assail the mind of the body, for growth, to be sure, must be slow; and although it seems to you that, as yet, you have released so little of that fraternity which is within, remember that when the body is laid aside, because you have been told and because in a measure you understand, so the love will flow forth from you, and so you will find within that depth - that breadth of fraternity - which had been crushed by the physical garment while on earth...
"It is so necessary that all should learn; it is of an importance I cannot over emphasise - to instil within the mind of man that he is linked to all creation, that while heedlessly he may torture now that which he regards as a rightful victim, in that degree so in time to come he must suffer himself; for no man is individual, he is part of the wonderful pattern, and until that which he represents is beautiful and true and strong, so the pattern of creation is marred, and so the completion of the work is hindered...
"My children, remember and remember ever again the Love of Christ - how He feels towards you. You may erect barriers which put Him at a far distance from yourself through a sense of deep unworthiness, but in the Father's Mind no barriers exist. You are His - of Him - and in time to come, you will return to that Perfection from which you started out, gifted with powers like unto His own...
"Never forget that. It seems impossible for the human mind to imagine, but once that which is 'you' was of God, gifted with all those good gifts which the Creator possesses Himself; and still more impossible it seems to you that ever you will return to that same state of completion with Him. Yet, dear children, that was God's intention, and that intention will never be interfered with, though it may take time unthinkable to bring to pass.
"Once you have known anything which is in the Mind of God, so the realisation is forced upon you that God, because He is God - infinite, illimitable Love - could never reserve for Himself any one thing, for the essence of God is giving, bestowing, is making that which He brought into being even as Himself...
"The mind of man, generous though it may be, always holds back this or that, or it may be one thing alone; but the Father loves to give and joys not in His powers except that those powers can pass on to His own that which He possesses Himself...
"That is God - and until man can remove his limitations from the God-Mind, so he misunderstands Divine Love.
"And now, my children, I am going to leave you. I want as always your very best, and tonight, there is here that which is of the very best itself..."
(Others then spoke...)
"...Friends, it is Father Damien again, and I've been allowed to come because, in my little way, I tried to put into practice the brotherhood of man... It seems strange to me now to go back on those days, on my intentions, on that aspiration which was a direct gift of the Great God, and to see how frail an erection I put together from materials which were of the best, because they were of the Spirit.
"Friends, in the great Fraternity which we find in the Spirit, two things stand out, and amazement grips us by their unexpectedness:
"The first is the Brotherhood of Christ. In all reverence I give voice to this phrase: The Brotherhood of Christ. And the second is that wonderful brotherhood which exists among the lower creation.
"The contrast - and because the contrast is so great, the lesson is driven home. Man, in his pride, is not fit to illustrate the gospel of brotherhood, and so the All-Wise Father chooses His so-called lower creation to teach man what brotherhood should mean.
"Strange as I stand here, how the past is like an avenue opening up behind me, and here and there I see a face - hideous from the world's point of view - looking up to me with the spirit of Christ shining through the eyes... Ah, make no mistake, I am not referring to the converted - in such as these we expect that Christ should have a place; I am speaking of those whose bodies were tortured by disease (lepers) and those whose minds were tortured too by their ignorance of what Love meant. And yet, knowing nothing, understanding nothing - as we regard it - God was demonstrated through them, ignorant though they were.
"Friends, I told you before (14th Dec. 1924) that those diseases of the physical tabernacle are as nothing in comparison with the diseases of the soul-body when the flesh has been laid aside. And yet it is not my intention to cause you sadness or to allow my own memories - full of regret over wasted opportunities - to cast a shade on this happy gathering, and so, instructed by my Master, I want to underline that there is no disease of the soul which Christ cannot cleanse and heal...
"Voluntarily, I have chosen to work amongst those so afflicted, and as I have been allowed to relieve, so, again, in the flicker of gratitude, I have seen God reflected from that which those on earth would deem evil itself...
"Oh Christ, teach me, teach me - that has been my spirit's desire since I came into the Light of His Presence.
"Repentance - what is repentance? One day your leader (Zodiac) will explain, but my duty is simply to affirm that sooner or later that repentance sets in...
"Another branch of our work which is yet part of the same, is this: Sometimes, during the earth stages, by the unawareness of the one concerned as to the enemies which are around - through carelessness in the upbringing, through the inherited tendencies of the physical body which has been donned, so that which was straight has gone awry...
"Friends, you have among you now, that tool which you call 'manipulative surgery'. This goes on over here in a way that makes the physical appear as unimportant. Those who come under my charge are crippled and maimed; the soul-body is a distortion of what it was meant to represent, and the straightening process is anguish indeed. Yes, but when the anguish has passed, the relief and the joy wipes out the remembrance of it as though it had never been...
"I want you all, in looking round on those in your daily life, to adopt this attitude: That everything which does not express Christ is a distortion of the soul-body; and in regard to others - those who fall short in this way or that - to look at it from that spiritual-medical point of view which makes you certain that one day everything that represents the individual will be Perfection itself.
"Friends, I have a confession to make. When I was free, I too found that that which represented myself was sadly twisted and bent, and why was that, when at my disposal I had so much help, when I knew my Blessed Master, when I realised the protecting care of God?...
"Ah, friends, is not all this added responsibility? That which was not straight within was represented by two things: First, my lack of understanding over the experiences of others which were dissimilar from my own, and the second was worse than that - it was that same judgment upon them and the desecration of the Name of Love thereby...
"I speak with a purpose. There are few who have worked for and served God with all their heart, who, when the body is no more, do not view with horror these malformations of the soul when they compare that soul-body with the glorious spirit housed within...
"Friends, you can help - you can help my patients too, and that will gladden your hearts. Each time you refrain from passing judgment on the lives of others, so I can use that to raise those sunk - aye, buried under an avalanche of self; each time compassion fills your heart over those on earth whose bodies are bent, so the power which prayer creates can be sent on to me to give just that extra grip which will enable me to straighten what is awry in that which is called the soul...
"Oh, my friends, my sisters, never forget how you, limited though you may be, can help those who are as little children in spiritual development. You can help, you can strengthen - literally, you can raise the dead...
"In your hands now is this priceless gift. There are countless millions waiting for redemption, there are those so hemmed in by thought, by action alien to the Spirit, that literally we have to cut through that which is hideous in a way no words can express, for only by these operations can we raise that which is the true self within. And these operations take power, infinite love and patience.
"Therefore, comrades, as you pursue your daily way, send to me - and to all those many servants of Christ who are working for Him in His way - send them your thoughts; pray that our hands may be steady, pray that our efforts may achieve results...
"This is God's work indeed, and out of the little things contributed by His children, so the Father works the miracles of His Love.
"Friends, I will not encroach on your time further, but I am loth to leave before reminding you that that same fraternity links us together for all time, and when you are free, you will count me a friend as I regard you now...
"Goodbye, and God be with you..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...My children, I am not going to keep you longer tonight. Those who have not had messages for themselves direct, they are not only remembered by their loved ones but their loved ones are giving to them that which others may think they have lost...
"So tonight, dear children, with Love - with the Beloved in our midst, teaching us through His instruments, teaching us again through the feelings of His children bound by the body, so Love gives His benediction, which is of peace - peace within and peace without...
"Oh, my children, visualise - as you go on your daily way - what Love can represent; and then as your imagination soars away and away, remember that whatever the mind of the body, instructed by the mind of the spirit, can conjure up, that is as a faint reflection of Reality Itself.
"Christ in your midst, Christ in your life, Christ in your troubles, Christ in your brief joys... In your pains, in your weariness, in your disappointments, and in your seeming failures... Christ, the Beloved, claims His own and ministers to you.
"Servants of our Master, call we ourselves; but when you come here, you will find to your amazement and your growing amazement, that while we sought to serve, Christ a hundredfold more was serving us; and as the realisation comes, so self falls from us and so something of that Divine humility finds a resting place...
"God bless you all and keep you out on the sunlit road, attuning that which is your real self to the sweet cadence of the Spirit, for the guidance and the direction is all around... God keep you safe and happy in Spirit until we meet again... Amen...
"Goodnight, my children."
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