An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 7th November, 1925.
"O Divine Spirit of Heavenly Love, bless us as we meet together for this little while, and grant that the effect of the blessing may so close us in that we shall go forth renewed, recharged, not only with the consciousness of Thy Love, but with the will to work and with the determination to show others the bright path into Thy truth...
"Saviour Christ, be with us in Spirit, be with us in the way which each one can understand, and grant that because Thou hast promised to help the weak, to succour all those who stand in need, that we, Thy little children, may be able to make those promises our own, in the sense that because we believe, we can take...
"O God, guide us into the light of understanding; grant that the barriers of the physical mind may be as naught, make it possible that because we wish to be Thy children we can, as Spirit, mingle and commune and have our being with those in the realms where Spirit only is enthroned.
"Father, Thou knowest our many needs and all those great achievements which we wish we had the power to undertake. Grant that to-night, within each heart, a vow is made to be servants of their Master Christ, in the sense that their lives henceforth will be dedicated to the service of others. Help us, O God, to understand something of what this means, something of the glorious future which it will build for all... Amen...
"...My little children, once more we meet together in Spirit, and, with some, in the physical body as well, but to the strangers present (Mrs. Coltman and Mrs. Doncaster) I would say that many, many a time have I and those others who love their Father God, gathered up their spirits, so that the real self might be present in this little gathering, which has been not only planned by God, but which indeed He has overseen step by step...
"My children, tonight we have much to do together, and I ask you all to give out of yourselves not only to the instrument that I use, but to God Himself, who is waiting to cull from you all those thoughts, those thank-offerings which you would make in love...
"Oh, my children, as we go on, the glory of this wonderful Truth begins to dawn upon you. 'Oh but', you say: 'I can see the vision glorious now' - yet, dear children, I must repeat: 'Begins to dawn upon you', for what you see, what you feel at this stage, that is as a little breeze in comparison to the mighty wind of the Spirit which is going to sweep across this little earth and cleanse it. Yes, that which you see at this point, is in comparison as a passing breeze so slight that it is forgotten once it has done its work...
"Now, dear children, I put that little phrase: 'Done its work' because I want you to realise that it is not God's will that anything - slight as it may be - that anything should be considered of little value when it concerns the raising up of humanity.
"My children, taking you from the big view, I bring you down to the little, and I say that there is not one who has ever dropped a word concerning the fuller revelation of the Truth who has not built - yes, built for God. Bound by physical sight, bound by all those misrepresentations of the world, if no result is shown, you consider that as loss - but in the Father's Home those grains of effort are preserved.
"Yes, tonight, dear children, I am here to teach you, I am here to prepare you, and I ask you to bear with me while we think together on those things concerning Love Itself. Children, in the mind of man, aye, right back from the past, punishment, retribution - these things loom large, and behind the word is the thought of vengeance.
"Yet, my little ones, I have tried to teach you that God is Love Itself, that His tender Heart is touched even by the pangs which pass through the least of His creation. How then - how then can we balance the two?
"Those laws of God, framed entirely for man's advantage - not only of mercy but compassion and sympathy itself - those laws of the Spirit operate unhampered by adverse opinions, by all the cries of a world which understands God not. This then, is what we will discuss tonight, and I think ere we part, we shall get a little nearer, yes, a little nearer to our Saviour Christ...
"Children, following on my words given regarding the attitude of our Father and Mother God, so this evening I tell you that because God is Love, 'retribution' in the earth sense, has never and will never exist.
"Yet, think you with me a moment. Have you not it written in the Sacred Record: 'What a man sows that shall he reap'? Have you not been taught by the greater self within that turning from the Light means weary steps, many heart aches in the days to come?
"Oh, my children, it should be so plain to humanity, but they walk ever with their eyes on the ground, seeking for that which they can gather, and bewailing the loss of that which escapes their earnest search. Yet what a man sows, that must he reap.
"But, dear children, I want you for ever to mark that word 'retribution' in its earth sense, and to substitute that which represents God your Father: 'Retrievement'. Retrievement - that is the word which only expresses those manifold processes through which the spirit goes, in order to come back to unity of purpose, of mind, of heart, with the One who gave them life, with the One who has sought to protect them from that first stage, and will until the last, which, again, means the beginning of completion...
"My children, in your daily lives, in the life of all those who have lived on this little earth plane, so the day produces, and, alas, so during those hours much is thrown away, yet in time to come - either in the body or out of the body - so that which has been so recklessly cast aside must be sought for, and found, and made their own... for ever.
"This is the truth I teach, instructed by my Master - whose Presence is with you tonight in a way you little understand - this is the truth I teach: That the thoughts and the actions of every one, must be brought into harmony at one time or another with the God within. Yet, lest despair should seize those who listen to my words, I would remind you that Christ asks so little and gives so much in return. Your Father God asks first for your love, and then because you love Him, He asks that He may protect you from the enemies which beset your path...
"In that, dear children, all is included, yet you will say to me: 'There are those who bring sorrow to others, there are those who are responsible for misery and for all that blackness of despair which shuts in the lives of so many, ignorant, untutored as to the ways of the Most High!'. Yet, dear children, God and His angels work ever to retrieve even such as these - to retrieve those acts, and to retrieve that lost self which, for the time, prefers the earth in its earthly sense to the freedom of the Spirit.
"I want you to consider this: That during your life on this little plane, perchance, you fail your greater self oh-so-often. Inevitably, comes the sorrow, comes that feeling of remorse, and sometimes, tempted by those who are enemies of the Light, you exclaim within yourself: 'What is the use of trying, what is the use of striving?'...
"Children, cannot you see, that in the pang which follows a weakness, a failure, a betrayal of your real self, so the retrievement is taking place? And here it is that I have a message of infinite hope, not only for my little ones safe, gathered into the fold of the Shepherd, but a word of hope for those who know God not, so far as His Love is concerned.
"I say to them: Though you may sin - as the world calls it - a thousand times over, yet those sins shall be retrieved because Christ said: 'I am the Saviour of the world', and in the Father's Mind there is no one who is excluded from that phrase.
"Children, that which is done in ignorance or in weakness has to be made good; and some of the seeds sown so thoughtlessly, as time goes on, gain roots so strong, so tenacious, that only by anguish, by those deep spiritual struggles, can they be torn up and cast aside.
"You see yourself the gigantic task before those who have listened to the enemies of Christ; yet, dear children, even here I have words of cheer. Those roots may go down so deep that despair of loosening them is reasonable, and that is understood by the Most High; so to such as these I say: Plant in that spot that which will kill the evil.
"Yes, when those acts and deeds have gone on over the years, the only way to eradicate that which spoils the garden of the mind, is to sow therein the good thought, the pure thought - and this can be done only by service to others...
"Children, I am anxious that the full significance of this statement should sink in. I say that there is no life so antagonised from God which cannot be retrieved, which cannot be made pure and holy, even as the Father intended. But the task is difficult, the task is beset by many entanglements which provide a net to trip the worker, even as he prays and struggles to regain that which he has lost.
"So to those who have much to make good I say: Here is your chance, here is the God-given opportunity to plant, side by side with the rank weed, that flower which represents faith and trust in God...
"My children, over the ages mankind has been taught much concerning punishment, concerning the vengeance of God. Tonight, I say for all to hear, that retribution has no place in the Mind of Love; but before the spirit can free itself from its burdens, before it can be free from its many afflictions, so that which has been done to injure others must be made good, must be replaced by the simple rule given by The Divine: 'Serve your neighbour' - and in serving your neighbour prove your love for God.
"My children, I come back from those extreme cases to the lives of those who wish to do that which the Spirit directs, those who give much thought and much prayer to the preparation of their heart and mind for the Master's use. To these I say: Ponder on the truth which lies within my words. During the daily course, there is much that frets the nerves - those things which irritate, those things which, at the time, seem almost too much to be borne - the thoughtless act, the hasty word.
"Ah, we all know these so well; yet, my children, because I long with all my heart, that when the body is laid aside you should step free into joy, into peace, I entreat you as you go along, to retrieve even that little which has gone awry. Yes, to retrieve it by that which is the opposite from what has taken place; so when the physical mind fails its owner, look round and make good, see that love replaces lack of love - yes, see that thought is put in place of lack of thought...
" - 'Little things' the world may say, yet these little things have to be retrieved, have to be brought into harmony with the harmony which is all around, and there is not one who does not, during their daily round, feel: 'Did I fail there, was I interpreting my real self then?' and the spirit within answers: 'No'.
"And so, dear children, you see to what I bring your thoughts: That this work for God, this service to others, is clearing your garden of its weeds. 'Yes but', you say: 'Again I sow that which is contrary to the Divine plan' - and still I answer: Work it out, work it out.
"To straying mankind, to those bound by their physical minds, unconscious of the Divine within and without, to all these I can speak with hope and with certainty, for in a measure they little understand; so the spirit sends back that mind of the body over its tracks in order that when its imprisonment is over, it may be free from that which binds.
"This, dear children, explains in miniature those many incidents when, apparently, things go wrong; those many occasions when it seems to those concerned, that with so little more help all might have been saved - the heart ache, the disappointment, and that sense that God has forgotten. Looking at life with the eyes of the spirit, so you see, point by point, that the hard days, that the bad days - these are doing God's work, these are retrieving that which, all unconsciously it may be, was harming the plan, was lengthening the path into that Perfection where all must gather in the happy time to come.
"So, my little ones, remember this: That whatever the life, whatever the record, retrievement must take place; whatever has gone awry, whatever 'sin' has been committed, sooner or later back the individual goes and makes the rough places plain, finishes what he has begun. And because the spirit is of God - pure, undefiled - so the spirit says to the physical mind: 'Thou shalt suffer!' - because only by suffering can the past be wiped out...
"And then I have a direct word for all. It is in regard to the work which lies in front. I speak tonight seeing the future - its struggles, its achievements, its victories - and I say that everyone who has God in their heart will be wanted to work for Him.
"Children, the time is passing when 'thought' alone is strong enough; the next stage is action. The choice will come to all - the choice to link themselves as servants of the Most High, in the sense that they will work for Him under His direction - or whether the easy path is too holding, too attractive to be given up...
"Children, there is work to do - there is work of so gigantic a character that you could not understand if I attempted to put it into words; there is work for God which must be done, and He depends upon His children on earth to arise, to throw off the shackles of the world - those few which still bind - and even as in the days of old, to lead the way; yes, to show the way to others. Then it is that the valiant heart will be needed, then the courage must be high, then all that which stands between you and the spirit's determination must be cast aside - because the Master calls, and there is work to do...
"My children, it is impossible at this stage to explain, yet I urge still more the preparation and the dedication. I entreat you, as you go along during your daily life, to retrieve each act which has not God in it - even as it is committed. I implore you all - because I know and I see - to for ever put those suggestions of self from you, those many expedient suggestions which the evil force upon your reluctant physical minds.
"Those who are cautious over God's work, those who make excuses, those who say to the Master: 'Oh, tomorrow, not today!' - these, dear children, are piling up for themselves anguish in time to come, for the spirit is fearless, the spirit is of God, and those who have once seen Christ in anything of His likeness, these are tortured until all that which comes in between is cast away for ever and for ever...
"The Master calls. Will you answer: 'Yes, I come'? The spirit within is saying: 'Now is the time!' What does the mind of the body say in reply? Yes, your Father knows that difficulties beset your path, the Father knows that the hill is steep to climb, but has He not said that even as you stumble so He is there to raise you up? Has He not said that His messengers and those imbued with power direct from Him - that these walk with you, fending off from you that which would strike, that which would hinder?...
"And so the question must be answered. The Master is calling, calling over the world for those who know Him to respond. The Spirit of God is working, fighting, remaking that which is antagonistic to the plan, yet those instruments, those interpreters of the Divine Truth are needed in a way I cannot express - needed for the Master's use because the time has come.
"Yes, little ones of my heart, the time has come. Oh, falter not, let not those shadowy doubts gain an entrance into your mind; the time has come for those who know the Truth not only to speak but to work - yes, to work...
"And now, my children, I am going to leave you. The conditions here tonight are a little unfamiliar, in the sense that I have drawn in from other spheres those who are wishful to retrieve the past, those who, step by step, are going back on their tracks, picking up the treasures that they overlooked before.
"And, because they are here, so there is consciousness of unfamiliarity; but this is God's work... I speak to the child I use: This calling in of those who must retrieve the past, this is God's work; and because strength was taken at this stage, so strength shall return and shall build around all concerned that foundation of faith which shall never give, because not only brick by brick, but grain by grain over the years, that protection has been prepared...
"Yes, draw in those who need your help, pray for them and give them of your own courage, of your own will, and remember this: That each time you fail your greater self, so each time you are taking of the power which is badly needed for those struggling in a way you little grasp - those who are struggling even to reach where you stand, those who over the past forgot their God and only roused themselves when the damage had been done...
"And now, my children, I go for a little while. Hold fast to that which you have gained, hold fast..."
(Others then spoke...)
"...I must ask your kind indulgence, ladies... It is your very good friend, Kitchener, and I have been sent tonight to give a little message on the subject of discipline... It is difficult for me to speak because of the consciousness of the many here who obviously are in a better position by experience and achievement to deal with a subject of this kind... I hope you will forgive my abruptness... Ah, it is better now.
"You see, my friends, in going back upon that little life of mine, it appears so trivial, so lacking in essentials, yet there was one thing on which I feel something might be said:
"That Army system, the system in the Services where discipline is an immovable rule - that system has a spiritual significance which is very interesting when we are free and see something of the truth as it is...
"What I am anxious to underline is this: That that discipline on earth - all its many branches - which appears to the ordinary man or woman as tyranny, as an expression merely of power - these things work out a tremendous lot. I found when I was free that those years of discipline, of answering to the call not only of duty but the responding to the next task and the next - when I was free, that placed me in conditions where I could be sent to work to construct something in regard to the almighty plan, and I want you to bear with me while I work this out in my mind.
"That discipline of daily life, those things which go so against the grain - well, when we are free, we see something of the meaning of it all. You know, Mrs. Moyes, we are in for a big fight, we are in for the biggest fight that the world, or any world, has ever had - the fight between good and evil, that long campaign; and those who have discipline - I don't care in what way it came - those who have had discipline, are the ones who will respond to God's Voice.
"In going back over my life, over its many misunderstandings, over my loneliness and exile, I thank God with all my heart that He gave me sufficient sight to see this one thing - that the discipline of self, the guarding of self, the responding to responsibility, the steady plodding work - that He gave me sight to see that a man's life was not a life without that curb, that rigid 'No' when the physical mind cried out 'Yes'.
"I know there are a large number of people who criticise that system of discipline as being arbitrary and unnecessary. There are bullies everywhere, there is the tyrant, there is the cad, but for the men themselves, why, they are taking the sharp side of the hill, and when they step free from all the misunderstanding, they are trained soldiers ready to be sent back - to fight this time against their lesser selves and the evil which tempts others so sorely.
"If I had my life over again, I'd be a soldier still, but I would be in the ranks... Oh, freedom from the body can make us appreciate the work of the humble unit - the drudgery, the discomfort, and all that going without which makes the heart burn and which brings up a sense of rebellion in the mind because, and only because, it doesn't understand...
"We are in for a terrific fight, and I say in all humbleness of heart that I thank God for that discipline over the years, for the exile and for the loneliness, because if that had been absent then I should have been one of those put back unfit for use.
"It is like this, and it's no use beating about the bush: During our earthly lives, we are literally saved from ourselves. The temptation: Its glamour; all that love of power, false power; the striving to get one step farther up - it builds up round us hedges which have to be hacked down... We are thankful that we can go back on the early days, on the hard days, for that pulls us through.
"The discipline of daily life, the habit of self control, the pulling up of the physical mind - yes, that retrieves a lot, and it makes it possible when the call for volunteers comes - as it has come now in so definite a way - it puts us in the position to offer ourselves...
"Thank God, I have been accepted. I am used to struggle, I am accustomed to difficulty, and danger is like a brother to me...
"This is what I have come to say: I begged you before to put aside all that glamour and advertisement connected with my name; and tonight, as I stand here, I am thankful and proud because I am in the ranks, and we are going forward to conquer and to cleanse...
"I hope you will excuse me - I am afraid I let myself go. It is extraordinarily difficult to strike the happy medium. You must remember that reserve is not considered a good quality when you are free - it is called by its right name 'selfishness', and talking with those I love and understand, and who I hope in time will try and care for me, so it was a relief to throw off the remembrance of all that which bound my tongue during earthly career, which to me now seems too insignificant and unspiritual - yes, unspiritual and insignificant in every sense there could be...
"Thank God I am back in the ranks, and the boys - well, they are fighting with me and I with them - chums and comrades, brothers in heart, brothers in aim... brothers because we are all the children of our Father God... Goodnight, Ladies..."
(When all has spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...My children, we must close. To my little secretary I would say that the blessing lies all around; to my own child I would add that faith has been justified...
"And then to you all - and I speak to many - I ask you to go forward with me. I ask you not only to concentrate on retrieving that which may have been imperfect in your own lives, but still more so to set to work - to retrieve the mistakes of others... Here is God's work indeed.
"Oh, my children, could you once see, not a word said to help, to strengthen, to purify another, ever fails. There, in beauty, an emblem of God, so it is gathered into the great pattern; and so for all time the thought - and the words in which the thought found expression - that remains to be used again and again...
"This is the path of progress, this is the only way you can bring rest to your soul and peace to your mind: Not by grieving, not by violent self-reproach over your failures - but by work, by effort, by extending help to others.
"So, dear children, when you come here you shall look back on the record of the past, on the places where you thought you had gone astray, and those places shall be worked into that straight line which represents your spirit's desire...
"Work it out - work out the thought which is out of harmony with The Divine, work out the hasty word, work out the thoughtless act - work it out here and now, so that when you are free no further preparation will be necessary. Christ has used you during the earth stages, and He can use you then in His work of saving man from himself. The time is getting nearer and nearer when His children will listen to His Voice, and when the powers of darkness will be vanquished for ever more...
"The blessing of the Most High, of your Father and Mother God, of Christ the understanding Saviour - that blessing rests upon you all. Let it not only remain with yourself; carry the good news, spread it far and wide, demonstrate your faith, demonstrate the God within, and so bring not only happiness to yourself but to the Mind of the One who loves you best...
"God has been with us tonight; His angels guard and watch over you, wherever you may be, however hard beset; and because the Light is stronger than the darkness, so the Light will win the day, and so love once more will be established, and so that Perfection from which all started will be returned to, but with the added beauty and glory which only experience can bring...
"This is the great plan, this is the Master's will: The returning to that Perfection, when the power and the radiance, bought for yourself by yourself, will remain within you for ever and for ever, because God is Love, and you are the children of Love and the children of Light, even in these earthly stages... The children of Light, bringing Light to others, bringing illumination... that consciousness of Spirit which is the heritage of man, that gift of the Divine within and without...
"God bless you all and keep you in the brightness of His Face, in the security of His Love, and in the permanence of His Peace. Amen... Goodnight, my children."
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