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Jesus and The Zodiac Messages
Winifred MoyesWooden CrossZodiac Christ Messenger
The Zodiac Messages
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An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 20th February, 1926.

"O Thou our great Protector, into Thy Hands we commend ourselves tonight, and we ask Thee to so recharge the body and the mind of the instrument which Thou art using that Thy will may be done even as Thou hast laid down.

"Most understanding Father, we entreat Thee to give that vision which shall make all things clear, we entreat Thee to so exercise Thy power that Thy children who as yet understand not the glory and the wonder of this service for Thee - that these children may be given sight and comprehension...

"And then, O Christ, because Thou hast suffered and because Thou knowest that suffering causes a sense of distance between the mind of the body and the spirit - because Thou knowest this, bridge that distance and take possession tonight...

"In this sacred atmosphere, we are conscious that the world of sense can be despatched, and that the World of Spirit can be opened before us and we can enter in. Oh, give Thy children strength to cross that portal and to feel that indeed they are centred in the Holiness which is of Thee, and grant that that Holiness may give understanding of Thy Love, Thy care, Thy protection...

"Christ, hear us - be with us and teach us as Thou hast promised... Amen...

"...My dear children, although there is a little lingering sadness in the air, tonight is a night when, coming from the far corners, those who wish to work for the Master in the Master's way have gathered together. They are here in your midst - some who have seen many ages, many seasons, many nations rise and pass away. Yet, because they are servants of the One God, so they are here to give strength, to give that power which is required to carry through this privilege of listening to the teachings of Love...

"My children, it seems to some that life is so fair, and to others that it is o'ershadowed by grief and anxiety. It is the same life - this physical life - which can represent so different an aspect; yet, following the dictates of Love, I ask those who see the sunshine, to share their sunshine with those who have felt only the storms...

"Children, in the world today there are many, ah, many who have to face a grey aspect and who look back on what has been and trace the milestones passed by the sorrows which they have borne.

"Yes, in the main, that which goes so hard to the physical mind predominates, but God has said that to those children who have taken the rough road, so His messengers shall gather, and so that road - steep as it may seem - shall be overcome...

"My children, there are numbers who have fought the good fight, and, so it appears, are still on the losing side. To such as these I speak in tones of great understanding: Though you have fought and though it seems that the powers of evil have been too strong, yet when the scene is changed - to your joy and your relief - you shall find that victory was on either side.

"But you will say to me: 'I am forced to live in a material world where material things have got to be considered; how can it comfort me now that in the far by and by I shall see a great prize was within my grip?'...

"Children, there are young souls, there are older souls, and there are mature souls; and the discerning, in looking around, can see at once the stage which each one has reached. Think you like this: That there is a peace - there is a content - absolutely separate from the world in which you live, and that brings a happiness which nothing of the physical can kill...

"Yet, once more, I remind all those who are feeling that circumstances are too much, I remind them that a little farther on is the open plain of opportunity. Then faint not while you tread even the last stage of the road which leads you out of the wilderness into that which will fill your soul with joy...

"Oh, my children, as I stand in your midst, my heart is torn by those marks of the enemy which is out to destroy. I speak not only of the one or two - I speak of those many, unseen by you but seen by me, those who went through physical life or a portion of it, with a heart that was nigh to breaking... These children of sorrow are now the children of joy and peace and understanding; those who wandered in lonely places - they are now the pilgrims of Light, and the Light which shines from them illumines the way for others...

"It is impossible to over-emphasise that the God whom you worship and the God who protects you, longs to see you happy and care-free; yet, on the other hand, it must be remembered that the hard road is the shortest road into that experience - into that wisdom which literally creates Spirit as you go. I urge you to be happy, yet I am not unmindful of those who sorrow, of those many who look on all sides and find, to their despair, that the sunshine is not for them... The sunshine of the physical world, it comes and it goes, but the sunshine of the Love of God holds them fast, holds them fast...

"My children, it was necessary to speak thus in order to bring into harmony those two elements which are here tonight - joy and sorrow, happiness and grief; yet think you not that they cannot be harmonised - they can be made one perfect whole. So doing, I direct your thoughts to the spiritual aspect, to that power which God uses so freely to heal, to comfort and to encourage.

"And now, my children, the subject which we will discuss tonight is one which I must touch upon again and again, yet ere I start to talk with you, I would underline that we have met together for work - that you are contributing your part in providing the necessary effort which is essential if another portion of the veil which hides True Wisdom is to be withdrawn. Therefore, with the Spirit of God upon you, put self aside and listen and learn, for we have much to do.

"My children, that which I would discuss with you is in relation to those miracles which have stood the test of time - I refer to those chronicled in the Sacred Record, those which were instituted by our Lord and Master, and those same miracles which were carried out so successfully, it seems to you, by the ones who followed after.

"Yet tonight, as is my custom, I would draw your minds from the obvious, from those which stand out so clearly against the horizon of the ages. Such as these have done a mighty work for God, but I am instructed to tell you that the miracles which have escaped narration, which have passed unrecorded - those are the miracles which are miracles indeed...

"You see, dear children, the physical mind - because it is physical - is always attracted by the dramatic, by that which startles the senses. It is the cruder form which receives the most attention; and I would underline this by the simple illustration of the child who is attracted only by the brightest colours, by that which is cast aside when the mind is more highly trained. The child delights in that which appears gaudy to those who have learnt to discriminate; they are concerned with subtler things; they deal, as it were, in half-tones, in that combination of beauty, in the elusive, and - as you will be able to grasp - with that which is finer in every sense there could be...

"So, dear children, while I give full honour to those miracles which have been faithfully recorded, tonight it is not my intention to dwell unduly upon them. Yet, there is one point to which I would draw your attention: In considering those same miracles, discussion and argument have arisen as to which was the greatest, which showed to the better advantage the Divine power of the Master. And, in the main, the children of the earth are agreed that the raising of the dead, so-called, ranks highest.

"Now, this alone discloses the limitations of the physical mind. Think you like this: Children, the body is a very simple thing to The Creator; it is becoming more and more understood by those on earth who study it from the scientific and from the sympathetic point of view; and we who are free see things like this: The restoring of the life which, for the time being, had shed its coarse garment of flesh - that, by a spiritual law, was simple, because those who attempted it were drawing from Life Itself...

"Wait while I explain. The difficult task would be this - and it is this difficult task which all those who love God are seeking to achieve: Children, I say that the restoring of life to the tabernacle of flesh is but child's work compared to the restoration of consciousness to a spirit which has been hemmed in and crushed down by evil over the years...

"Here you get something which bears the aspect of a miracle indeed - and yet this has been done, and this is being done, even while these moments pass away...

"Oh, my children, try ever more to train the mind of the spirit to grasp those things which elude the mind of the body. Get away from earth conceptions and penetrate into some little portion of that Wisdom which is available to all. I say that the greatest miracles which were done by Christ - aye, and through His grace by those who followed - these were of too fine a quality to gain any notice at all.

"Again, dear children, in regard to the life of the Beloved, think you like this: That gift on Calvary was great indeed; that fulfilment of the promise of returning to demonstrate the powerlessness of physical death to touch Life - that indeed was deemed by all who believed a miracle, a miracle in every sense there could be. But, my children, I take you back to earlier days than that, and, inspired by God, I speak the Truth as it was and is:

"Children, have you ever dwelt upon the humility of the Lord God of all? Have you sufficiently considered that act of His: In submitting Himself to physical laws by taking on that body of flesh, by going through the processes of physical birth - its helplessness, the powerlessness of the little life within to protect itself from the enemies without?... I speak of the mother of Christ and of her responsibility, I speak of those months before the little Babe was born... Can you not see to where I am directing your thoughts? The greatest miracle of all was God as the helpless Babe...

"Oh, my children, try and get these things right. Go beneath the surface and probe that which is hidden from the majority - aye, hidden from all but those who wish to 'follow' Christ. Can you not see for yourselves that when All-Power laid aside His power and subjected Himself to those same physical laws which He had created, that this, in itself, showed such staggering humility that no miracle before or since could ever be compared to it...

"My children, all around in the physical world, and in those many realms beyond, this miracle is being repeated, only in another form. Christ, the Ruler and Controller of our lives, is the Companion of the weakest and the frailest. God - All-Knowledge, All-Wisdom - is at hand to teach direct, instantly the desire within to know is born.

"That, dear children, is one aspect of that same vast subject of: 'Miracles'.

"And I would speak to those who have explored far and wide into the knowledge of the world: I entreat them to walk warily and to think carefully; for though the mind of the body may repudiate Truth, as instanced by those acts of Christ, yet, even as it denies, so a greater miracle is taking place in regard to themselves - and that is God's protection...

"I entreat them, in the Name of Love, to walk warily where the things of the Spirit are concerned. They know not and yet they know; they seek to serve, yet even the altar that they have built in their own lives to the honour of God - even this is overshadowed by that same intellect of the mind of the body which blocks out the Cross of Humility...

"Oh, to such as these I send a most earnest warning; I throw around them the love which God has given me to protect them, and point out that what they are constructing now must be parted with in the days to come; aye, and when the body is no more, those coils of the physical mind will bind and bind - and indeed, it will require that same miraculous power to release them and set them free...

"And then, dear children, there is another point I wish to bring in tonight, and that is in regard to the ability and capacity of the physical mind to grapple with the knowledge of the world. To you all, this appears a possession most pleasing to make your own, but wait while I explain:

"The mind of the body can be a tool for the Master, or indeed, it can build up obstacles so formidable that the Light of His countenance is blotted out. The mind of the body may bring you toys just now, but if that mind is fixed on the knowledge of the world alone, when you are free, it will prove your worst enemy, and the most difficult from which to extricate yourself, by the fact that it is even as your counterpart...

"On earth on every side, you have the mind of the body placed on a pinnacle - aye, and worshipped - worshipped not only by the possessor but by those who would emulate, those who would climb to the same fair heights as this one and that who teaches and instructs...

"Yes, they may be authorities on those subjects which are too deep, too obscure for the majority, but their attitude brings a pang of sorrow to me as I speak... 'Learn of me', they say: 'For I have knowledge, I have penetrated into the secrets of nature; I have discovered that which has been hidden... Learn of me for I am wise!'

"And then, dear children, we come to the Master's view, we come to God, to the One who is All-Knowledge, to the One who created all those things which baffle the mind of man. What does the Master say? 'Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart!'... There, dear children, once more you get the miracle of God: 'Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart!'...

"And to all those who love knowledge, to all those who seek wisdom in its true sense - to such as these I say that if they would have Truth in the inward parts, then they also must approach the Unknown yet that which is Knowable - in the spirit of Christ... 'Meek and lowly of heart' - self nonexistent, approaching that which is held out unreservedly for all, with something of the humility of the Giver...

"Children, when man has learnt that lesson, that will be the greatest miracle which it is within his power to perform.

"You see, dear children, that miracles in the earth sense and miracles in the God sense are widely different things; yet, have I not said that you - and everyone - can perform miracles in Christ's Name every day of your life? And the one miracle which will place within your hands the power to work other miracles of a like character, is that capacity to release, ere the body is laid aside, the bound spirit within...

"And how can this be done? Again I remind you of the humility of Christ; once before I directed your attention to His understanding of the sorrows, of the lives of others... Meek and lowly of heart: The meekness which is submitting the physical will to the Divine - that, in itself, accomplishes the greatest miracle in regard to that which is Holy within - accomplishes a miracle which ever shall grow more wonderful as you understand it...

"And then, dear children, as this miracle happens to you, so in your hands lies the power to perform that miracle for others. It is true, in every particular, that you live in an age of miracles. Right back since the first day of creation, miracles have held chief place; and, though man may recognise them not, stupendous miracles are being performed by Love each moment of existence - whatever world it may concern.

"I ask you, dear children, to try and educate yourselves in regard to values over this great subject, which so many deem a thing of the past; I ask you to train the mind not to fasten on the obvious, not even on those great cures of the ills of the body which have staggered you by their comprehensiveness, but to realise that there are miracles unseen, unlooked for, unrecognised, which are waiting for the earnest-minded to bring out to the light of day...

"Hitherto, they have been of a nature so fine that the crude light of your world could not play upon them; yet, because there have been those who are conscious of Spirit within and without, so to those few they shall be revealed because the preparation is there, and it is God's will that every aspect of His Love shall be laid out before those who seek to serve...

"Oh, my children, as I speak, I realise the feebleness of words, the impossibility of expressing Wisdom as we understand it when we are free. I cull symbols of this and I search for suitable phrases to describe that; but these fragments, because they are blessed by God, shall be used in His work of enlightenment, shall be used to teach the children of earth that round them now, and for ever, there are worlds to be explored, there is a knowledge which no physical expression can portray...

"Yet, remember this: That you who seek to cross the threshold between the Seen and the Unseen, that ere you can do this with safety, with security, and with certainty of penetrating into 'Spirit', so within must be the desire to learn in the Christ way, to approach in that humility which He showed as an example to all, and which - because it was so diametrically opposed to earth standards - has been pushed aside as something too degrading to be considered...

"Man's pride of intellect, man's satisfaction with the power of his limited physical mind - this has built up mountains between him and the true Knowledge, between him and the illimitable Wisdom which God has offered to all.

"You see, dear children, how we must learn? Before you can grasp things as they are, you must have that 'clear vision', but clear vision alone is but the first step. There is the pursuing of the path; the discerning between the false and true; the learning, portion by portion, as to the value in God's sight of this and of that; and then, as you continue, so unconsciously you will be working miracles while still on the physical plane - yourself a demonstration of the miraculous power of God...

"Oh, think you not that I do not realise the bigness of the journey and the frailty of yourselves; think you not I cannot understand that weariness - the weariness of the world - is an enemy against your progress; think you not that I do not understand that the mind of the body quails before that vast area of knowledge which lies before you.

"But I say, instructed by my Holy Master, that if you follow on with the desire to learn, with the desire to understand God - laying aside self in the measure that you can - so when this brief life is o'er, you shall find yourself not only across the threshold of the bright Realms of Spirit, but that much wisdom is gathered to you which shall remain for ever and for ever...

"My children, this vast subject of: 'Miracles' must be left until you understand a little more, but I tell you now that as you advance, as you strive, so I shall be able to show you other aspects, each one reflecting something of the beauty and the wonder of the Mind of God...

"And now, my children, I am going to leave you, but ere I go I wish to speak to the child who has been gathered in tonight, because those who love her in the Spirit have asked that I should address her direct in their stead...

"My child, it is as thus, and I speak to Alice (Mrs. Hornstead):

"Long ere the body was chosen, long ere the experiences on the earth plane were decided upon by the spirit, there was this held up in front, even as a mirror, yet it reflected not the past but the far future...

"You have been told that there are things pending, which will make it necessary for a tightening of the chains of protection and love which are around humanity. The spirit within, conscious of its God in a way your physical mind cannot understand - the spirit, out of its free choice, chose the rough path so that in due season it could be used even as a link in that same chain.

"Yet, mark you this: Experience may be another name for suffering, but without that experience, without that suffering, without those disappointments, without that sense of failure, so when the earth journey was finished, regret would be your portion instead of that lightness of heart - which now and again you catch a reflection of - which is reserved for your birthday into a life of understanding...

"Yet, I would not leave you comfortless over what has been; I would not leave you unprotected over that which lies in front... The past is past, the present is changeful, yet it is charged with meaning; the future is active, but much hangs in the balance...

"The only enemy you have to fear is that same mind of the body, the only stranger within the gates is 'doubt' - and I speak not of doubt in one sense alone, I speak of doubt in its most comprehensive form...

"My child, can you not grasp that anxiety is doubting God's Love? Can you not understand when I say that misgiving, that those torturing thoughts, that these, in so many words, are saying: 'I cannot trust my Father!'... The only enemy is the mind of the body, and the spirit within is fighting, fighting, fighting... Hold on to faith, hold on to Christ, and all shall be well in a way no physical language can portray...

"That which is your real self has travelled far. Can you not see that by those things you have done without, you have shown you are a child no more?... The children of the earth who are children in Spirit hold their toys and cry for others. A mature soul stands steady, looking around the empty house which comprises their physical environment, and sees beyond its walls the Home provided by God...

"Tonight, it has been my privilege - a sweet privilege indeed - to gather you in; and I say you can be held fast, but content not yourself with the second-best, with those things which appeal to the mind of the body, and leave the mind of the spirit untouched; for in so doing, that which is Divine within is held captive - captive while it has the strength to be free...

"These are words of warning to you and to those to whom they apply. To all these I add one word, which in itself is an expression of love: In the measure that the highest is forsaken for the sake of the second-best, so the spirit mourns, and so when the body is no more, it will be anguished, because it could have known and understood though the body bound...

"And now, my children, I will go, yet send out your thoughts to my child because there is weakness here - not all that spiritual weakness which she suspects, but the weakness of the body does its most damaging work, and at times I am hard beset to make good that which has been taken away... The body holds us back, yet, by God's grace, we work through; and, in working through, both mind and spirit go out in adoration to Him for the miracle of His Love.

"And now I go..."

(Others then spoke...)

(An Indian lady)

"...It is Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Moyes, and I have come because it is a little eventful tonight. To your friends, I would explain that I was of a country which is far away where the blue skies seem as a bright umbrella... It is of India I speak, and because I am a friend of the family, so I am permitted to come, though my colour was not as your own...

"Mrs. Moyes, you will remember that I was at liberty to inform you that, though we may be of a race apart, yet the heart of woman is the same - yes, the heart of woman is the same. And while I was standing waiting for my turn, so, looking into the minds of all who are here in the body, great understanding came, and so I was able to feel, as well as to say: This is my sister, and this and this...

"You see, in the Spirit there are no distinctions. Though my faith on earth was not as your faith, yet, by the grace of God, I knew of the Lord Jesus Christ; though there were centuries of tradition running through my veins, though my attitude towards the One God did not bear a resemblance to your own, yet when the body was disbanded so I understood... And though he who was so wise, who instructed me as to the mode of life which must be lived, though he was by my side as I left this little vale of tears - yet he took his daughter to the Father of us all...

"And, Mrs. Moyes, when I stood before the Lord Jesus Christ, what did I find there - ah, what did I find there? I found that the holy prophets, though they may have misunderstood on earth, had entered into comprehension when they were free. And He who is the Lord God of all, He cast looks of brotherliness upon the one I had worshipped, when in my closed-in limited life on earth I followed the customs of my people...

"Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ looked upon he whom we regarded as holy, and I saw that the love of the All-Holiest had made him holy in very truth...

"And then there was this - his handmaiden, so full of the ignorances of the world, so undiscerning as to the wisdom of the Spirit, and as they brought me into the Light of His Presence, so I threw myself at the Sacred Feet, daring not to move or to raise my eyes, for it was holy, holy, holy, where I lay... But oh, Mrs. Moyes, it amazed me what took place, for lo, even in my great dejection, so That which was so compassionate raised me and comforted me even as if I had been one of His sacred saints...

"So we, who are not of the Christ faith, we are taught, and the Cross is placed across our face, so that when those of our people pass over the little stream of death, they may find that they are provided for, and that no barriers lie between them and the One Lord God of all...

"Strange it seemed to me, that no punishment for this great omission was to be mine; but oh, can you not understand that the Love, the humility of That which is All-Greatness, wrung our hearts and made the mind of the body purified as a new garment?...

"Thus we learn, and thus we teach; and those delectable things of the world - they pass beyond the memory never more to return, for the splendours of the Spirit they are ours. And the pains of the body that we bore, these we wear as garments of Light, and in their folds lies the strength to heal others...

"So we learn, and so we teach; and thus it is tonight I can say, once more, that in the heart of woman there are feelings, there are strivings, there are understandings of life, which only a woman can comprehend...

"Yes, and what is that for? It is to relieve and to sustain, and we - made strong and very beautiful by God - we linger by the side of this one and that, and by much effort and much love, so that which is of God, lent to us, is made their portion; and when that portion is used, so we, or others, come again, and they, through us, are able to get a little nearer to the Lord God who understands all things...

"Round my feet, as I speak, there are poppies - poppies of consolation and forgetfulness. Above my head are the spring flowers that bloom so gay; these are symbols of new hope, new life, and promises retrieved - for the mouth of the Lord has spoken and His edict has gone forth...

"I weary you with much talk - I will make my quick departure; but oh, sweet sisters in the Spirit, forget not she who you know as Mrs. Harvey, for she loves you much, and in the little tomorrow, why, we stand together and watch the rising sun over a world which has been dark before... That sun is the illumination which shall show God's Face to man, and then His work will go on apace, for man no more will hide himself in dark and dreadful places, for the Light by its strength will penetrate even into the farthest corner. That is the will of God...

"I go, but I come again; I come again, yet I must go; for there is work to do, and the women - they are useful in the Spirit World... Goodbye..."

(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)

"...Well, my children, you have done your part tonight, and because of this, so the power of the Spirit has been able to work uninterrupted, unhindered, unstemmed, by the things of the earth.

"So we go on, and so we set our compass towards the east which represents the highest and the best... The Star which shone in the east - it shines tonight and always, a symbol of love and a symbol of watchfulness.

"To those who sorrow, I say remember this: Love and watchfulness, unceasing, unfailing. And because we are His children, so we are linking ourselves with the wise men and the wise women who have gone on before, and undaunted by our enemies, undismayed by the storms of physical life, we shall find Christ - yes, find Christ; for though He walks by the side of all until that Spirit-consciousness within is released, so Christ seems as far off even as the stars.

"Oh, my children: 'Have faith' - and again I say: 'Have faith'. The future is so glorious, so full of opportunity, so exactly like the Mind of Love, that you and we and those you wish to help, shall stand together on that wide plateau of things accomplished, and from thence onward the vast plane of wisdom and understanding waits for our advance...

"Together - never forget that, 'loneliness' is a delusion of the physical mind alone - together, listening for the Voice of guidance from the Spirit, so we penetrate and penetrate again; and because the will 'to do' is there, so God has gone on in front, unlatching the gates and clearing the way of those who would hinder or betray...

"And now, my children, I will leave you, yet when my presence is removed in this definite way, remember that I and those of the Spirit are still with you, and hold on as long as you can to these vibrations of holiness which are a gift direct from God, your Father and my Father, your Redeemer and my Redeemer, your Beloved and my Beloved...

"So we part, acknowledging - as when we commenced this sacred time together - acknowledging our Creator, our hope and help and stay; for indeed the Master is here - indeed His blessing rests upon you all... Hold it - for it is sweet; hold it - for it brings strength and healing and reassurance for the days to come, because He is God, He is God... Goodnight, my little ones..."

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The Greater World Association.

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The Greater World has sole copyright for the Zodiac Messages and came into existence as the Greater World Christian Spiritualist League in 1931 (U.K. Registered Charity No. 212369). The Greater World was originally established purely because of the Zodiac Messages and their introduction into earthly life by the Christ Messenger Zodiac and the further revelations of the Christ Mission expounded therein. The inception of the Greater World was for the preservation, as received, of the Zodiac Messages and the prudent dissemination of the spiritual philosophy, consequently perpetuating the incorruptibility, distinctiveness and uniqueness of the Zodiac Messages and the teachings contained therein.

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