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San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
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119 |  |  | Sunday June 1, 2008 - 02:52 | I was very excited to see this website. I am a member of the Holy Utopian Spiritual Temple in Trinidad and Tobago. I was in search of other churches similar to mine. My church is a Spiritualist Church and the information given on this site parallels the teachings of my Church. The information has also helped to enhance the teachings of my Church. The Church Ministers are all Mediums and we focus on how to live our life in order to Spiritually progress over incarnations through Christianity, love, forgiveness and a respect for all of God's creations whether animate or inanimate. Spiritualism is a Science which needs to be acknowledged and I am glad to see others such as yourselves spreading God's message. God Bless.
Note from webmaster: Made In The Image Of God From The Beginning Why Different Teachings Come From The Spirit World
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Poole, Dorset UK |
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118 |  |  | Sunday May 4, 2008 - 11:53 | This is a wonderful site. It has so much useful and interesting information. I went to a fundamentalist church for many years but discovered Spiritualism about 10 years ago. I developed as a medium and spiritual artist and for the first time in my life felt like I belonged. A part of my family are still fundamentalists. They love me dearly and only have my spiritual well being at heart, however, cannot and will not accept my Spiritualist beliefs. They believe as a result that I am destined to hell. This site has provided me with some of the tools I need to counteract the fact that one must go to a 'Christian' church in order to be acceptable to God. Thank you.
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Wales |
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117 |  |  | Sunday April 13, 2008 - 22:20 | I came across this site by chance after a church meeting (which was beautiful), I must say how positive the responses are and I would like to add I think in the world to day there is to much on 'self' and not enough on love and peace, yes I hear your comments but we need to teach the young as these are the next generation, what will the world become if we keep this light and love within the confines of our churches? Bring it into today's culture, take it to them, teach that love and light is for everyone not just for the 'geeks', bring programmes into the schools curriculum of empathy, UPR, let them know its ok to feel upset, hurt, rejected, show them ways to understand these powerful emotions and how to deal with them. A quote from a song stays with me and has had a major impact on my life 'if I dont know how can I teach them' (if he doesn't know how to change how can he teach others). God has given us the tools, we just need to learn to use and switch them on, God bless all.
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Hobart, Tas |
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116 |  |  | Thursday April 10, 2008 - 03:50 | Dear Sir/Madam I found your website very interesting.
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France |
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115 |  |  | Monday April 7, 2008 - 09:30 | Thank you again for these wonderful pages from Winifred Moyes meeting with Zodiac. They help me to lift myself when things seem too much for me to handle. They also give me words to use when others ask me for advice. Thank you. May God Bless us all xxx
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Auckland, North Island New Zealand |
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114 |  |  | Wednesday March 12, 2008 - 09:29 | How I look forward to this site knowing I am being taught by the holy spirit thank you thank you thank you so much for keeping it open...thank you abba father (GOD) for the master (our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ) who made it possible for us promised in the holy book. Sadly most main stream religions do differ and do not acknowledge this belief. The spirit of truth the mentioned many times through out the bible. can you please tell me if I can purchase these books in NZ.The holy spirit guided me to friends who hold weekly circles I was given the Zodiac messages to read on loan I have not been able to buy any books here. God bless you all. Charl
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Easton, Pa U.S.A |
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113 |  |  | Tuesday December 18, 2007 - 02:33 | Dear Brothers in Christ, I've been researching Universal Restoration for the past year and find it very interesting. After being part of a very Judgemental Denomination (Jehovahs Witnesses) and their extreme legalism and dogmatism, this subject is very refreshing. Especially saw the validity in the article by Rev. John Wesley Hanson on the greek word Aion and how it originally had the meaning age-lasting or time indefinite in all its New Testament uses was an eye opener, downloaded a copy of this article. Also recently discovered that their are two greek words for our english word "all" and the one used for all made alive in Christ means everybody in contrast with the other greek word for "all" which is limited to all sorts. In the second century all the main churches taught Universal Salvation except two. May the Love of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you. Brad Mathews.
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Leeds, England |
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112 |  |  | Saturday December 8, 2007 - 22:38 | I was drawn to this site which has been a wonderful and informative experience. I have floated through life with no real destiny untile 6 months ago I was shown my true path and I thank God and all those at the Leeds Sanctury for showing me the way of Love and Light, Bless You All.