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st John, Jersey C.I |
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103 |  |  | Thursday January 25, 2007 - 01:11 | Hi all! What a truly inspiring website. I love and understand it all. I seem to be on this journey which has led me to this web site. I feel my sprit is restless and is eager to help in some way? being loving, compassionate, understanding and committed to Gods work is a gift because it relieves suffering. Which is probably the holy sprit within us guiding us to different ways to look at life and live it in Gods name as did Jesus, Buddha and Krishna. I love the non dogmatic approach of the spiritual teachings, which allows the use of ones freewill which we all have. Commitment to the truth and God's will by following Jesus teachings. Is a fulfilling way to live our lives which in turn is a reward to ourselves. Feeling happy, loving and good. And in turn lifting the sprits of others to help them on there journeys too. We are all one after all, just at differing levels of consciousness. Gloria in Excelsis Deo! To all! Carl.
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Boston, Lincolnshire England |
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102 |  |  | Tuesday January 9, 2007 - 10:43 | God bless all who pass here, may they find the light and love of Spirit as I have done and move into understanding the tuth of the life and meaning of Jesus Christ ~ Arthur
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Location: |
South Lyon, MI USA |
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101 |  |  | Monday January 8, 2007 - 15:27 | I love the site ( and I assume the organization that has developed it). Well Done. Rev. Stephen
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Atco, NJ USA |
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100 |  |  | Wednesday January 3, 2007 - 05:19 | I was wondering where in Jersey your church is as I would love to find a spiritual church that wasn't too far from my town. I have always been told my psychic abilites are bad but I know I am a good person and would like to find a church that understood me.
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Cornwall UK |
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099 |  |  | Tuesday December 26, 2006 - 12:57 | Hi there, Fascinating and informative web-site. As a working Medium, I found much to interest me. Well done on all the hard work which has so obviously gone into the making of it. God Bless!
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Location: |
Sunderland, England |
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098 |  |  | Sunday December 24, 2006 - 19:03 | A beautiful and loving website. God is Love. I love, you love.
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Geelong, Victoria, Australia |
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097 |  |  | Wednesday December 6, 2006 - 04:40 | It is such a pleasure to come aross a web site that is inspiring and thought provoking, It makes no judgments. my one goal in life is to endevour to do no harm, be to others or to one self. I do not alway achieve this, but I try and learn by my mistakes and ask for help by God and my guides. I will be visting this web site again Regard Carol
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Location: |
Aberdeen, United Kingdom |
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096 |  |  | Thursday October 19, 2006 - 17:10 | Hiya great site... Maybe someone can help me.... I am a medium and also a born again christian. My pastor tells me that my medium work is not of God, and this has confused me in a big way... The work I do is good, it heals people and helps them move forward.... Can anyone help me please?? I love my work, but I am being told its wrong and this saddens me... Take Care And God Bless you all Ang xxx